my fox girl

Chapter 141 Shaking and Cold, When Can a Woman Stand Up?

Chapter 141 Shaking and Cold, When Can a Woman Stand Up?
"Mom, there's no need for this. It's not that Xiaobai doesn't have a job. Her job of making videos is quite promising. It's easy and profitable to make a video while cooking."

Facing Lin Yi's words, Yu Shuhui was inexplicably skeptical. She continued to stir-fry the vegetables without stopping, and asked, "Can you make money just by making a cooking video?"

"Of course." Lin Yi asked with a confident look, "Mom, let me ask you, what era is it now?"

Yu Shuhui was startled, and tentatively replied: "The era of technology?"

"Wrong, it's the era of big data!" Lin Yi shook his head seriously, and continued to ask: "Mom, let me ask you again, what is the most important thing in the era of big data?"


"Wrong, it's traffic!"

"Data?" Yu Shuhui was startled again, after careful consideration, it really made sense. Recently, someone called her every day to ask her if she could get a 5G data card.

"What is traffic, traffic is popularity!"

Lin Yi sounded like a master of success, and his emotions were in place, "As long as your video is popular enough and enough people watch it, you will have capital to enter the market, and then they will pay you to help them shoot commercials.

Then you take the money they give you, make better videos, attract more people to watch, you will have more capital to come to you, and you can make more money!

In this way, and so on, step by step, you will become richer than everyone in the end! "

"Understand the applause."

Facing her son's impassioned statement and his behavior like that of a cult leader, Yu Shuhui was stunned for a moment, put the fried vegetables in the pot on the plate, and then frowned and said: "With you Is it so evil? How can I make money by cooking? Why do I not believe it?"

Facing her three consecutive questions, Lin Yi was noncommittal, pursed his lips and said, "Mom, you know from the media, right?"


"Yes, like Pippi Shrimp and Douyin belong to the self-media, and Xiaobai's videos are similar to the self-media." Lin Yi nodded repeatedly, "Mom, don't you usually use these short video software? "

"Scrolling is fine, but can this thing really make money?" Yu Shuhui is still a little skeptical. She has indeed swiped a lot of short videos, but she still doesn't believe that she can make money with these things.

"Look at what you said."

Seeing that she still didn't believe her, Lin Yi spread his hands and asked back: "If you can't make money, what are so many people doing making videos? They are so busy? Or is it just for middle-aged women like you?"

"What about a middle-aged woman?" Yu Shuhui stared, and tapped the edge of the pot with a shovel, "Come on, say the word for female at the back."

"Uh, Mom, don't get me wrong." Lin Yi reacted and waved his hands again and again, and quickly tried to explain, "I mean, a middle-aged woman, a woman, rich, yes, a middle-aged woman who looks very young , yes, that's what I mean."

After finishing speaking, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. As expected, he was still very witty.

Yu Shuhui didn't answer his words, turned her eyes to the girl who had been listening quietly by her side, and asked, "Girl, Auntie asked you, what do you think about working in the bookstore?"

"I..." Xiaobai was taken aback. She didn't know whether to agree to work in the bookstore, so she could only look at Lin Yi.

"You don't have to look at him, you just say what you think."

"Auntie, I." Facing Shuhui's inquiring gaze, Xiaobai hesitated for a while, and said softly, "I don't know."

"You don't know what you mean?" Yu Shuhui was a little puzzled, and her expression became weird unconsciously.

Why is this girl acting like a little daughter-in-law in the old society? She doesn't have any personal will to be pleasing to the eye, and she has to ask Lin Yi for her opinion on everything.

"Mom, if you're like this, let's put this matter aside for now. You can discuss it after we go back and give you an answer then."

Seeing Xiaobai looking at him for help again, Lin Yi hurriedly opened his mouth, but he didn't continue to refuse, but decided to delay it, and stabilize his mother first.

However, he did intend to go back and discuss this matter with Xiaobai and ask her what she thought.

It's just that he still disapproves of Xiaobai working in the bookstore. After all, this girl is a fox demon. She gets along with her parents day and night, so it's easy to reveal her identity.

"I didn't ask you again, why did you interrupt." Yu Shuhui glanced at him, then continued to look at Xiaobai, "Girl, what do you think? Is it possible that you really plan to go back and discuss it with him before you talk about it? Can't you be the master of your own affairs?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly, "Auntie, I'll go back and discuss it with Lin Yi before I tell you."

Seeing the cute little girl, Yu Shuhui sighed, not knowing what kind of ecstasy soup her son had poured into this girl.

I can't even do something like this.

The air is shaking and cold, when will the woman really stand up.

Night fell slowly, and the aroma of food wafted in the living room.

Lin Yuguo finally let out his breath today and seemed very happy. He was still in the study for a long time, thinking about how to ease the relationship with his son, so that the boy would not think about it for a while, and ran to his wife again.

Besides, beating a stick and then giving a sweet date is also the way of education he has always pursued.

But when I went to the dinner table, I watched him and his girlfriend muttering something in a low voice from time to time, picking up a dish, and biting their ears, looking very close.

Can't help swallowing the words again, this kid seemed happier than himself after being beaten, it seems that his sweet dates are completely unnecessary.

Lin Yi took Xiaobai and managed to have another meal with his parents. After the meal, he didn't stay long, got up and said goodbye and went back home.

"Be careful on the road." Yu Shuhui sent the two of them downstairs and gave them instructions as usual.

"Well, we know, Mom, you go back first."

Lin Yi turned around to say hello, then took the girl's little hand and left.

Yu Shuhui watched the figures of the two walk up the pedestrian street, gradually drifting away until they disappeared, and suddenly laughed.

These two people are really suitable, one can't talk too much, and the other can't talk, they are quite complementary.

"What makes you so happy?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law coming back with a smile on her face, Lin Yuguo couldn't help wondering, thought for a while and asked, "Did the girl agree to work in the bookstore?"

"No." Yu Shuhui shook her head, and said with a restrained expression: "They said they would go back and discuss it before telling us."

As she said that, she couldn't help sighing, that girl was good in everything, but she was too soft-tempered, and she obeyed Lin Yi's words. Looking at her posture, she felt that Lin Yi was making up her mind about everything when they were together.

Even though Lin Yi was his son, as a mother, he should take sides with him logically, but seeing the girl's low-browed and pleasing appearance, she always felt unbearable.

I have to talk to her well in the future, and I still have to be tough, or I won't be eaten to death after getting married.

Thinking of this, Yu Shuhui said: "Old Lin, you can find someone to inquire about it during this time, and tell them about the girl's situation, and see if you can entrust her relationship to the last household registration."

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo couldn't help frowning, "But didn't that kid say he's not in a hurry, and wait for two years?"

"What he said is what he said? You should ask someone to find out first. It's the best if you can do it. If you can't do it, you can find a way slowly. You can't just wait."

"Well, that's right, I'll ask someone another day." Lin Yuguo nodded, hesitated and said: "But I guess it's too much, the household registration control has been very strict in the past two years, and people who come out of the mountains can't issue a certificate. Ask first before talking." Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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