my fox girl

Chapter 119 Conflict

Chapter 119 Conflict
Sitting on a chair in the corner, Xiaobai watched Lin Yi turn into the corridor, then looked back at the surrounding environment, and then stopped his gaze on a few claw machines in the distance.

Through the glass, she could see all kinds of dolls inside, but the distance was too far to see what the dolls inside looked like. She wanted to go and have a look, but she remembered Lin Yi's previous advice, so she gave up.

"Beauty, you want to catch dolls, don't you? Let's go, I'll take you to catch some."

The girl was staring at the crane machine dazedly, when a voice suddenly sounded beside her.

She glanced sideways, and saw a tall, thin man staring at her with a playful smile, then turned his face away, pressed down the brim of his hat, and ignored it.

Lin Yi said, don't bother talking to someone.

Seeing this, the tall and thin man sat down on a chair beside him, leaned forward and said, "Beauty, don't be so indifferent, I just saw you and your boyfriend quarreling, where is he now?"

As he said that, he looked around, but he didn't find Lin Yi's figure, and said to himself: "I was scolded by you and ran away, right?"

Seeing that the girl remained silent, the tall and thin man couldn't help confirming his suspicions, and then he leaned forward, and just about to speak, he sniffed again, "Beauty, you smell so good, is this your body fragrance?"

Seeing that the other party still ignored me, the thin and tall man didn't care, and said with a smile: "It's understandable that I just broke up in a bad mood. It's okay, come on, let my brother comfort you, and treat it as a friend."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and wanted to embrace the girl.

Xiao Bai dodges, gives him a cold look, then turns his head away, ignoring him.

"Beauty, what's your name?"

The thin and tall man refused to give up, leaned his body and continued to stretch out his hand, "Don't keep talking, let's make friends, how can we make friends if you don't talk."

Seeing the hand stretched towards his face, the space on the seat was too small, Xiaobai had no choice but to stand up from the chair, and ran to the corridor that Lin Yi had just entered, the popcorn in his arms was scattered due to the bumps. all the way.

Seeing the other party leave, the tall and thin man still did not give up, and trotted all the way into the corridor, reaching out to grab her arm, but was dodged again.

"Why are you running, I just want to"

"What do you want to do?"

A cold voice sounded, the tall and thin figure paused, and then saw a man standing in front of him.

Lin Yi guarded the girl behind him, staring at her coldly: "Let me ask you, what did you just say, what do you want to do?"


The tall and thin man wanted to say something, but when he saw Lin Yi's cold eyes, he immediately held back, his Adam's apple rolled, and subconsciously took a step back, smiling awkwardly.

Lin Yi turned to look at the girl behind him, and asked, "Xiaobai, what is he chasing you for?"

"This man kept talking to me, and I ignored him." Xiaobai stood behind Lin Yi with popcorn in his arms, glanced at the tall and thin man with disgust, and continued, "He still touches me, I can't hide from him." , and then I ran, and he kept chasing after me."

Seeing Lin Yi turning his head to look at him again, the eyes couldn't restrain the anger, the tall and thin man hurriedly explained: "It's all a misunderstanding, I didn't touch it, I really didn't, brother, I was just joking with your girlfriend, don't you mind."

Lin Yi didn't speak, and looked around. This place was right at the door of the bathroom. In the long corridor, apart from a few onlookers in twos and threes, there was a surveillance camera at the corner more than ten meters away.

"Xiaobai, just stand here and don't run around, wait for me for a while." Turning around to instruct, Lin Yi grabbed the tall and thin man by the collar and dragged him into the bathroom.

"Come on, let's go in and talk."

Before the tall and thin man could react, he was dragged in by Lin Yi.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Lin Yi loosened his collar and looked around with satisfaction, "There is no camera here."

Hearing this, the tall and thin man couldn't help being taken aback.

However, the next moment, he understood, Lin Yi punched him hard in the face, he staggered back a few steps, knocked his back against the sink, and before he could fight back, his hair was pulled He stopped, the splitting sensation of scalp and hair was accompanied by severe pain, which made him howl in pain.

"Brother, brother, yes, I have something to say."

"Say your mother!"

As he said that, Lin Yi bumped his knee against his stomach. His tall and thin body, which was about a hundred pounds, couldn't bear it any longer. Retching non-stop.

"just joking?"

Lin Yi kicked him to the ground, then stepped on his hand, crushed it hard several times, his fingers connected to his heart, a piercing pain came from his hand, and the tall and thin man couldn't help screaming.

"Never mind?"

Rolled a few more times.

"Itchy hands, right?"

A few more times.

"Do you still want to touch it?"

Panting heavily, the tall and thin man didn't speak, but just stared at Lin Yi fiercely, feeling that he had lost face, and wanted to get up and make up for it, but after being beaten just now, he knew that he couldn't beat him, so he was entangled.

Seeing this, Lin Yi grabbed his hair and dragged him towards the corner of the wall.

Being grabbed by the hair and dragged away, the tearing sensation from the scalp made the tall and thin man's cheeks twitch with pain, and he let out several screams in succession.

Pushing him against the corner of the wall, Lin Yi leaned down and pressed his face against it, "I ask you, do you still want to touch him?"

At this time, the thin and tall man had completely lost his desire to save face, and a flattering smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Brother, you spared me this time, I, I really didn't touch your girlfriend."

"I ask you, you still."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yi felt he was being held back by someone. Looking back, several spectators in the bathroom surrounded him, some of them dragged him back, and the rest were chattering began to persuade.

"Brother, it's not, it's not, you calm down, don't call the security over again."

"Yes, don't call the security guards here again. There is no surveillance in the bathroom, and there is a fire escape in the corridor. Hurry up, I won't be able to catch you." A man wearing glasses advised him.

"He didn't touch it. Brother, you don't want to make such a big fuss. It won't do you any good to make a fuss at the police station."

"Yes, I know."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin Yi felt that he was pulling his hand away. He didn't care about thanking him, so he went over and kicked him twice, and asked coldly, "Do you want to call the police?"

"Call the police?" The tall and thin man leaned against the corner of the wall, clutching his stomach. He was startled when he heard the words, and then shook his head again and again: "Report, why call the police, it's nothing like this."

"You really don't want to call the police?"

"Well, I really don't report it."

The tall and thin man didn't bother to wipe the nosebleed from Lin Yi's blow, and continued to shake his head knowingly.

He really didn't think about calling the police.

After all, he didn't make sense of this matter, he thought that the other couple had conflicts and broke up, and the man left in anger, and seeing the woman's beauty, he thought of molesting her.

If this kind of situation gets to the police station, the police will probably just persuade the two parties to mediate. If they don’t accept the mediation, both of them will be fined and detained. He has experienced this kind of thing before, and calling the police is not worth the loss. .

"If you don't call the police, then I'm leaving." Lin Yi stood up and washed his hands at the sink, paused, and said, "If there's anything to do, solve it now, don't say I didn't give you a chance, if you want to call the police, report it."

"Brother, I really don't want to call the police."

Lin Yi nodded and didn't speak any more. He took out a tissue to wipe the water stains on his hands, looked at the men around him who had just tried to persuade him to fight, took out the cigarettes from his pocket, scatter them around and said, "Thank you just now. Everyone, come and smoke."

Several people did not refuse to take the cigarettes, and one of the men wearing glasses continued to persuade: "Brother, hurry up, there is the fire escape, go from there."

"Okay, thank you." Seeing that the glasses guy was still giving him some advice, Lin Yi nodded, took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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