my fox girl

Chapter 147 My Grandpa Grows Potatoes

Chapter 147 My Grandpa Grows Potatoes
"Big stone mirror?"

Lin Yi frowned and muttered to himself. The manuscript in his hand was written childishly, with chaotic words and sentences.

But what was written on it still managed to arouse his curiosity.

There is a story about the stone mirror recorded on it.

After Qin Shihuang swept the six kingdoms and unified the world, he once witnessed the painted buildings and pavilions above the sea, misty clouds, leisurely mountains and rivers, and a fairy-like atmosphere during an east tour.

From then on, he firmly believed that there must be fairy mountains overseas, and there are gods on the fairy mountains, and there are fairy medicines in the hands of gods, and fairy medicine can make people live forever.

Therefore, the man with the most power, status, and wealth in the world——Ying Zheng, personally started the great era of great voyages in the Qin Dynasty.

And Xu Fu, who came from the East China Sea, carried the dream of searching for the elixir of life, and went out to sea by boat to find the legendary three overseas mountains-Penglai, Fangzhang, and Yingzhou.

He tried to get the elixir of immortality for Qin Shihuang from the immortals living on Sanxian Mountain.

It's a pity that he went to sea this time, and it took nine years to find the so-called elixir of life, but it was not in vain. He once brought back a huge stone mirror.

No one knows what the stone mirror is for, but Qin Shihuang attached great importance to this stone mirror.

As a result, when burning books and burying Confucianism, countless alchemists who failed to find the medicine were killed, but Xu Fu, who also failed to find the medicine, escaped the fate of being killed because he brought back the stone mirror.

Not only that, Qin Shihuang even personally sent him out to sea again, and sent soldiers to shoot and kill giant fish on the sea for his practice, to show how much he attached importance to it.

But this time when he went to sea, Xu Fu never returned, and there was no news from then on. He arrived at Kumano Pu, Fusang, and settled down there.

"Is it so evil?" Lin Yi scratched his head. As a history teacher, his first reaction to the things recorded above was disbelief.

Good guy, and a huge stone mirror, not to mention the official history, not even the unofficial history.

There is no wild history.

Unofficial history only records that Qin Shihuang once obtained a bronze mirror called a bone mirror, which can illuminate people's internal organs and distinguish between good and evil. If it is used to treat diseases, it may be better than X-rays.

But this is a bronze mirror, not a stone mirror.

Lin Yi scanned the above records again, and couldn't help scratching his head again, the writing of this stuff really looks like that.

I dare not say conclusive words, which make people believe, but at least they are well-founded and logical.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain why Qin Shihuang let Xu Fu alone when he killed so many alchemists who had nothing to gain when he burned books and buried scholars.

But that's not right either.

If there is such a stone mirror, logically speaking, it will definitely be recorded, but why is it not found in historical materials.

This is very puzzling.

Could it be that when the First Emperor burned books and denuded Confucianism, he destroyed all the records about this stone mirror?
Seeing that he couldn't figure it out, Lin Yi put the matter aside for the time being, and planned to talk to the student during his lunch break, and ask him where he got such wild unofficial history.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the student's name in the upper right corner - Li Si.

"Hiss..." Lin Yi gasped, my good guy, did you come up with such a nickname?
It's still a half-cut package with five punishments.


Lunch break, still in the office.

Lin Yi leaned on the back of the chair and tapped the table with his fingers. Looking at the thin boy in school uniform in front of him, he hesitated for a moment before saying, "This, Li, is Li Si?"


The boy named Li Si nodded slightly, with a nervous expression on his face.

Being called into the office by the teacher for no reason, for a student of his age, it would be more or less panicky.

"Don't be nervous, the teacher came to you just to ask you one thing."

With a word of reassurance, Lin Yi leaned forward, picked up the manuscript paper on the table and handed it over, "Is it you who wrote this handed-in homework?"

"Well, I wrote it." Li Si took the manuscript paper, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Teacher, is there any problem with what I wrote?"

"Don't worry, not only is there no problem, the teacher even wants to praise you.

There are about 300 or nearly [-] students in your grade, and you are the only one who writes differently from others, which is very commendable. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi looked at the little boy on the opposite side with a happy expression, paused, and continued: "But the story you wrote about Shi Jing has never been recorded in history, even in wild history. No, the teacher is very curious, where did you find these things, is there any basis?"

"There is evidence, this is what my mother told me."

"Your mother?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then where did your mother know?"

"My mother said she heard it from my grandpa when she was a child."

"Your grandfather?"

Lin Yi wondered, good guy, it seems that such wild unofficial history has a long history, and it belongs to the family.

"Student Li Si, what does your grandfather do? Does he write fantasy novels?"

"No, he grows potatoes and has a huge plantation."

"Wait, since he is a potato grower, how could he know such a rumor that is not found in historical materials, and it is still related to Xu Fu?"

Li Si hesitated, and said: "My grandfather said that he is a descendant of Xu Fu, and these are passed down from generation to generation in the family, so he knows these things."

"The descendant of Xu Fu?" Lin Yi was startled again, and after a long silence, he asked, "Your grandfather's surname is Xu?"

"Not Xu, his surname is Futian."

"Futian? Then your grandfather is a small day..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi came to his senses and quickly changed his words: "Is he a Japanese uncle who lives a good life?"


Seeing him nodding, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Student Li Si, is your grandfather busy? If you have time, can the teacher talk to him?"

The curiosity in his heart has been successfully aroused by this stone mirror, and he really wants to chat with this descendant of Xu Fu who has a good life.

"I don't know if he's busy or not. He's too far away, growing potatoes in Hokkaido. I haven't seen him for many years."

Hokkaido, growing potatoes.

There is an indescribable sense of incompatibility when these two unrelated words are combined.

Lin Yi wanted to ask, why didn't your grandfather grow potatoes in Siberia?

But looking at the bewildered little boy in front of him, he still couldn't ask.

However, maybe the other party's grandfather really learned the technique of planting potatoes from Siberia.

(End of this chapter)

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