my fox girl

Chapter 121 Do You Have Hair?

Chapter 121 Do You Have Hair?

Xiaobai was watching the movie, and Lin Yi was holding her hand, causing her to look down and look around from time to time. There were only the two of them in the last row, and the audience in front were also watching the movie seriously, without paying attention at all. to them.

But even so, she still felt a little strange, hesitated, and said, "Do you like playing with my hands?"

"That's right." Lin Yi replied subconsciously, and suddenly reacted, and quickly explained: "You said you can touch it, but please don't play it. I just touch it, not play it. The word "playing" is too much, and I like it." It's right to touch your hand, but that's only part of the reason, you see it's dark inside, don't you feel very insecure?"


"This is your illusion." Lin Yiqiu continued to explain shamelessly, "Because you don't feel safe, so if I hold your hand, you will feel at ease and feel protected. "

Feeling protected?

The girl was startled when she heard the words, and couldn't help thinking about what happened in the afternoon.

Being chased by that man, Lin Yi suddenly appeared to protect himself behind him. Seeing his back at that time, he really felt protected.

I feel warm inside.

Lin Yi saw that she kept her head down and didn't speak for a long time, so she couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking about?"

"No, nothing."

Xiao Bai was a little flustered, for no reason he didn't dare to look at him, his heart was beating violently.

When she found that her hand was held by him, she really felt very at ease.

Obviously, she was very repulsed to hold hands with him before.

But now he began to like the feeling of being held by him.

Because it is really reassuring.

Lin Yi frowned and stared at the girl's small face on the last row of lovers' seats in the theater, but the environment was too dark, he couldn't see the other party's expression clearly, he just felt that the little hand he was holding was Started to sweat profusely.

Then he asked tentatively: "Let's hold hands now, can you feel the special feeling I mentioned earlier, such as the pounding in your heart?"

"No, it's not."

"But your hands are sweating all the time."

"I, I don't."

"Okay, you haven't, let's watch a movie." Lin Yi nodded, and didn't ask her any more, and turned his attention to the big screen again.

Xiaobai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, staring at the movie for a while, and sneaking a peek at Lin Yi from time to time, in the dark, she could clearly see the other side's face.

She found herself becoming a little strange, always wanting to stare at him.

"Student Xiaobai, look quickly, look quickly."

The girl was secretly looking at his face, and when she heard him speak suddenly, the voice was still a little eager, she quickly turned her head to look at the big screen, and then saw the heroine gulping down a bottle of white wine, and then He began to take off his clothes, and said strange things in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, she seemed to think of something, her little face blushed, and she spat softly: "You, you are shameless."

Lin Yi scratched his scalp, a little confused, "No, I just want you to see how she showed her original shape, why are you scolding me?"

"I, I..." Xiaobai opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but hesitated to speak, his face flushed a little.

In the darkness, Lin Yi didn't notice her abnormality, and pointed to the big white fox that the heroine had turned into on the screen, and asked softly, "Xiaobai, can you transform like her?"

Xiaobai stared at the big white fox that was chasing the hero on the screen, hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Yes."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi couldn't help but startled. He was just asking casually, but he didn't expect that this girl could really change.

But looking back carefully, it seems that since I picked up this girl, I haven't seen her in her original form, at most, I only saw her praying for the moon or something.

It is very puzzling.

"When you go home, you can also change into a different one for me to see."

"I don't change."

"Why doesn't it change?" Lin Yi wondered.

"I, I don't want to be naked."

Lin Yi was a little confused, "No, have you become hairless like a fox?"


Seeing her silent for a long time, Lin Yi asked in surprise: "Is it really hairless?"

Xiao Bai glared at him, puffed up his cheeks and said, "Don't talk to me, I don't want to talk to you."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, let's continue to look down."

after awhile.

Lin Yi couldn't hold his breath, turned to look at the girl beside him, hesitated, and couldn't help asking: "Is there not one?"


"But isn't your tail fluffy? Logically speaking, it should be hissing. Don't pinch it."

The movie is still going on, and when it encounters interesting places, the audience in the theater laughs a few times from time to time.

Xiaobai stared at the screen expressionlessly, and when she saw the vixen named Bai Xianchu corner the male protagonist and said she wanted to marry him, and proposed to have a child for him, she couldn't help but glance at Lin Yi.

Now she finally understood why the other party took her to watch this movie, and what she said was very suitable for her.

It turned out that this was the idea.

Thinking of this, she twisted Lin Yi's waist again.

"Hiss..." Lin Yizheng was watching seriously, and suddenly felt pain in his waist, he couldn't help gasping, and turned his face to look at her, with a somewhat surprised expression: "It's so good, why are you pinching me again?"

Xiaobai blushed and spat softly: "Sepi, shameless."

"No, I didn't say anything." Lin Yi was a little confused, and his expression became more and more surprised, "Why are you so shameless?"

"I don't want to talk to you."

"If you don't say it, don't say it. Just don't pinch me." Lin Yi continued to be confused. He found that this girl had been chattering lately, and his brain circuit was so clear that he couldn't figure it out.

However, the little hand he held in his palm started to sweat again, it was warm, he couldn't help pinching it twice, and said softly: "Xiaobai, your hand is sweating again."

"I do not have."

"Really." Lin Yi said with a sincere expression, "Sweaty palms mean your heart is beating faster, and your heart is in a mess right now, I can feel it."

Xiaobai's body froze slightly when he heard the words, and subconsciously withdrew his hand.

"What are you doing, let me touch her again, bah, hold her for a while longer." After saying that, Lin Yi was about to hold her little hand.

"I won't give it to you." Xiaobai hid his hands behind his back and didn't give him anything.

Lin Yi's desire to continue touching his little hand was in vain. After watching the movie for a while, Lin Yi leaned over and asked, "Do you feel panicked?"

"." Xiaobai ignored him, staring at the big screen, his heart was beating wildly, and he was really flustered.

"Do you know what that means?"

"Say, explain what?" Xiao Bai subconsciously said.

Lin Yi coughed a few times, sat up straight like an emotional master, and said shamelessly, "It means you are interested in me."

"You, you are talking nonsense, I didn't." Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, a little at a loss.

Does being flustered mean that you are interested in him?

surely not.

This person must be lying to himself again.

(End of this chapter)

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