my fox girl

Chapter 134 You Are Watching Me Secretly Again

Chapter 134 You Are Watching Me Secretly Again
There was a long silence in the kitchen, Xiaobai put his head in Lin Yi's arms, blushed and asked in a muffled voice: "You, have you finished?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded lightly, and rambled on for a long time. He had finished what should be said, but he didn't know if the girl listened.

Feeling the warmth of his body, Xiaobai's heart pounded, hesitantly asked: "You, can you let me go now?"

Lin Yi didn't speak. He looked down at the girl in his arms, looked at her slightly flushed side face, smelled her fragrance, and felt the temperature of her body.

Even if you don't do anything, just holding her like this is the most beautiful thing in the world, and I don't want to let go.

Just now I promised her to let her go after she finished speaking, and she couldn't just keep her word.

Besides, having hugged her for so long, he was already very satisfied.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tighten his arms, felt the warmth in his arms for the last time, and then slowly let go.

Realizing that the hand holding him was finally let go, Xiaobai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but for some reason, he felt a little reluctance in his heart, as if he didn't want to leave his embrace.

Realizing this, she took two steps back, raised her head to look at him carefully, and found that Lin Yi was also staring at her. For a moment, her eyes met, and she quickly lowered her head with a blushing face.

Seeing this, Lin Yi suddenly wanted to hold her in his arms again, this girl's shy look is really cute.



"I found that I like you more and more. I want to fall in love with you, but you are always obsessed with going back to Qingqiu. If you figure it out one day, can you tell me?"

"I..." Xiaobai's heart trembled, his head was lowered and his eyes fell on the ground, he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't say anything, he murmured for a long time, and then whispered: "I, I'm going to cook, you go out quickly."

"You do your own thing, I will never bother you."


Xiaobai wanted to reach out to push him, but was worried about being hugged by him again, so he simply ignored him, turned around and walked to the chopping board, picked up the kitchen knife and continued aggressively cutting the unfinished cucumber.

Seeing that she didn't intend to pay attention to him, Lin Yi didn't move closer, leaned on the door frame and thought for a while, "Then you cook, I'm going out."

Xiaobai didn't speak. He lowered his head and put the shredded cucumbers on the plate. Hearing the footsteps behind him gradually receding, he quietly looked back at the door, and then turned back quickly.

He touched his face with his hand, it was warm.

This person is really annoying, why did he wake up so early, and ran over and said so many strange things to himself.

The annoying person came out of the bathroom, glanced into the kitchen, thought about it and didn't go in again.

Sitting on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone and opened the account of Xiaobai who was very skilled in logging in at station B. As soon as he logged in, he saw the private message in the background showing 99+.

It seems that Xiaobai's UP master for more than a month is not in vain, and he still has a fan base.

Taking a closer look at her career as a UP host, she still uploaded videos every day at the beginning, but unfortunately, this high-yielding sow-like state has had little effect.

After all, there are braised chicken, white-cut chicken, and gourd chicken every day. Occasionally, there are some new dishes, and most of them are related to chicken. This thing is really not attractive.

Moreover, Lin Yi was really tired of dubbing every day, so he simply tricked her into taking the high-quality route, and told her that the video was fine and not too much.

Xiaobai didn't doubt it either. From the beginning of uploading one video a day, it has grown to one a week, at most two, and Lin Yi's workload has also been greatly reduced.

The latest video was released five days ago, with over 900 views, over 200 likes, over [-] coins, and over [-] favorites.

There is also the electricity I charged for her, 88 yuan.

This statistic seems bleak, but for a novice UP master like Xiaobai who doesn’t understand anything, it is definitely a very good result.
After all, the videos of her learning to cook are just cooking without showing her face, and she has no technical content. She is really not competitive in front of the big guys in the food court.

And most people open the beep station, either to watch the drama, or to the Two-dimensional girls in the dance area. After watching the girls, they will open the UC browser very skillfully.

It can be seen that Xiaobai still has some potential.

After reading the data in the background, Lin Yi started to watch the video. As soon as he clicked to play, he saw a large barrage of bullet screens.

"Come on, come on, Chicken Eating Maniac."

"Not one chicken ever got out of UP's kitchen alive."

"Look in the front row, what kind of chicken are you going to eat today?"

"It is recommended that the UP master change his name, and there are a hundred ways to call a chicken."

"Come, come, bet in the front row, guess what kind of chicken this time."

"I guess it's not chicken this time, it was braised pork last time."

"The words of the UP master are still so embarrassing."

"Although the UP owner deserves a beating, what does this have to do with my girlfriend who likes the UP owner?"

"What is UP's girlfriend, that's my daughter-in-law."

"Fart, that's my wife."

"After so many years, I still can't get rid of the problem of liking other people's wives."

"Me too."

"I like other people's wives, but I am no different from that thief Cao."

"My wife's hands are still so pretty."

"It turned out to be braised chicken nuggets. My wife is awesome."


Lin Yi looked at the barrage of this group of people expressionlessly, but he didn't feel much about it, he was used to it anyway, and it was just a joke.

Halfway through the video, Xiaobai hummed again. The sound was so low that he couldn't make out what he was singing, but he could vaguely hear something like two tigers loving to dance.

"The last time I hummed it seemed to be waiting for a thousand years, what is it this time?"

"Speak louder, I'm over eighty and can't hear clearly."

"Don't say you're over eighty, I can't hear you when I'm over eighteen."

"Looks like two tigers."

"How did I hear that the little rabbit is obedient?"

After the video finished playing, Lin Yi glanced in the direction of the kitchen. Seeing that the meal was not ready, he simply opened a private message.

There are all kinds of questions in the private messages, most of them are asking about their address, wanting to send warmth to the door, and some are asking Xiaobai if he plans to become a hand model.

After picking out a few private messages and replying one by one, Lin Yi put away his phone and habitually glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

Then he saw half a small head protruding from the door frame of the kitchen, and a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at him furtively again.

Four eyes facing each other.

"You're watching me secretly again."

"I, I don't."

Xiaobai retracted his head subconsciously, stabilized his mind and came out of the kitchen with a basin in his hand. He looked as if nothing had happened, and explained, "I just want to ask you to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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