my fox girl

Chapter 133 Even if You Disappear, I Still Like You

Chapter 133 Even if You Disappear, I Still Like You

Lin Yi continued to hold on to the door frame, no matter how much she pushed it, he still stood still, "You don't have to like me, but the reason why you don't like me can't be because you want to go back to Qingqiu, it's not fair, it's not good for you It's fair, and it's not fair to me."

"You can dislike me because I'm lazy and don't do housework, or because I talk too much, or because I always tease you, or even because I'm too handsome, you I don’t like it if I don’t feel worthy.”

Hearing this, Xiaobai spat subconsciously, "Bah, who doesn't deserve you, why are you so shameless?"

"I'm just giving you an example, and I didn't say that you really don't deserve me. To be honest, I think we were created in heaven, and it would be a pity if we didn't get married."

"You are shameless!"

Lin Yi was pushed out by her shoulders against her back, and she couldn't see her expression now, but she could guess after thinking about it, it must be a cute face with a blushing face and frowning eyebrows.

"Get out, I'm going to cook."

"Well, don't push, let me turn around, and then let's have a face-to-face exchange, and I'll go out after the exchange,"

"I don't want to communicate with you."

"It's okay, let me tell you, you just listen"

With that said, Lin Yi let go of the hand holding the door frame, turned around suddenly, and then felt something hit his arms.

It caused him to take a few steps back, and subconsciously put his legs against the door frame, so as not to fall down, and then he hugged the thing in his arms with his arms.

Well, it is fragrant and soft when hugged, and it still has heat, and the tip of the nose can smell the familiar body fragrance, it must be Xiaobai.

Realizing this, Lin Yi couldn't help tightening his arms and hugging her tightly.

"You get out"

Xiaobai opened his eyes slightly, but he didn't react. He felt that he was still pushing him hard one second, and he was hugging him in the next second.

Moreover, he hugged him very tightly, with his face pressed against his chest, and he could clearly hear his heartbeat, which was beating very fast.

Bursts of rosin smell entered the tip of the nose.

The girl blushed, her heartbeat started to speed up, her body became inexplicably stiff, and she didn't know where to put her hands.

After a long silence, she finally said in a muffled voice, "You, let me go."

"Don't let it go."

Lin Yi lowered his head slightly and carefully sniffed the scent on her body. The first thing he smelled was the faint scent of shampoo mixed with the hair, and after sniffing carefully, he could smell the scent of milk mixed with her body.

In her arms was her soft body, and there was a burst of heat.

He wrapped his arms around her back and repeated in his mouth: "Don't let go."


"Shh, don't talk, let me ask you, how do you feel now?"

Xiaobai was startled when he heard the words, and wanted to suppress his thumping heartbeat but found that he couldn't do it at all. He wanted to break free from his arms, but his body was a little weak.

Faced with this feeling of powerlessness, she was silent for two seconds, and said, "I want to hit you."

"This is your illusion." Lin Yi pressed his chin against her head lightly, felt the smooth hair, and continued to ask: "Let me ask you, did your heart beat faster, the deer bumped or something?"

"No, no." Xiaobai subconsciously denied it with a flustered expression.

"You're lying, I can feel it."

"Then, that's because I was so angry that I wanted to hit you."

"Then why don't you hit me?"

"I" Xiaobai opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, should he tell him that his body is weak and he can't lift his hands?

"Student Xiaobai, let me tell you that when you hug someone you like, your heartbeat will become very fast. Listen, is my heartbeat fast?"

"En." Hearing the beating heartbeat in his ear, Xiaobai hesitated for a while, and then responded softly.

Lin Yi gently caressed her back with his hands, and he could clearly feel the smoothness and delicateness through the fabric, and continued: "And yours"

"You, don't touch my back." Before Lin Yi finished speaking, Xiao Bai interrupted him.

"Okay." Lin Yi nodded slightly, and hugged her vigorously, "I won't touch her."

Xiaobai put his head in his arms and said in a muffled voice, "I, I'm going to cook, can you let me go?"

"Listen to me and I'll let you go."

"Then, tell me quickly."

"Well, I'll try my best."

A little scent like orchids and musk lingered in his nose. Lin Yi tightened his arms, collected his thoughts, and then slowly said: "I like you, but you dare not respond to my liking, and you are always struggling to get it. The matter of returning to Qingqiu, but why haven't I thought about the things you're struggling with?"

"Every time I think of you always thinking about how to go back to Qingqiu, I panic in my heart. Then I thought, since you want to go back, then I will let you like me, so much that you don't want to go back, I like it so much I don't want to go back.

I know that my thoughts are very selfish, Qingqiu is your hometown, there are too many things that you can't give up, such as your little sister Yu, your Lord Fox God.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if I am also living in such a strange world, I will definitely want to go back.

But I still can't help being selfish, because I like you so much that I want you to choose to stay because you like me. "

Xiao Bai was silent and did not speak, his heart was beating wildly, he didn't know why Lin Yi suddenly wanted to confess this to himself.

Lin Yi hugged her tightly, felt the temperature of her body, thought of something, and sighed softly.

"Sometimes I also wonder, will you go back for no reason like you came here suddenly?"

"If one day I woke up and found that you disappeared from my world without warning, what should I do at this time?
I'm not sure if I can find you after you suddenly disappeared. After all, Qingqiu is too far away from here. It's so far away. It's even just a legend.

I searched for clues about Qingqiu countless times, but I always found nothing, and I couldn't find anything. "

"Xiaobai, do you know?"

"Know, what do you know?"

Lin Yi closed his eyes, carefully smelling the warm smell on her body, then tightened his arms and hugged her even tighter, as if he was afraid that she would disappear suddenly.

"Actually, sometimes I also think that since you are likely to disappear suddenly, and there may be no result between me and you, it is better not to like it. Cut off the pain that may be faced in the future from the source.

But whenever I have this thought of not liking you anymore, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, like a needle prick. I don't know if it's unwillingness or what, but I just feel uncomfortable, and finally I can't help but like you. "

"Like is really a very unreasonable thing, it has nothing to do with your thinking about going back to Qingqiu, it has nothing to do with whether you will disappear suddenly, it has nothing to do with whether you like me or not, I just like you.

I like your cuteness, your innocence, your ignorance, your stupidity, your blushing shyness, of course, I also like your body, I want you"

"You, don't talk to me like that."

"Okay, I won't say it." Lin Yi patted her on the back lightly, narrowed his eyes slightly to enjoy the beauty of this moment, and continued: "I'm not telling you this to force you to let you Like me or something, that's too selfish, I just wanted to tell you."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "Even if you don't like me, and you choose to go back in the end, or disappear suddenly, I still like you, unreasonably like you."

He likes this simple and cute little fox demon.

(End of this chapter)

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