my fox girl

Chapter 140 Woman, Your Name Is Merciful

Chapter 140 Woman, Your Name Is Merciful
"Come on, put some dark soy sauce to taste, just a little, don't need too much, otherwise the stir-fried dishes will be very dark."


Xiaobai wore an apron and was cooking with a shovel. Yu Shuhui stood beside her and gave her instructions. From time to time, she handed her a bottle of seasoning. When she remembered something, she asked, "What do you usually eat with him at home?"

"Drink porridge and eat rice." Xiaobai continued to move his hands, thought for a while and continued to answer: "There are also noodles, and sometimes dumplings."

Dumplings were something she had learned the last time she came here, but she always felt that the ones she made were not as delicious as those made by Yu Shuhui.

I don't know the reason for this, it's obviously all made according to the method taught by the other party.

It may be that Lin Yi was lazy when he helped chop the stuffing, so the meat stuffing didn't taste so strong.

After thinking about it for a moment, she still blamed Lin Yi for the root of the problem. This person is just lazy.

"Then what do you usually eat with rice?"

Yu Shuhui got to the point, intending to learn about the living standards of the two people in this way.

"There are many, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes, green pepper and potato shreds, and what you taught me, auntie, braised pork, sweet and sour pork ribs and so on." Xiao Bai put the dishes in the pot on the plate and added: "But Chicken is what I usually eat the most.”

"Chicken?" Yu Shuhui was surprised.

"Well, chicken." Xiaobai nodded lightly, and continued: "There are braised chicken, cold shredded chicken, braised chicken legs, white-cut chicken, and cola chicken wings."

Listening to her talking about all kinds of chicken recipes, Yu Shuhui listened quietly and didn't respond, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

Familiar with the practice of so many chickens, I know that I don’t eat less when I think about it. It seems that the living standards of these two people are indeed not high.

Otherwise, I wouldn't eat meat like chicken every day, and I would only eat pork once in a while.

After all, the price of pork has risen wildly once in the past two years, and it has not dropped until now, and the price is still tens of yuan per catty.

In comparison, chicken is much cheaper.

The difficulty of life forced the two young people to learn to live on a budget.

Don't even dare to eat more pork.

Thinking of this, Yu Shuhui couldn't help sighing softly, a subtle emotion rose in her heart, she didn't know whether it was gratification, distress, or both.

Passing over the small bowl containing minced green onion, ginger and garlic, she pursed her lips and asked, "Girl, you don't have a job, do you?"

Although it was a question, Yu Shuhui's tone was determined. After all, she had already reached the result through the analysis just now.

Xiaobai was taken aback when she heard the words. Although she didn't know why she thought she had no job, she still replied seriously, "Auntie, I have a job."

This time it was Yu Shuhui's turn to be startled, and subconsciously asked: "You don't have an ID card, what kind of work can you do?"

"Shooting cooking videos." Speaking of this, Xiaobai hesitated, thinking that moving bricks should also be work, so he added: "There is also moving bricks."

"Moving" Yu Shuhui's eyes widened suddenly, her lips were trembling and she was speechless for a while, her expression was angry with a little disbelief,
Such a beautiful girl, my son had the heart to throw her on the construction site to move bricks.

It's still a black construction site, the kind that doesn't require an ID card.

A picture could not help appearing in her mind, under the sun, Xiao Bai was carrying bricks on the construction site with a group of big men, tired and hot, still...

The sound of the sliding door opening and closing suddenly sounded, and the picture in Yu Shuhui's mind was suddenly interrupted. She looked back subconsciously, her expression froze at first, and then she became more angry.

Lin Yi resisted the pain in his back and opened the door grinning.

Seeing the two people in the kitchen looking back at him, he immediately returned to his expressionless face, pretending to be nonchalant, but his cheeks twitched twice from time to time, which hurt.

After seeing his own mother's ashen face, he couldn't help but startled, and subconsciously asked, "Mom, what are you?"

"Don't call me mom, I'm not your mom!"

Suddenly, Lin Yi choked back what he hadn't finished speaking, a little messy, and always felt that the script didn't seem right.

Why is she angry? I should be the one who is angry, right?

Classmate Xiaobai failed his entrustment, and his own mother also betrayed her and became an accomplice.

As for Comrade Lao Lin, he doesn't talk about martial arts at all.

Come to cheat, come to sneak attack, my little comrade in his 20s.

Is this okay?
This is not good.

In other words, I originally planned to ask the teacher for the crime.

But this
As if realizing something, Lin Yi's eyes widened slightly, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared.

Could it be that she predicted my prediction and knew that I was going to ask for a crime, so she took me into the army as soon as I came in.

Good guy, such a deep calculation, such a ruthless scheme, it messed up my train of thought.

what should i say now
Seeing Lin Yi's skeptical expression, Yu Shuhui's face suddenly darkened, and she asked, "Let me ask you, what does your girlfriend do?"

"Work?" Lin Yi wondered, a little puzzled, didn't quite react, and asked politely what he wanted to do, and what kind of routine was this?
After hesitating for a while, he tentatively replied: "Just, I usually shoot some cooking videos and post them on the Internet."

"I didn't ask you that."

Yu Shuhui waved her hand, and the corner of her eye glanced at the girl beside her. She couldn't help but eased her expression slightly, her voice also calmed down, and continued: "What's the matter with moving bricks?"

"Moving bricks?"

Lin Yi was startled for a moment, but then he realized that the problem should be here. The other party might have misunderstood something, and explained: "It's just to swipe gold coins in the game and exchange them for money. This kind of behavior is like moving bricks."

Speaking of this, he turned his eyes to the girl who was just cooking. This little girl kept calm and kept silent for a long time, as if the whole thing had nothing to do with her.

"Xiaobai, tell yourself, is this the case?"

Xiaobai's hands paused, and he turned to look at Yu Shuhui beside him, and then at Lin Yi who was staring at him eagerly, and nodded slightly: "Well, that's how it is."

Hearing this, Yu Shuhui's expression paused, and she remained silent for two seconds. Her expression changed rapidly, and she changed into a concerned look.

Walking over to Lin Yi, he stretched out his hand and wanted to lift his clothes, "My good son, come on, let mom see, does your back hurt now?"

Since it was a feather duster, the part that was beaten was either the buttocks or the back. Considering that I would have to sit and eat later, it must be the back.

Lin Yi was often beaten by this thing when he was a child, and Yu Shuhui was very experienced in this matter.

"It doesn't hurt."

Lin Yi dodged and glanced at her resentfully. Just now he said she wasn't my mother, but now he put on such a face, it's really faster than turning a book.

O woman, thy name is Merciful.

(End of this chapter)

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