my fox girl

Chapter 130 Is Dependence Like Like?

Chapter 130 Is Dependence Like Like?

"Don't be angry, let me explain to you what I'm laughing at." After speaking, Lin Yi got up and walked over, explaining: "The kneeling and licking I'm talking about is not kneeling and licking you."

Xiao Bai turned his head away, "I don't want to hear it."

"Okay, you don't listen." Lin Yi looked down at the white socks on her feet, and said again: "Then you sit on the sofa first, the ground is cold, and then..."

"I don't care about you, I want to go."

"If you don't know the place, where can you go?"

"Do you tube."

"Okay, I don't care, but at least you put your shoes on."

"I don't wear them."

Lin Yi rubbed the center of his brows, seeing her stepping on the ground in socks and still walking towards the door, he had to quickly catch up, hesitated for two seconds, put one hand on her waist, and the other on her legs.


Before Xiaobai could react, he felt his feet lighten, and his whole body was already held in his arms.

"You what you." Lin Yi hugged her in the arms of a princess, "Let me tell you, when I say kneeling and licking, I don't mean to kneel and lick you, but to mean unreservedly good to you. Understand?"

Being held in Lin Yi's arms, the girl seemed a little overwhelmed, panicked in her heart, and didn't even bother to listen to what he had to say.

"You, you put me down."

"Put you down, what if you run away again?"

"I, I won't run."

"Okay, you don't run." Lin Yi agreed, but still didn't put her down, and took advantage of the situation to hug her a little tighter.

The feeling of hugging this girl is exactly as I imagined, it is indeed fragrant and soft.

"Don't move around, be careful not to fall."

"You put me down quickly."

"No." Lin Yi shook his head and explained, "If I put you down, you must run away again."

Xiaobai didn't dare to look at him, leaned his head against his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "I, I really don't want to run, can you let me down?"

"I'm worried, what if you lie to me? You also know that I have bad legs and feet. If you run, I won't be able to catch up with you."

Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, and was taken aback by his ability to tell nonsense with his eyes open, good guy, can you still have some face?

The soft fragrance was in his arms, with a little bit of milky fragrance lingering in his nose, Lin Yi couldn't help tightening his arms and hugging her even tighter.

"You, don't hug him so tightly." Xiaobai blushed and pushed his arm with his hands.

"Don't touch your feet, am I worried that you will fall?"

"You put me down."


Lin Yi carried her back to the sofa, put her on it, sat down beside her, calmed down a little, and then said with a serious face: "You are angry with yourself in the middle of the night. It’s so dark, where can I find you if you get lost?”


"But you are afraid that I will kneel and lick you, right?"

"En." Xiaobai responded softly, lowered her head and twisted her skirt with both hands. She was hugged by him just now, and the strange feeling in her heart still hasn't subsided.

"I told you just now that I don't really want to kneel and lick you, I just want to be nice to you, you know?"


Seeing her nodding slightly, Lin Yi was about to continue talking. He glanced and saw the white socks on her feet. The soles of the originally white socks were already dirty because they had just stepped on the ground. no.

"Take off your socks."


Xiaobai was taken aback, a little unresponsive.

Seeing this, Lin Yi directly stretched out his hand to embrace her curled up legs, and then went to pull the cute little socks on her feet.

Xiao Bai was startled, and subconsciously wanted to pull his foot back.

"Don't move, look at your dirty socks."

Lin Yi held down her leg and pulled off the sock, showing her the bottom of the sock, and touched her bare little feet.

After many days, he felt this smooth and delicate touch again, which made his heart tremble. He resisted the urge to continue touching, let go of his hand and continued: "I told you to put the shoes on, but you just don't listen. Now The soles of your feet are so cold, wait, I'll get you some hot water to soak your feet, otherwise you'll get sick easily."

Soon, Lin Yi brought a basin of hot water from the bathroom, and put the basin beside the sofa, "Come on, put your feet in it, and test whether the temperature of the water is suitable."

Seeing that she didn't respond, Lin Yi simply leaned over and grabbed her feet. Seeing her toes tremble a few times, she seemed to want to twitch back, but he gave up for some reason.

Without thinking about this question, Lin Yi held her foot in the water and tapped it a few times, and asked, "How is it? Is the water temperature right?"

"Yes, it's a little hot."

"How hot is a little hot?"

"A little bit."

"Oh, that's okay, it's because you haven't adapted to the water temperature, and it's more comfortable to soak your feet in higher water temperature."

As he spoke, Lin Yi swiped the water twice, and then pressed her feet into the water, "How is it now, is it still hot?"

"Not hot."

"It's fine if it's not hot." Lin Yi pressed her other foot into the water again, "It's comfortable."


Xiaobai responded softly, and felt a little hot at first, but after getting used to it, he really felt quite comfortable.

"You just need to be comfortable, you just stood on the ground without shoes for a long time, and you caught cold easily.

Although I don't know about whether you fox monsters catch a cold or not, we can take precautions, this is called taking precautions before they happen, what I have taught you before, and planning for a rainy day is the same way..."

Listening to his rambling, Xiao Bai suddenly said, "Lin Yi."

"Well, I'm here."

"Is dependence like liking?"

Lin Yi was startled, raised his head and asked, "Why did you suddenly think of this question?"

Xiao Bai cast his gaze into the water basin, and said softly, "I, I just want to ask."

"That's it"

Lin Yi nodded, stood up and sat down beside her, thought for a moment, and said, "You rely on me because you don't feel safe and even afraid after you come to this world full of human beings.

There are many things here that you haven't seen and don't understand, and you are always worried that your identity will be exposed and you will be in danger.

And I am the only human being who helps you. After getting along with you, you found that I am a good human being, so you slowly let go of your guard against me, and then naturally became dependent on me, is that right? "

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

When he was most afraid of being confused, it was this human being who took him in. He kept helping him, feeding him, hiding his identity, and teaching him a lot of knowledge.

He also said that he would help him return to Qingqiu and give him hope of returning home.

In this world full of human beings, if she hadn't met him at the beginning, she didn't know what would have happened to her.

Maybe it’s like the homeless people seen in the video. They just don’t know anything, and they don’t have ID cards.

It is very likely that I will become like them.

Or maybe, as Lin Yi said at the beginning, he was arrested by the police for research because he exposed his identity.

But no matter what, it will definitely not be better than now.

There is a comfortable big bed, you can take a bath every day, you don't have to worry about being hungry, and there is one person you can rely on.

Does being dependable mean liking?
(End of this chapter)

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