my fox girl

Chapter 143 Damn Feudal Superstition

Chapter 143 Damn Feudal Superstition

Feeling the slightly shaking carriage, Lin Yi gently kneaded the girl's little hand and listened to her tell what happened in another world.

"Sister Xiaoyu said that the night she picked me up was the Moon Festival, and the moon was particularly round, and it was the time when the moon was at its roundest every year."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was startled, and asked back, "Shouldn't it be the Mid-Autumn Festival when the moon is at its fullest?"

"I don't know, Qingqiu doesn't have a festival like Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Did you miss Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but pause, thinking about it carefully, the Mid-Autumn Festival was also called Yuexi in ancient times, and the name Yuexi seems to be older than Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Whether it's Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Eve, the most important thing is that you don't know your own birthday."

Lin Yi used his hands to gather the hair from her sideburns behind her ears, and continued: "If you know your birthday, I can help you celebrate it."


Sensitively capturing this word, Xiao Bai was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "Do you want to celebrate your birthday?"

"Of course." Lin Yi nodded, "In our world, birthdays are celebrated every year."

"How did you celebrate?"

Xiaobai was inexplicably curious. When he was in Qingqiu, he had never heard of anyone celebrating their birthday, and it was celebrated every year.

"On the night of my birthday, there will be a big cake with cream written on it, happy birthday to so and so.

For example, to wish Xiaobai a happy birthday, candles symbolizing your age will be inserted on the cake. If you are 19 years old this year, you will insert nineteen, then blow out the candles and make your birthday wish, well, that’s basically it. "

"Big cake..." Xiao Bai murmured, and couldn't help swallowing, she was always good at finding the key points from a lot of useless and irrelevant words.

Then she looked at Lin Yi, tilted her head slightly, and asked in a low voice, "Is it a big cake?"

"Uh, it's bigger than anything you've ever eaten."

"and then?"

Seeing her fascinated face, Lin Yi couldn't help being happy, and scratched her nose with his finger, "What else is there? The rest is your favorite part, eating the birthday cake."

"But I don't have a birthday."

"It's not that you don't have it, you don't know your own life......"

Seeing her frustrated expression, Lin Yi couldn't help but paused, thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't know your birthday, you just said that the time when sister Xiao Yu picked you up was the Moon Festival.

The eve of the moon is also the Mid-Autumn Festival. We will make this day your birthday in the future. What do you think? "

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded vigorously, but she didn't think there was any problem, and even felt very happy. After all, this day is very commemorative for her, and she can also eat a big cake.

Then she realized something, and couldn't help asking: "Then can I eat a big cake when I celebrate my birthday next year?"

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "You don't have to wait until next year, and there is no rule that you can only eat a big cake on your birthday. We will buy you one tomorrow, a big one, and you can eat it slowly."

Hearing this, Xiaobai thought about it carefully, and asked, "Isn't that a birthday cake where you can write your name with cream and put candles to make a wish?"

"I thought you only heard the word "big cake" just now."

Lin Yi smiled and pinched her soft face twice, and continued: "How about this, it's okay after this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, we'll just give you another birthday."

"Is it still possible to make up for birthdays?" Xiao Bai slightly opened his eyes wide, a little suspicious.

"Of course, I can still lie to you." Lin Yi continued to laugh, but was inexplicably relieved.

This girl is really interesting. Now she doesn't eat like she used to. She just cares about getting a round belly and starts to pay attention to the sense of ritual. She looks more and more like a modern fox demon.

"You wait a moment, I will help you choose a day."

As he said, he turned on the screen of his phone, opened the calendar, glanced twice, and said, "Well...No. The moon is also very round, just like the 12th of August, and it was a Saturday and I happened to be off."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded, inexplicably began to look forward to it, subconsciously squinted his eyes and fell into fantasy, then suddenly remembered something, and asked aloud: "Then if my birthday is the Mid-Autumn Festival, what is my zodiac sign?"

"Wait a minute, I have to look it up for you, I can't remember this stuff." Lin Yi opened Baidu, just glanced at it twice, and frowned.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, which means it is around mid-September in the Gregorian calendar, and mid-September is the fucking Virgo.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing Lin Yi staring at the phone and frowning tightly, Xiao Bai couldn't help but make a sound.

"Oh, it's okay." Lin Yi glanced at her unconsciously, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

It's not because of the personality and fortune of this zodiac sign, he already scoffs at such things, not to mention that Xiaobai's birthday is also fake.

The main reason is that he doesn't know how to speak, this thing is really easy to say.

If you can't go up by yourself, just say, you are a Virgo.

Then this girl must blushed and scolded herself for being lewd again.

Or let her see for herself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi just wanted to pass the phone over, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a line of small characters on the page, and couldn't help but pause when he reached out his hand.

Aries and Virgo are the least compatible, born in the wrong direction, and the future is uncertain?

Nonsense, damn feudal superstition.

Thinking of something, he couldn't help looking at the girl beside him, he wouldn't believe it, but if she saw this kind of words, this girl might really believe this kind of nonsense.

After all, this little fox demon was originally stupid, and had no ability to distinguish speech on the Internet.

At that time, I have to be more entangled in my heart. This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of my strategy by several levels.

Another moment of silence.
"Cough cough..."

Coughing a few times, Lin Yi put the mobile phone into his pocket, gently squeezed the soft and delicate hands in his palms, turned his head to look at the somewhat dazed girl, and asked tentatively: "Student Xiaobai, have you considered switching to another one?" Birthday?"

"Why do you want to change it?" Xiaobai was startled, and then said, "I think this birthday is pretty good."

She likes her birthday very much, it is very commemorative, and she doesn't want to change it at all.

"It's okay, it's okay if you don't want to change it, I just ask casually."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded slightly, and continued to ask: "Then what constellation am I?"

"It doesn't matter what constellation it is, student Xiaobai, let me tell you, the constellation is all fake and has no credibility at all."

Lin Yi held her hand, with a serious face, "And people in our country talk about zodiac signs regardless of horoscopes. For example, my zodiac sign is tiger, which means I belong to the tiger."

"Then what am I?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course you are a fox, and I am a tiger. There is an idiom called a fox pretending to be a tiger, which refers to us."

"Oh." Xiaobai nodded his head half-comprehensively, and asked again: "What do you mean by a fox pretending to be a tiger?"

"It means the fox and the tiger love each other."


Xiaobai was taken aback, feeling that something was wrong, he hesitated and said, "I, I think you seem to be lying to me again."

"No, this is your illusion."


"No, but, come on, we've arrived at the station, get off quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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