my fox girl

Chapter 136 Will you act like a baby?

Chapter 136 Will you act like a baby?
During the Golden Autumn National Day, the weather was fine for several days in a row. It was not until the last day of the holiday that Lin Yi took Xiao Bai to go back to the study.

His small abacus is quite sophisticated, and he made double insurance.

First of all, Lin Yuguo considers himself a cultural person, and he can't do such a thing as beating his son in front of his daughter-in-law.

And the second-hand preparation was the day he picked. Even if Comrade Lao Lin couldn't help but beat him up in front of Xiao Bai, he wouldn't be so cruel. Too hard to affect their work.

in the bus.

Looking at the girl who was looking out of the car window to see the scenery, Lin Yi couldn't help but say, "Student Xiaobai, after we pass by, remember not to let me out of your sight."

Xiaobai was taken aback, then looked back at him, "Why?"

This person is very strange, why can't let him out of my sight, the legs are growing on him, and I can't tie him.

"There is no reason." Lin Yi pinched her little hand, and said quite seriously: "Just remember, if my dad says something to me, come on, let's go to the study to chat, you just drag me I won’t let me leave without saying anything, and I can act like a baby when appropriate.”

Speaking of this, he paused and asked, "Can you act like a baby?"


"It's okay, I'll teach you."

Seeing Xiaobai frowning and staring at him, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and decided to show her a demonstration.

This is also for the sake of his own personal safety. After all, Comrade Lao Lin has accumulated so much anger for so many days, and he might have to kill him.

As for work or something, he would ask himself a sick leave.

"Look carefully." As he spoke, Lin Yi looked around. They were sitting in the last row, and there was no one around, and the passengers in front didn't turn their heads to look at them.

Seeing this, he immediately felt relieved.

If a big man is seen acting like a baby, he will be socially dead. Although he is worried about being beaten, he still wants to show face.

Facing Xiaobai's puzzled gaze, Lin Yi brewed his emotions a little bit, and began to wink and wink.

"Just like me, if you show such a pitiful expression, look at my dad first, and then look at me. It's better to feel shy and timid again. Remember that the tone must be sweet. You should pay attention to it and learn it carefully. I will demonstrate this once."

As he said that, he lowered his head slightly, made a coy look, and continued to demonstrate: "Oh no, don't go, people don't want you to leave."

After the performance, Lin Yi restrained his expression, seeing that Xiaobai's expression was dazed, and the spirit in his beautiful eyes also lost.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but startled, quickly stretched out his hand to support her shoulder, and began to shake gently, "What's the matter with you, wake up, wake up quickly."


Feeling his body being shaken by someone, Xiaobai unconsciously opened his mouth and uttered a simple syllable. Looking at a face close at hand, his dull eyes gradually became brighter.

Facing Lin Yi's concerned eyes, she couldn't help but think of the other party's performance just now, she was silent for a while, and followed her inner decision, and said her true thoughts now, "I think you may be really sick."

She felt that she had a new understanding of Lin Yi again.

The last time this kind of understanding was when he sang, she didn't want to recall exactly how he sang.

But this time, she also didn't want to recall, that indescribable expression and extremely destructive tone of voice had caused a serious psychological shadow on her mind.

She felt like she was going to have nightmares tonight.

"This is your illusion. What do you mean I am sick?" Lin Yi coughed a few times to hide the embarrassment on his face, and continued: "Being like a baby is always like this. I just want to demonstrate it to you. It probably feels like this. Why don't you try it once?"

Xiao Bai opened his eyes slightly, and subconsciously asked, "Is it like what you did just now?"

"Yes, the key point is the expression and the way of speaking. You can freely use the lines, and you don't need to copy mine."

"I don't want it!" Xiaobai's heart trembled when he heard this, his voice was super loud.

Seemingly afraid that Lin Yi would force herself, she repeated, "I..."

Seeing that the passengers in front turned their heads and looked over, and this girl wanted to shout again, Lin Yi quickly covered her mouth with his hand, "Okay, okay, don't, don't shout."


Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, he didn't react, and said sullenly: "Li, Li, shake your hand away."

"What did you say?"

Xiaobai pushed Lin Yi's arm with his hands, and continued to speak vaguely, "Shake it away."

"It's okay to let go, but don't shout."


Seeing her nodding, Lin Yi let go of his hand. Seeing that some passengers in front were still looking this way, he lowered his voice and said, "If you don't want it, you can tell me directly, no need to shout."

Xiaobai looked at him reproachfully, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't want to shout, it was you who made me act like a baby, you, you still covered my mouth."

This guy is so annoying.

"I just want you to learn a useful skill." Lin Yi gently kneaded her little hand, "How can it be a girl who doesn't know how to act like a baby?"

"I don't want to learn."

"Yes, if you don't learn, don't learn." As he spoke, Lin Yi glanced at her rosy lips. When he covered her lips with his hands just now, he felt soft to the touch, like cotton candy.

When she spoke, the hot air gushing on the palm of her hand was also warm, and she didn't know what it felt like to kiss.

I really want to take a bite and see.

Sensing Lin Yi's gaze, Xiao Bai became inexplicably nervous, "You, do you want to cover my mouth again?"

"No, I want to kiss."

"You..." Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes wide, a little caught off guard, his little face blushed quickly, and he turned his head to look at the car window.

My heart was pounding, I was in such a panic, I inexplicably remembered that I secretly kissed him that night.

After half an hour.

When the two got off the bus, Lin Yi turned to look at the girl beside him. Seeing that her face was slightly red and she was pretending to be nonchalant, she suddenly felt like laughing.

This girl is really cute, and the longer I get along with her, the more I feel so.

Sometimes she is stupid, and she believes everything she says, and sometimes she is so smart that even she can't figure out what is going on in her little head.

I like to hum songs while cooking, I like to observe myself secretly, and I like to be arrogant with duplicity.

Obviously he can't lie, but he always likes to speak hard.

Sometimes there are a lot of questions, and weird questions follow one after another.

Sometimes I don't understand anything, and I like to pretend that I understand it.

Probably to be able to pick her up, I have exhausted all the luck in my life.

I really like this treasure little fox demon.

When I first picked her up, I found a tail behind her and planned to call the police.

Then why did you choose to give up?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help turning his head to look at the little fox demon beside him, and walked forward while holding her hand, frowning and lost in thought.

Perhaps it was because of her flustered and fearful eyes that made me feel compassion, or maybe it was because her timid performance was not threatening.

But these should not be the most important.

If it was a male fox demon, no matter how pitiful the other party was, he would call the police without hesitation.

Is that like?
After all, her appearance was too beautiful, and he was so amazed by her that he couldn't even speak.

This is probably love at first sight. Shit!

There's no such thing as love at first sight, it's nothing more than love at first sight.

Realizing this, Lin Yi's eyebrows gradually stretched, feeling the soft and delicate hand in his palm, but he couldn't help but sighed softly.

It turned out that I was just pure lust.

(End of this chapter)

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