my fox girl

Chapter 135 You Laugh 1

Chapter 135 You Smile

There is a pot of cold shredded chicken on the table. The chicken legs are shredded by hand, then served with shredded cucumbers, shredded carrots, etc., and finally topped with sauce.

Although the method is very simple, but the taste is very good.

Lin Yi took a sip of porridge, then looked at Xiao Bai who was sitting across from him, seeing her lowering her head and gnawing on a steamed bun, she suddenly felt a little weird.

This girl doesn't know where she learned it recently, she always likes to observe herself secretly.

This happened once or twice. Sometimes when she was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, she went to take a shower, but she didn't come out after the shower.

If it wasn't for the sound every time she opened the door, I might not know it.

Thinking about it again, I usually don't lock the door when I sleep, maybe this girl will open the door of her room in the middle of the night, and then observe secretly.

Although this kind of scene is always reminiscent of ghost movies or something, when it is placed on her, not only does it not feel scary, but it is also quite interesting.

I just don't know what she is observing in secret?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi just wanted to ask, but felt that something was wrong. This girl is very thin-skinned, asking rashly will not only lead to nothing, but also make her feel embarrassed.

Forget it, if she likes to observe secretly, she can observe.

Anyway, this girl has a strange brain circuit, and she is always thinking about some weird things in her little head.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi looked at the girl in front of him again, her cheeks were trembling slightly as she chewed the food, her eyes were habitually squinted into a crescent shape, and she looked very happy.

It seems that she has this expression every time she eats.

Looking at it, Lin Yi suddenly realized a problem.

It seems that after being with her for so long, I have never seen her smile.

Not once.

At most, I just saw her showing such a happy expression.

Sometimes watching comedy movies together makes me very happy, but not only is she dazed, she also looks at herself as if she is mentally retarded.

She doesn't laugh at jokes.

She doesn't smile when watching TV.

She doesn't smile when encountering interesting things.

It's like she can't laugh.

But there are people in the world who can't laugh, bah, are there creatures who can't laugh?
Lin Yi was inexplicably suspicious.

For example, sometimes she would suddenly laugh out of nowhere, and then she would ask herself what she was laughing at, and if it was because of her laughing, she would show a shy expression and forbid herself from laughing.

So what is her joke?
Or is it that a creature like a fox demon has no laughing matter at all?

Thinking of this question, Lin Yi leaned forward and leaned his face to stare at her.

It's very puzzling, can this girl really not know how to laugh?
Seeing this, Xiao Bai couldn't help being startled, subconsciously swallowed the food in his mouth, slightly opened his eyes wide and seemed a little nervous.

What is this person trying to do with his face close to him?
And it's so close.

After a moment of silence, she couldn't help asking: "You, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing." Lin Yi frowned and continued to stare at her, asking quite seriously, "Student Xiaobai, can you laugh?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai was taken aback again. Although he felt that the question asked by this person was mentally retarded, he still nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Since you can, why don't you smile?"

"." Xiaobai frowned and stared at him, not knowing how to answer this question.

I just feel that this person seems to be falling ill again.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Lin Yi pursed his lips and said, "Smile."

"But I don't want to laugh."

"Laugh quickly, I've never seen you smile before." Lin Yi continued to beg.

Xiao Bai frowned and hesitated for a moment, then said, "I can't laugh."

"If you can't laugh, just laugh hard. I'll teach you how to do it very easily." After speaking, Lin Yi looked up at the ceiling, brewing his emotions a little, and then mobilized his five sense organs to show a flamboyant smile.

There was also an exaggerated laugh in his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Don't be dazed, come and learn from me, hahahahaha."

"I..." Xiaobai opened his mouth, frowned, looked at his exaggerated smiling face, heard his exaggerated laughter, hesitated, and asked cautiously, "Are you sick?"

This person is definitely sick. Halfway through the meal, he leaned over and stared at him, and he insisted on laughing. If he couldn't laugh, he laughed by himself.

"Ha..." Lin Yi's laughter stopped abruptly, and he sat back in his seat expressionlessly.

He picked up the bowl and took a few sips of porridge, looked up at her, saw that she was still staring at him with frowns, and coughed a few times: "What are you looking at, eat your meal quickly."

The meal was uneventful, and no one spoke except for a small episode in the middle.

Take your time, don't rush.

Lin Yi comforted himself that one day this girl would make him laugh willingly, and it had to be the hahaha kind.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for the embarrassment I just had.

In the living room, there was the sound of tapping on the keyboard, accompanied by the screams of the monster.

Lin Yi was sitting on the teacher's chair next to Xiaobai playing with her mobile phone, turning her head to look at her and the screen from time to time. She had been playing this cheating game for more than half a month.

The female ghost swordsman called Xiaoxiaobai No. [-] is still not at full level, but this girl has created eight characters, from Xiaoxiaobai No. [-] to Xiaoxiaobai No. [-], all are female ghost swords, the highest is [-] Come level, the lowest ten levels.

As for her dozen or so characters with strange costumes, she has also started to train them to the full level, and now she has started her career of moving bricks.

However, because I was reluctant to spend gold coins to buy equipment to build characters, I couldn't beat the large brick factories, so I could only paint low-level maps. I only moved more than 1000 million gold coins in a busy day. If you convert it, it is about a dozen or 20 yuan.

Fortunately, her main job is to be a UP owner, otherwise it would take several years to pay off the so-called arrears based on this estimate.

Although being a UP host doesn't earn much, Lin Yi will recharge the battery for each video, ranging from dozens to hundreds, plus the amount of playback, and the platform will be removed when the settlement is made in a few days The commission should be around 3000 yuan.

In order to let this girl pay off the debt quickly, Lin Yi did not hesitate to use this kind of coquettish operation of paying for himself.

Lin Yi stared at it for a while, rubbed his eyes, stood up and said, "Play by yourself, I'll go back to my room and sleep for a while, I'm a little sleepy."

I slept on the sofa last night, woke up early this morning, and talked about it for a long time, and now I feel sleepy when I am free.

"En." Xiaobai just responded lightly, and continued to operate his game character in his hand.

"Don't you even have a good afternoon dream or something?"

Lin Yi stood up and asked, seeing that she didn't respond, he didn't care, and went back to his room on his own.

Xiaobai relaxed inexplicably when he heard him walk into the room. Lin Yi sat in front of her and stared at her. She was always worried that Lin Yi would tell herself again that I like you or something.

She didn't know how to deal with it. From last night until now, she was in a mess.

Thinking of this, she glanced back quietly, but couldn't help but startled.

Lin Yizheng was leaning against the door frame and staring at her with a smile. Seeing her looking back, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more obvious, "I knew it, you like to sneak a look at me."

Xiaobai blushed and denied, "I, I didn't!"

 Thanks to Xiaoyaozi Xiaoyaoyou Children's Shoes for the 500 points rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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