my fox girl

Chapter 118 You Shameless

Chapter 118 You Shameless
Lin Yi really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to bring his girlfriend into a milk tea shop to buy a cup of milk tea for the first time. As for how difficult it was, he didn't want to recall the detailed process.

When the milk tea was ready, Lin Yi put the cup of exotic milk tea that he had bought through so much hard work into a straw, and handed it to Xiao Bai, "Here, take it."

Holding hands and walking out of the shop, Lin Yi asked with a smile as he watched the girl sipping, "How is it? Is this taro ball milk tea delicious?"

Just as Xiaobai was about to speak, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Handsome guy, it's not taro ball milk tea, it's the taro ball bobo handmade pupu milk tea that's delicious and delicious."


Lin Yi ignored it, and quickly pulled Xiaobai away, lowering his voice and saying, "Let's leave quickly, the farther away from this store the better, I feel that there is something wrong with this woman."

After walking away completely, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of the Passion Mango in his hand, and continued to ask: "How is this, it delicious?"

He has already had a shadow on the four words of taro ball milk tea. Even though he is far away from the milk tea shop, he still dare not say those four words, for fear of the woman's voice coming from behind him again.

"Well, it's delicious," Xiaobai nodded, took another sip, and then said softly, "It's just that there are some things in it that can't be sucked."

"The ones that can't be sucked up should be those popping, popping things, you can suck them up if you suck hard."


"This is your first time drinking it." As he said, Lin Yi subconsciously glanced back, and seeing that the milk tea shop was completely out of sight, he continued with confidence: "This is the first time you drink milk tea. Things, still with taro and taro balls, if you like to drink, I will buy it for you every day in the future."

Girls usually like to drink this kind of thing. He has never bought it for this girl before. Speaking of which, he really failed as a boyfriend.

"No, you don't need to buy any more."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being startled: "Why, don't you like drinking?"

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "I really like to drink, but it's so difficult for you to buy this thing, I don't want you to be like this."

She still remembered Lin Yi's expression when she bought milk tea just now. Although she couldn't describe it, she felt that he was in pain.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yi couldn't help sucking his drink, and couldn't tell what he felt. Then he was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the female shop assistant just now was just an example, and we just happened to meet it. Let's go to another place to buy it, and other milk tea shops definitely don't have this advanced configuration."

"Is that saleswoman very high-class?"

"She's not only high-level, she's really the kind that's rare, that's evil, do you understand?"

"Well, I understand." Thinking of the experience just now, Xiaobai nodded his head in agreement with Lin Yi's words, then looked up at the drink in his hand, hesitated, and asked, "Is yours good?"

"Uh, mine is alright, it's fruity." Lin Yi passed the passion mango in his hand forward, "Why don't you try it?"

"Well, thank you." Xiaobai didn't refuse, and reached out to take the passion mango in Lin Yi's hand.

Before Lin Yi could react, he saw that she had put the straw in her mouth, and subconsciously said, "That."

Xiaobai was startled, raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yi looked at the straw, then at the girl's puzzled face, hesitated, and said, "Uh, it's nothing, I just wanted to ask if you like it?"

Xiao Bai shook his head, "I haven't had it yet."

"Then you drink it first, and tell me after you drink it."

"Yeah." Xiaobai took a sip from the straw, his eyes lit up, "It's delicious, and I don't feel like I can't drink it."

"If it tastes good, then I'll drink it for you." Lin Yi scratched his head. It wasn't that he disliked the other party, the main thing was that he could clearly see that Xiao Bai obviously liked his own cup of milk tea more than that cup of milk tea.

"Have you stopped drinking?"

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty."

Xiaobai thought for a while, and passed the milk tea in his hand: "Why don't you drink my cup?"

"That's fine." As he spoke, Lin Yi took the milk tea she handed over, took a sip with the straw in his mouth, then grabbed her little hand, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the movies."


Xiaobai was holding a Passion Mango in his hand, and was led by Lin Yi as he walked forward, bowing his head to take a sip from time to time, and as he walked, he couldn't help frowning.

She felt that she seemed to be missing something, and she always felt that something was not right.

Thinking of this, she looked down at the passion mango in her hand, then put the straw into her mouth, took another sip, and narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly.

Well, it's really delicious.

Lin Yi also had the same thought as her at the moment. He didn't like to drink this kind of milk-flavored drink at first, but the cup in his hand was really delicious.

The movie theater is located at the corner of the fifth floor of the shopping mall, and there are not many people inside at this moment. After all, it is only 02:30, and it is not the time when the movie theater has the largest flow of people.

During the meal just now, Lin Yi had already selected the film and ordered two tickets on his mobile phone.

They went to the ticket machine and took out the tickets. They saw that the movie started on time at three o'clock, and while there was still time, Lin Yi went to the counter to buy two large buckets of popcorn.

After paying the bill, Lin Yi suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at the girl and asked in a low voice, "Xiaobai, do you go to the bathroom?"

"I..." Xiaobai was startled, his little face turned red suddenly, he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't help it, he held back for a long time before whispering: "You, why are you asking this?"

It was the first time she heard him talk about such a private issue, and she was inexplicably uncomfortable.

"The movie we want to watch takes two hours. It's inconvenient to come out before the movie is finished. If you want to go, go there quickly. Don't feel embarrassed."

"I, I won't go."

"Really not?"

Lin Yi was a little skeptical, remembering that this girl didn't seem to have been to the bathroom since she came out of the meal, and she drank so much water
Thinking of this, he subconsciously moved his gaze down.

Sensing his gaze, Xiaobai blushed and glared at him, "You're shameless!"

The voice was a little loud, and it seemed very abrupt in the quiet movie theater. People around all looked over, and Lin Yi instantly became the focus of the audience.

"Uh..." Lin Yi quickly looked away, pulled her away from the area, found a dark corner to sit down, and then explained: "It wasn't that when I saw it just now, don't think about it, just worry You, um, are afraid that holding back like this will affect your body, understand?"

The girl blushed, a little hard to say, and whispered: "I, I didn't hold back."

"It's fine if you don't hold back, come on, hold these things."

As he spoke, Lin Yi stuffed all the popcorn and coke into her arms, and continued: "I'm going to the bathroom, and you just sit obediently. If someone talks to you, just ignore him, do you hear me?"


"Okay, sit down obediently and don't run around, I'll be back soon."

Seeing her nodding, Lin Yi was still a little worried, and told her again before turning around and leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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