my fox girl

Chapter 148 This kind of thing needs to get used to

Chapter 148 This kind of thing needs to get used to
The girl took a deep breath and frowned slightly, "I, I feel a little pain."

"It's your illusion. I haven't put the cotton swab in yet. Why are you hurting?"

"Yes, but I still feel a little pain."

"Be patient, I'll try to be as light as possible."

Xiaobai bit his lip lightly with a patient expression on his face, but didn't continue speaking.

Immediately, Lin Yi carefully inserted the cotton swab into her ear.

Sensing the strangeness in the ear hole, the girl couldn't help but let out a soft hum, her brows furrowed even tighter, and she hurriedly said, "You, take it out quickly."

"You don't move."

Lin Yi held down the girl who was struggling slightly with his hands, and kept moving, explaining in his mouth: "In the beginning, you will not be used to picking out your ears, and it may even hurt a little, but you will feel comfortable after a while."

"Really, really?"

"Of course it's true, but don't move around, and don't talk, otherwise I will be distracted, which will affect my performance, and there may be problems, understand?"


Xiaobai frowned tightly, tears were shining in his autumn-like eyes, but he didn't dare to move, and at the same time, he pressed his lips tightly, resisting to let him do whatever he wanted.

Soon, the cotton swab in his hand went in a little, and there was a slight sense of obstruction in front of him. Lin Yi held his breath and concentrated, and then he moved gently and gently turned.


The girl's expression seemed unnatural, and a blush appeared on her cheeks, and she subconsciously uttered a nasal sound. The voice was soft and waxy, with a rare bit of laziness, and it also showed her unique cuteness.

"Does it still hurt?"


Xiaobai let out another soft nasal sound, then slowly closed his eyes, but did not speak again.

Looking at her blushing face, slightly closed eyes, and slightly trembling eyelashes, although she didn't get a reply, Lin Yi still understood how she was feeling now, and kept moving, continuing to turn the cotton swab in his hand.

After a while, the girl seemed to have gotten used to it gradually, her frowning eyebrows slowly relaxed, and she let out a soft nasal sound from time to time, her little face was flushed, and she leaned softly on her body.

Feeling her soft breath puffing on his neck, it was warm, with an orchid-like fragrance.

Lin Yi was inexplicably distracted, suppressed the impulse in his heart, and continued to gently turn the cotton swab in his hand, "How is it, is it comfortable in your ears?"

Feeling the rumbling sound in his ears, with a somewhat strange feeling, Xiao Bai bit his lip lightly, hesitated for a long time before humming.

The sound is small, very faint, almost inaudible.

It was night outside, and the darkness of the night was in stark contrast to the bright lights in the living room.

Xiao Bai leaned against Lin Yi's shoulder with his eyes closed, and Lin Yi held a cotton swab in his hand and gently twirled it in her ear.

Smelling the looming fragrance on her body, the fragrance of shampoo and shower gel is mixed with a very special, warm and pleasant smell.

"You don't have anything in your ears, why are you itching all of a sudden?"

Lin Yi slowly took the cotton swab out of her ear, took a look, and found that the cotton swab was clean, which seemed a bit surprised.

"I, I don't know." Xiaobai sat up slightly, his little face was still flushed, and the strange feeling in his heart seemed to have not subsided.

"So are your ears still itchy?"

Seeing her shaking her head slightly, Lin Yi threw the cotton swab in the trash can and looked back at her again.

The girl's small face was slightly reddish, and the white nightdress was slightly loose, but it still couldn't hide her exquisite curves.

Bai Shengsheng's calf was exposed, as well as his delicate and small feet.

Under the light, it looks whiter and smoother.

Feeling a little impulsive.

Think again about the warm and soft touch when she leaned on his shoulder just now.

Lin Yi looked at the cotton swab that he had just thrown into the trash can, then closed his eyes, thinking whether he threw the cotton swab a little too early, and he should help her dig it out for a while.

It's really a bit reluctant.

Seeing that he didn't hear his voice again, Xiaobai turned his head to take a look, and found that Lin Yiban was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed as if he was asleep, but his eyebrows stretched from time to time, which proved that he hadn't fallen asleep, but was thinking whats the matter.

"Lin Yi."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Lin Yi opened his eyes, smiled at her, and reached out to help her gather the messy hair from her temples behind her ears.

"I, I've thought about it for the past few days, and I think it's better not to go to work in the bookstore."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, stretched out his tender finger to open the WeChat icon, and continued: "Then Auntie asked how our discussion went in the WeChat group today, but I don't know how to communicate with you." she says."

"It's okay, I'll help you reply...Wait, WeChat group?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi suddenly came to his senses, took out his mobile phone and opened a WeChat group called "Family of Love and Love" to check again, and found that there was indeed no new news in it. He couldn't help being even more surprised, raised his head and continued to ask: "What WeChat group group?"

"This is the WeChat group." Xiaobai swiped twice more, and then handed him the phone screen.

"The husband and wife front alliance?"

Lin Yi stared at the screen and muttered, then looked at the only two group members in the group, then frowned and said, "What do you two want to do with this group?"

"I don't know, it was my aunt who pulled me in, and she often posted some weird articles, some of which I couldn't understand."

"Strange article?" Lin Yi was taken aback, and then he spread his palms, "Bring me your phone and let me have a look."

"Well, here it is."

After picking up the phone, Lin Yi began to swipe the screen. The more he looked at it, the more he frowned. There were quite a lot of news in the group, most of which were various articles and official accounts.

Not surprisingly, all of them were sent by a person named "Hui Zhi Lan Xin" on WeChat.

It's just that the articles she posted always smelled like poisonous chicken soup.

For example, in any relationship, if you can't be obedient to men, you must be independent.

What are the four ways to manage men, and the ten best tricks.

These four things are the most taboo when getting along between couples.

How to be a woman with high emotional intelligence.

What's more shocking, these two foods can cause food poisoning when eaten together, and the circle of friends is crazy!

And what, let's see, the reporter visited the black workshop undercover and discovered the shocking secret that there are traitors who use plastic to make rice. Is everything behind this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature.


The reprinted articles range from the skills of getting along as a couple, to teaching you how to manage men, tips on food matching, and all kinds of weird rumors.

There is everything that one expects to find, and there are many patterns.

Good guy, Lin Yi was shocked.

He really did not expect that a housewife did not study how to play mahjong, but started to study how to brainwash people.

(End of this chapter)

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