my fox girl

Chapter 154 I'll teach you how to fall in love

Chapter 154 I'll teach you how to fall in love
Outside the window, several flashes of lightning lit up the night sky, rumbling thunder came from far to near, and within a short while, heavy rain poured down.

"There's a saying that goes like this, men are afraid of throwing themselves into your arms, women are afraid of flirting, you see, I'm swaying by your side every day, and if I have nothing to do, I'll come over and say I like you or something."

After speaking, Lin Yi laughed again, gently touched her back, and continued: "Then you finally agreed, and said that you like me and want to be my girlfriend or something. At first, I thought it would take a lot of money." God, but didn't expect it to be so fast.

After all, you are a fox demon from Qingqiu, and it is difficult to change your thoughts and concepts for a while, and you are always thinking about how to return to Qingqiu and the world that belongs to you. "

"Yes, but I don't want to go back now."

The girl raised her reddish face, looked at him pretending to be calm, and asked in a low voice, "Am I your girlfriend now?"

"Yes, you have always been in my heart."

"It's now, it was all fake before."

"Okay, you were pretending before, but now you are real."

Lin Yi looked at her red and swollen eye sockets, and couldn't help feeling distressed, "Don't cry easily from now on, your eyes are swollen like goldfish."

"I, I don't want to cry, but you have to say something that sounds uncomfortable to me."

"I'm sorry, but think about it, without what I said today, it's absolutely impossible for you to say something like 'I like you', even if you say it, it's absolutely impossible for you to say it so early."

With Ruanxiang in his arms, Lin Yi wrapped his arms around her back, smelled the warm breath on her body, narrowed his eyes and continued: "Let me help you analyze your mental journey, you said just now that you don't want to Going back, this shows that you are still a little entangled in your heart, just because of impulse, you threw yourself into my arms.

That's right, you are so thin-skinned, if it weren't for impulsiveness, you wouldn't be like this, and you must miss Qingqiu, after all, you are very lonely in this world, and you don't have friends or anything. "

Xiao Bai rested his head on his chest, listened to the heartbeat in his ears, closed his eyes, and listened quietly to his ramblings.

"The only friendship you got was a little kid Xuanxuan, but she went back to her hometown this year to study in elementary school, and you haven't seen her for several months.

In addition, I am the only person who is with you every day, and I am always thinking about how to lie to you as a daughter-in-law, and treat you softly when nothing happens. After getting along day and night, your psychological defense line will be broken little by little. The balance in my heart also began to tilt towards me, and I finally chose to be my girlfriend. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi carefully sniffed the fragrance in her hair, and asked softly: "I said before that I want to fall in love with you, do you remember that?"


"Do you know what it takes to be in love?"

"I, I don't know."

"Come on, I'll teach you." As he said, Lin Yi held her small face in his hands, looked at her somewhat nervous expression, and slightly leaned over to kiss her forehead.

A kiss is fleeting, without staying too long.

"What do you feel?"

In the silent night, under the soft white light, the girl's delicate face looked a little at a loss, as if she hadn't reacted yet, a flush rose from her delicate and fair neck, ran up her cheeks, and quickly spread behind her ears .

Suppressing her pounding heartbeat, her eyes also seemed a little blurred, "No, I don't feel anything."

"So what?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi moved closer to her face again, touching her soft cheek with his lips.

The soft and elastic little face was a little hot, and at the same time, a faint fragrance penetrated into the tip of his nose, making his heart pound.

A few seconds later, he forced himself to leave. Although he felt reluctant, he was inexplicably relieved.

This girl is too cute, he is afraid that if he kisses him again, he might not be able to suppress his eagerness to move.

Resisting the urge to kiss again, he continued to ask, "How does it feel now?"


Xiaobai unconsciously made a nasal sound, which was soft and soft, and then came back to his senses, lowered his eyes slightly, not daring to look at him, and whispered: "I, I can't say it, it's just that my heart is pounding, There was a sense of panic."

Speaking of this, she raised her eyes, and her bright eyes trembled slightly, as if there were rippling autumn waters, she mustered up her courage and asked: "This, is this a relationship?"

"Yes and no."

Lin Yi raised his hand to push back the hair on her forehead, and then hugged her vigorously, feeling that he really loved this cute and naive little fox demon very much.

Although she said that she was sick not long ago, this did not affect her liking for her in the slightest.

"I was the only one who kissed you just now. This is a one-sided relationship. Now you can kiss me."


Hearing this, the girl's heart trembled, she hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "You, can you close your eyes?"


Knowing that she was shy, Lin Yi closed his eyes lightly, and there seemed to be something buzzing in his ears, and it took him a while to realize that it was his own heart beating.

After a long time, the girl in his arms seemed to move slightly, and then he felt something sticking to his face.

Soft, cool, a bit like jelly, and like glutinous rice dumplings, sticky and sticky.

He still wanted to continue to feel it, but found that she just pecked lightly, and it was as fleeting as a superficial touch.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, and with the help of the soft light, he could clearly see that her fair little face was flushed and hot, like a red lotus flower oozing with heat.

Her tender and tender cheeks were flushed red, as if water was about to drip out, like flower pistils still covered with dew in the morning.

I couldn't help but kissed her on the forehead again, and then said with a smile: "Next time you can kiss longer, or you can kiss on the mouth or something."

Xiaobai didn't make a sound, buried his head in his arms again, rubbed it twice, and continued to wrap his arms around his waist.

Seeing this, Lin Yi smiled again, stroked her back with his hands, and could clearly feel the smooth and delicate touch through the fabric.

"Actually, couples still have a lot to do when they fall in love, and kissing each other is only part of it."

"What else?"

"There's just a little bit of intimacy until you do..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked, "Let me ask you, what is the relationship between me and you now?"

"Love, lovers."

"What should couples do?"

Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, he hesitated for a long time before blushing and said: "Success, get married."

Holding her tightly in his arms, Lin Yi shook his head, "No, the first thing a couple should do is to experience the beauty of being in love a little bit, just like the beauty of hugging each other like us."

Lightning flashed outside the window from time to time, piercing the night sky as bright as day for a while, and then there were several thunderclaps.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the rain became more and more intense, just like the rainy night when I met her a few months ago.

(End of this chapter)

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