my fox girl

Chapter 120

Chapter 120
Seeing Lin Yi coming out of the bathroom, the girl hurried up to meet her and asked, "Are you okay?"

While talking, she glanced into the bathroom a few times. When she was standing at the door just now, she heard screams from inside.

"What can I do?"

Lin Yi blocked her view with his hands, and continued: "This is the men's toilet. Girls are not allowed to look at everything."

Xiaobai nodded, moved his gaze to Lin Yi's body, and looked him up and down. When he saw a few drops of blood stains on his collar, he couldn't help being startled, and asked softly: "The blood here?"

"Don't worry, it's not mine." Lin Yi explained, and glanced at the two buckets of popcorn in her arms. After pouring all the way, it was still full, but now there is only half of the bucket left, and then stretched out his arms Said: "Come on, give me a hug, let's go quickly."

Xiaobai walked forward behind him, and found that this was not the direction to the cinema hall, he hesitated, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Of course I'm running away."

"Run away?" Xiaobai was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Aren't we going to watch the movie?"

"Of course we have to watch it, but we have to change to another one. What we have to do now is to run quickly."

"Why are you running?"

Facing the girl's puzzled gaze, Lin Yi continued to explain to her: "I hit him hard just now, and I beat him pretty badly. He will probably call the police and open the car home to blackmail me. Second, the most important thing is your identity. Well, it will be very troublesome anyway, so we have to run away, understand?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly to express his understanding, hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "Did you beat that person badly?"

"It's okay, but it's his own scum, who made him want to touch you."

Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "He, he didn't touch me."

"I know he didn't touch you, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as beating him up, I have to chop off his dog's paw."

As he said that, Lin Yi looked at the things in his arms, wanted to hold her hand, but couldn't make time, so he could only urge: "Xiaobai, hurry up and come to me, you look like a Little follower."

"I'm not a little follower."

"I didn't say you are, but it's a bit like, come here, let's go side by side."

The two came out from the back door of the mall along the stairs of the fire escape, and took a bus to another movie theater.

Half an hour later, the bus arrived, and the two got off the bus and walked into the cinema.

After picking up the tickets, Lin Yi dragged her to sit down in a corner of the hall and waited to enter. This time, he didn't go to the bathroom to prevent another person who missed his cabbage from appearing.

Holding the popcorn, Xiaobai stuffed it into his mouth from time to time, and looked up at the surrounding environment. Compared with the last movie theater, there were obviously more people here.

There were several huge posters on the wall of the theater, all of which were promotional covers of various movies. After staring at them for a while, she turned to look at Lin Yi and asked, "What movie do we want to watch?"

"It's the one with the gaudy cover." As he spoke, Lin Yi pointed to one of the movie posters, and continued: "The second generation of goblins are lucky in this life. I specially picked this one, especially for you."

When starting from home, Lin Yi did detailed homework. Although the ratings of this movie on the Internet are not high, and many people say that it is a bad movie, after watching the trailer, he found that this thing It's quite attractive, mainly because it's especially suitable for Xiaobai to see.

"Keep the popcorn in and eat it later, the ticket is checked in."


After checking the tickets, they put on two sets of 3D glasses, and the two of them entered the screening room and sat down in the corner of the last row.

Due to the small number of people in the afternoon and the low rating of this film, there were not many audiences in the screening hall, and there were only a dozen people sitting sparsely.

Borrowing the warm light of the movie hall, Xiaobai looked around and looked down again. He seemed to find something and asked in a low voice, "Why are our seats different from the ones in front?"

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, and didn't tell her that the two of them were sitting in the special seat for couples. He simply said, "Your focus is wrong. This is not important. What you should focus on is the plot of the movie."

Xiaobai looked at the white curtain in front of him, "But there's nothing on it."

"The movie hasn't started yet, so of course there's nothing on it."

Xiaobai looked at the 3D glasses in his hand curiously, put them on his face, and continued to ask: "Then what can we start?"

"Look carefully, when the lights go out..."

Before he could finish speaking, all the lights were turned off in a flash, the theater was plunged into darkness, and a picture finally appeared on the huge curtain.

What the movie tells is very simple. It tells the story of a vixen chasing humans and giving them for nothing.

Generally speaking, it is a comedy, the main theme is the interracial love between humans and demons, during which they encounter various hardships and finally achieve results.

As the film begins, the male lead has a blind date with a rich woman because of debts, which is full of burdens, and there are chuckles in the movie theater from time to time.

"Have you seen this woman in white?" Seeing the heroine in the movie, Lin Yi lowered his voice and continued, "She is a vixen just like you."

Xiaobai was startled when he heard the words, and stared at the screen for a while, with some doubts on his face, "Why doesn't she have a tail?"

"I don't know either. It's probably because your breeds are different. Let's look down slowly."

"Oh" Xiaobai looked at the big screen and nodded slightly, suddenly felt his hand being held by Lin Yi, lowered his head to look at it, and asked in a low voice, "Do you still want to hold hands while watching a movie?"

Lin Yi didn't change his expression, "That's not true, but we are sitting in a special seat, it's not normal if we don't hold hands."

Xiaobai frowned, with a bit of doubt on his expression, "Why?"

"No reason."

Lin Yi didn't explain the reason to her in detail, this girl asked too many questions every day, if she answered one, there must be a second one.

They are sitting in the lovers seat, since it is a lovers seat, as the name suggests, it is a seat specially for lovers.

Compared with ordinary seats, this kind of seat has no gaps in the middle, which is very suitable for doing things that couples love to do, such as cuddling and the like.

But at present, there is no way to do too intimate movements, so you can only touch small hands or something, and the couple seat is inherently expensive, if you don't even hold hands, Lin Yi always feels at a loss.

Just like now, I hold her little hand in my hand, knead it twice from time to time, touch the palm of the hand for a while, and knead the fingers for a while, every part is soft, as if there is no bone, and it is still warm , a little addictive.

Feels like it's worth the fare.

(End of this chapter)

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