my fox girl

Chapter 137 Just Remember

Chapter 137 Just Remember
After realizing his true nature, Lin Yi let out another long sigh, feeling that his glorious tall image collapsed, it seems that what Xiaobai said was right, he was indeed a pervert.

It doesn't matter.

Lin Yiqiang cheered up, isn't love like this?

From the beginning of seeing the sex, she was simply greedy for her body, to the current acquaintance and mutual affection.

Although I am also very greedy now, but more is actually liking her, I want to like her well.

This is the essence of love.

Realizing this, Lin Yi put away his thoughts, turned his head to look at the silent girl beside him, and saw that her little face had returned to fairness, and was no longer as blushing as before.

Looking up again, he saw that the bookstore was already in the distance, he hesitated, and continued to instruct: "Student Xiaobai, you must remember what I told you, do you understand?"

"Know, what do you know?"

"Don't let me out of your sight."

"I don't act like a baby!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't let it go. Remember to adapt to the situation when the time comes. Just don't let my dad drag me away, otherwise you may lose me."

The second floor of the library.

"Why haven't they come yet?"

Lin Yuguo walked back and forth in the living room with his hands behind his back, with an unstoppable anxiety and unconcealed excitement on his face.

My good guy, I was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and I finally got that kid here. The feather duster I bought a long time ago is already so hungry and thirsty.

Just waiting for his son to get home and pull him into the study and close the door before beating him.

Seeing that Yu Shuhui ignored her, Lin Yuguo couldn't help but continued to ask, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you call again and ask?"

"Why are you in a hurry?"

Yu Shuhui sat on the sofa without raising her head, peeling the peanuts calmly in her hands.

"Can I not be in a hurry?" Lin Yuguo pointed to the clock on the wall, and continued: "It seems to be five o'clock now, and it will be dark in a while. What do you think if they don't come?"

"Don't worry, they will definitely come." Yu Shuhui stuffed the peeled peanuts into her mouth, and said with relief: "They called me when they went out, and they should be here soon."

Lin Yuguo nodded, wandered around the living room for a while, then went to the balcony to have a look, turned around and said, "Why don't you call again and ask where they are now?"

"Okay, let me ask for you." Yu Shuhui sighed, patted the peanut crumbs on her hands, and was about to take out her mobile phone, but was stopped by Lin Yuguo.

"Daughter-in-law, don't hit me first."

"Are you sick, are you going to fight or not?"

"No call." Lin Yuguo shook his head, walked in circles in the living room, and explained in his mouth: "I just thought about it, and when you make a phone call, that kid will be suspicious if he doesn't keep it right, which will backfire. , What is this called?

Comrade Lao Lin used several idioms in a row, and then began to ramble: "Daughter-in-law, remember the tactics we arranged in advance. After they come, you find a way to send that girl away. You two are busy with dinner or chatting about the housework. You, then me."

"Stop it, Che Jilu is talking over and over again." Yu Shuhui glanced at him and interrupted his so-called tactics.

She could hear her ears callousing.

When he was on vacation, Lin Yuguo talked about it every day, what about the formation of troops, the soldiers are not tired of deceit, and when they come, what will we do.

This man is sick, thinking every day how to deal with his son.

"Well, I won't say it, anyway, just remember it."

Lin Yuguo continued wandering in the living room, then remembered something, and said, "You said, that girl doesn't have a household registration or an ID card, so she probably doesn't have a job or anything, and the two of them depend on that kid's salary."

"Can you calm down for a while, don't keep dangling in front of my eyes, it makes me dizzy."

"Success, I'm not swaying." Lin Yuguo sat down on the sofa, sucked his teeth, took a sip from the big tea mug on the coffee table, "Don't look at that kid as a teacher sounds very stable, but in a month That four to five thousand salary is enough to support himself, but now he has to support his girlfriend. Do you think his little money is enough for the two of them?

I guess his little deposit has been wiped out a long time ago, and he must still be using some kind of Huabei credit card at the moment, and it can't be fixed."

Speaking of this, he frowned as if thinking of something, suddenly slapped his thigh, startled Yu Shuhui, and cursed: "Lin Yuguo, are you sick?"

"No, no." Lin Yuguo hugged the big tea mug, poured two more mouthfuls, and continued: "I'm just worried about the kid borrowing usury or something like that. That thing comes out of nowhere and returns thirteen times. , There are a lot of people who have been forced to ruin their families by this thing."

"Can you expect them to order better? What kind of usury is there? Do they know which way the usury door is open?"

"Hey, don't you believe it. Recently, I read on the news that the country is cracking down on online loans for campus loans. You don't even need to leave the door to borrow this thing. You can borrow it on your mobile phone, and most of the people who borrow this thing are Student, if you think about it, even students can borrow, wouldn't it be more convenient for him to be a teacher?"

"Is this a usury?" Yu Shuhui wondered.

"Why not?" Lin Yuguo squinted at her, curled his lips and said, "Usually I tell you to watch more news, but if you don't listen to it, you know that every day you go out to play mahjong with Xiao Wang. Look, you don't know anything until now." , ignorance, women's views, what is this called, this is called long hair. Hiss, you let go of my ears."

"Who are you talking about being ignorant and ignorant, a woman's opinion? He has long hair and short knowledge, and I ask you some questions. What do you have to be embarrassed about?" Yu Shuhui tugged at his ears, "The more you talk, the more energetic you are."

"Let go first, I'm talking nonsense." Lin Yuguo tilted his head enduring the pain, and regretted it.

Why do you say that you are mocking your daughter-in-law to death.

"That's what I said just now, don't take it to heart." Seeing that she finally let go, Lin Yuguo hurriedly added, and then rubbed his ears and continued: "In short, after they come later, you can ask them how they live Yes, whether the money is enough to spend or not."

"But I guess it's not enough money, we have to find a reason to help them."

As he said that, Lin Yuguo seemed to think of something, and asked: "Daughter-in-law, why don't you let that girl work in our bookstore, and don't need her to do anything. Let's pay her salary on time a month, just as a help to them. Usually you You can also chat with her or something to get closer."

Listening to Lin Yuguo's rambling, Yu Shuhui nodded again and again, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense.

I began to think about how to talk to the girl about it when they came, first ask her if she has any job, if not, let her work in the bookstore.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a knock on the door. He got up and walked over to open the door. He saw Lin Yi and Xiao Bai standing at the door. Lin Yi was wearing a tight coat and trousers.

As for Xiaobai, he was wearing a sun hat on his head, and his upper body was still wearing a beige knitted jacket. As for his lower body, he was still wearing a skirt, and his legs were exposed outside without wearing anything.

Isn't this girl cold?
(End of this chapter)

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