my fox girl

Chapter 131 Reliance is not liking

Chapter 131 Reliance is not liking
Does dependence mean liking?

Lin Yi repeated this question in his heart, and he didn't know how to answer it.

Should I tell the truth and tell her that there is a difference between dependence and liking, or should I fool her and tell her that dependence is liking.

After hesitating for a moment, he gave the answer in his heart: "Your dependence comes from a lack of security and a lack of understanding of the world.

But this kind of dependence is likely to disappear gradually after you fully understand the world and get used to it, that is to say.”

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but paused, and then continued after a moment of silence, his voice becoming lower and lower: "That means you will probably no longer rely on me in the future.

At that time, you will no longer need my help, and you will not follow my ass as a little follower, and you will not ask my opinion on everything, and you will probably choose to leave this house and go to your own Life. "

She would sit on the red armchair in the living room with her legs curled up and play games every day.

There are carnations planted in several flower pots on the balcony, which she waters every day.

There are also pots and pans in the kitchen, where she wears an apron and works like a little wife every day.

This home has left too many traces of her. It has only been more than a month since she moved here, but it seems to have a lot of memories.

"I really want to tell you that being dependent is liking." Looking back, Lin Yi sighed, "But liking is liking, and relying on is relying on. Treat it as liking, because dependence is not liking at all."


Xiaobai felt a little lost for no reason, and a voice sounded in his heart—this is not the answer you want.

"There is no reason. If I tell you that liking is dependence, it is not fair to you, and it is also not fair to me."

Lin Yi gently stroked her head with his hand, the smooth hair slipped between his fingers, and continued to explain: "What I want is your clear liking, not ignorant dependence, let alone muddled thinking Dependence is liking, do you understand?"


Xiaobai opened his mouth, wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, looked away from his face, lowered his head in silence for a long time, and then said softly: "Actually, if you tell me that relying on is liking, you can lie I'll be your girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, she put her gaze back on Lin Yi's face, hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "It's a real girlfriend."

Seeing her serious face, Lin Yi suddenly became happy for some reason, squeezed her small face with his hands, and said with a smile: "What's the point of a cheated girlfriend? What matters in love is willingness, not love." cheat."

"Besides, I suddenly feel that it doesn't matter whether the dependency likes it or not."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi suppressed his smile, and his expression became serious, "The important thing is that through what you just said, I can already confirm that you have a crush on me, so you will definitely like me in the future.

But please hurry up, otherwise you are so cute, I'm afraid that one day I can't help but trick you into bed. "

"Tricked to the bed." Xiaobai opened his eyes slightly when he heard the words, as if he didn't quite react.

"That's right, lie on the bed."

Lin Yi repeated it again, leaned over and took her feet out of the water basin, wiped off the water stains on them with a towel, and then naturally held her little feet in his hands.

Feeling the soft touch, he continued: "After tricking you into the bed, you will have to give birth to me at that time. Let me think about how many we will have, um. At least eight, This number is relatively auspicious."

"Give birth, give birth to eight." Xiaobai's heart trembled when he heard the words, and his little face turned red again, "I won't give birth!"

"If you don't give birth, you won't give birth, don't move around."

The little feet in his hands were wriggling restlessly, the girl in front of her was blushing, her eyes were wide open showing a look of shame and surprise, Lin Yi felt more and more cute the more she looked at it.

Especially the rosy lips are soft at first glance, as if they will melt away at any time, and I want to kiss them.

"You, what are you looking at?"

Lin Yi continued to tease her: "Looking at how cute you are, I was thinking about how to trick you into bed and have a baby."

"I won't give birth to you!" Before he finished speaking, Xiao Bai immediately retorted, and after thinking about it, he quickly added: "I won't let you trick me into bed, absolutely not."

Seeing her swearing appearance, Lin Yi suddenly laughed again, and asked back: "You are so stupid and confused, it is not easy for me to lie to you?"

"I..." Xiaobai opened his mouth, subconsciously wanting to refute, but suddenly felt that what he said was very right, hesitated for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Then, can you not lie to me?"

She was really afraid that one day she would be tricked by Lin Yi into giving birth to him in a daze, or give birth to eight children.

Giving birth to one is very scary, and this person even said that he wants to give birth to eight.

"Okay, I won't lie to you." Lin Yi nodded, gently kneading her little feet with his hands, and continued: "Then please quickly fall in love with me, so that I won't always think about it." Trick you into bed."

Xiaobai looked down at the foot held by him, hesitated for a moment and didn't pull back, suppressed the strangeness in his heart, raised his head and asked in a low voice: "If you like you, won't you trick me into bed?"

"Of course." Lin Yi nodded affirmatively, then suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to tease her: "After you like me, you don't have to lie at that time. When I go to sleep at night, I will lift the bed and see arrive……"

Speaking of this, he paused, and then asked mysteriously: "Guess what I saw?"


"I saw you lying on my bed, crying and yelling that you would be my bed warmer girl."

"You're talking nonsense, I won't be your bed warmer girl!" Xiaobai blushed and pulled her foot out of his hand vigorously.

"All right, all right, you don't know how to be a bed warmer girl, you're shy every day when you're free, how could you say such a thing, it's all in my own mind."

"Come on, bring your feet here, and I'll warm you up for a while."

"I do not want."

Xiaobai blushed and pressed his feet under his body, saying nothing would let him succeed, after thinking about it, he simply got up, put on his slippers, and walked to the bedroom.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help asking: "Where are you going?"

"Don't talk to me, I don't want to talk to you."

"Ignore it, ignore it, think about it when you sleep, if you like it, you like it, it doesn't matter if you go back to Qingqiu or not..."


Before he could finish speaking, the door of the master bedroom slammed shut.

(End of this chapter)

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