my fox girl

Chapter 149

Chapter 149
It's on sale tomorrow.

Recall a little bit, from the end of January this year, to the beginning of April or even the middle of April without knowing it.

More than 70 days.

More than 30 words.

There are more than 3000 but less than [-] collections.

How to put such a result, it always feels too bleak.

Come on, readers of the book, stretch out your legs, I want to write a big miserable word on your legs!

I thought about it, maybe it's because the newcomer is writing a book for the first time, the writing skills, style of writing, and the ability to control the plot are too immature.

In addition, the birth of this book is because I wrote supernatural essays, and I have saved 20 manuscripts but have not passed the review.

Thinking about not being allowed to write about ghosts, then I will write about ghosts.

Don't let the horror, then I will write about love.

And there is no outline.

Yes, you read that right, I don't have an outline.

Sitting in front of the computer every day, the plot is always in my mind. To be honest, sometimes I don’t even know what the follow-up plot is to write.

It is now compiled.

What I rely on is just a faint development thread in my heart, which will cause the plot to sometimes appear too flat, after all, daily texts are difficult to write.

It's really hard to write.

In addition, I have too little sugar.

Really, too little sugar.

However, after Chapter 150, Lin Yi and Su Xiaobai will confirm their relationship.

I will try my best to post sugar in all subsequent chapters.

Really, handsome and lovely readers, you must believe me.

Please look at my sincere eyes. (●ˇ_ˇ●)
It will be available tomorrow.

How can I say my mood, the mood of going to the shelves is heavier than going to the grave.

Nervous, apprehensive, unknown.

After thinking for a long time, let's pull a subscription.

I don't dare to expect too much, after all, our results are too tragic.

Still have to be humble.

The 24-hour first order is based on [-]. If you add [-], I will add one more change, and if you add [-], you will get two more changes, and so on.

Hope it's not too bad.

But no matter how bad the grades are, this book will definitely be finished, and it will definitely have a happy ending.

After all, the eunuch is still unfinished. I am sorry for all the readers who read the book. In addition, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Again, thanks to all my readers who supported me.

Everyone, I'll see you tomorrow when it's on the shelves.

Finally compare your heart.

Love you guys. ()

(End of this chapter)

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