my fox girl

Chapter 142 Let Me Comfort You Once

Chapter 142 Let Me Comfort You

The moonlight was cold, Lin Yi took Xiao Bai's hand and walked slowly forward. The night air was slightly cold, and the exposed skin could clearly feel the coolness, which made him shrink his neck unconsciously.

Looking at the girl beside him, he couldn't help asking: "Xiaobai, are your legs cold?"

"It's not cold." Xiaobai shook his head, looked down at his bare legs, raised his head after hesitation and asked, "Do you really want to see me in stockings?"


Lin Yi was taken aback, how could one answer this?

If one answer is not good, the girl may be scolded and criticized again.

After thinking for a moment, he replied cautiously: "Well, I want to see it because I want to see it, but this is only a small part of the reason. I keep letting you wear it mainly because I am afraid that you will be cold. Really, you must believe me."

"Well, I believe you." Xiao Bai nodded slightly.

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi was suddenly moved for some reason, and quickly squeezed her little hand to express his gratitude.

It's rare for this girl to trust herself in this matter, and she usually scolds herself with a blushing face.

Sometimes you have to add a shameless prefix.

The street lamps on both sides of the street stood quietly, and the dim lights illuminated the way home for those who returned home late.

The two of them didn't talk anymore. Xiaobai lowered her head slightly and was held by Lin Yi as she walked forward for a long time. Her eyes kept falling on the shadow of the two holding hands. As she walked, she suddenly said: "If you want to see If so, I, I'll wear it for you when I get back."

The girl's voice was very soft, and it dissipated into the night wind as soon as she uttered it, but Lin Yi still caught the words clearly.

After hearing this, his footsteps could not help but pause, and his pupils also dilated slightly, inexplicably doubting his hearing, and also doubting whether this girl was testing him.

For example, as soon as I nodded and agreed, she would immediately spit and scold: You really are a shameless lecherous critic.

Although this possibility is not high, it is possible to happen.

Under the street lamp, the girl lowered her head, she couldn't see her little face, and she didn't know what expression she had at the moment.

But with the dim light, she could vaguely see the tips of her slightly red ears.

After being silent for a long time, Lin Yi said cautiously: "Xiaobai, your voice just now was too low. I couldn't hear you when I was over eighteen years old. Can you say it again?"

He felt that he should be more cautious.

Hearing this, Xiaobai raised his head to glance at him, then quickly lowered his head again, bit his lips and said, "No, I didn't say anything."

She regretted what she said just now, and her heart was always in turmoil during the long silence. Now she heard Lin Yi say that he didn't hear clearly, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's it"

Lin Yi nodded slightly, thought for a while and said, "That may be my hallucination just now."

"Well, that's how it is." Xiao Bai echoed softly,
All the way in silence, he walked to the bus booth, while waiting for the bus, Lin Yi turned his head to look at the girl who was silent all the way, gently squeezed her little hand, and suddenly said: "Student Xiaobai, after you go back , what style do you plan to wear first for me to see?"

"You..." Xiaobai raised his head suddenly, his beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't react.

Seeing this, Lin Yi held back his smile and looked up at the night sky, "Let's think about it, plus the thick velvet stockings I bought for you recently, you have more than 40 pairs now, right?
There are knee socks, thigh socks, and calf socks, and the colors are either white or black."

Listening to his babbling, Xiao Bai's face gradually turned from fair to red, and his expression also changed from astonishment to embarrassment.

"What do you think of the white knee-high socks?" Lin Yi scratched her palm twice, and continued: "The so-called white knee-high socks, the world"

He didn't notice Xiaobai's reaction, he was still looking up at the sky, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, still chanting words.

"I won't show it to you!" Xiaobai glared at him with a red face, and pulled out his hand angrily.

The sudden increase in the voice attracted several people who were also waiting for the bus in the distance to look sideways, with a look of inquiry in their eyes.

Gossip in my heart is not to show what.

"Cough number one in the world." Lin Yi coughed, and wanted to hold her hand but was avoided, so he could only turn his gaze away as if nothing had happened.


This girl was already thin-skinned, and he insisted on teasing her, so now he didn't even have to hold her little hand.

He got on the bus silently, and walked to the back compartment with Xiao Bai who was also silent, and sat down.

"Where were we talking about?"

Looking at the girl who turned her face to the car window, Lin Yi wanted to rescue her again, hesitated and spoke again, as if nothing had happened, "Oh, yes, that Bai"

"Don't tell me this." Xiaobai was still very angry, this person just hates him.

It was decided that he would not wear anything to show him, nor would he touch his hands.

Thinking of this, she retracted her little hands into her cuffs.

"Uh sheep, Aries." Lin Yi explained bluntly, and changed the topic: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to tell you that I am Aries, and Aries is one of the twelve constellations. Do you understand the constellations?"

"I don't understand." Xiaobai looked out the window, too lazy to look back at him.

The girl's reflection was reflected in the car window, and her slightly swollen cheeks could be clearly seen, which proved her shame and resentment at this time.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, it seems that the matter of wanting to see her wearing stockings can only be mentioned later.

I am very sorry.

"It's okay if you don't understand. Let me explain to you. There are a total of twelve constellations, which are divided into different constellations according to the month of birth. For example, I was born in April, so I am Aries."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, took out his phone from his pocket, opened Baidu, and continued to ask: "Xiaobai, when is your birthday? I'll help you look it up and see what your zodiac sign is."

"I don't know." Xiaobai looked back at him, then turned his head back, his expression was still a little sullen, and he was still a little angry.

"Don't know your own birthday?" Lin Yi couldn't help being startled.

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded slightly, hesitated for a moment, and explained to him: "I was born without parents, and sister Xiaoyu picked me up. I don't know when I was born, sister Xiaoyu do not know either."

Hearing this, Lin Yi fell silent for a moment, stretched out his hand, and stopped motionless in front of her.

"What are you going to do?" Xiaobai glanced at his hand, asked knowingly, and continued to hide his little hand in his cuff.

"Take your hand here."

"No, I won't touch you."

"I don't want to touch, I just want to hold your hand and comfort you."

Hearing this, Xiaobai pursed his lips, hesitatingly stretched out his white and delicate hands from his cuffs, and put them in his hands again.

Lin Yi closed his palms together, and his soft little hands were held again by him.

(End of this chapter)

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