my fox girl

Chapter 155 You Can't Whore For Free

Chapter 155 You Can't Whore For Free

"As for the marriage you mentioned, this is the final result of dating and what will happen in the future. In other words, marriage and birth."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but pause when he thought of something, and said: "I'll talk about this topic later, otherwise you should call me a sex critic."

Seemingly aware of what he wanted to say, Xiaobai's heart trembled, suppressed his pounding heartbeat, and asked hesitantly: "You, don't you just want to trick me into giving birth to you?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled and asked back: "Do you want to give birth?"

"I..." Xiaobai opened his mouth, put his head in his arms, and continued in a muffled voice, "I don't want to have a baby. Sister Xiaoyu said that having a baby is a terrible thing."

"Then we won't have a baby."

Hearing her terrified tone, Lin Yi couldn't help but tighten his arms, and felt pity in his heart, "It doesn't matter whether you have children or not, it's up to you."

"Yes, but you didn't say that before."

"What did I say before?" Lin Yi smiled.

Xiaobai blushed and murmured for a long time, then whispered: "You said you were going to have eight, eight, and you asked me if the child I would give birth to would be called a human demon or a monster, and also, there are half-monsters, orcs and so on."

Lin Yi rubbed her head and couldn't help laughing: "You still remember this."

Thinking about it carefully, the discussion about the species of the child happened a few months ago. I remember that the girl was covering her ears and calling herself a pervert.

Looking back now, I have a very subtle feeling for no reason.

"Well, remember." The girl rubbed against his arms like a kitten, and added softly: "I remember every word you said."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's heart trembled suddenly, as if a certain heartstring had been plucked, and his eyes became inexplicably sour.

I wanted to say something, but found that I couldn't say it, as if my throat was blocked.

He could only wrap his arms around her to hold her tighter.

There was a moment of silence in the living room.

Only the crackling of raindrops on the windows, and the occasional thunder.

After a while, Xiao Bai suddenly asked again: "Are we a couple now?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi was startled for a moment, and then asked: "What are you thinking, I was kissed and hugged by you, now I'm wiped out, do you want to admit it?"

"I, I don't."

"Then what do you mean, do you want to prostitute for nothing?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi put on a serious tone: "Let me tell you, this is not going to work, you know?

It's shameful to go whoring for nothing, you can't do this, otherwise, wouldn't I be ruined by you for nothing? "

"You..." Xiaobai's small face flushed, he groaned twice, and said simply: "I don't want to talk to you."

This person is really annoying, obviously he also kisses and hugs me, but now he still says that he ruined him.

"If you don't say it, don't say it."

Lin Yi touched her back, with an unconcealable smile on his face, "Anyway, we are a couple now, you have to admit it."

"I didn't deny it."

"Then you kiss me again, and I will believe you."

Hearing this, Xiao Bai was startled for a moment, then got up from Lin Yi's arms hesitantly, and lightly pecked him on the face again.

"Now, now do you believe it?"

"Believe it, of course I believe you."

Seeing her blushing and shy appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but kiss her on the forehead, and then looked at her red lips, "But I still hope you can kiss my mouth next time."

"I don't want it, I'm going to sleep." Xiaobai put her face in his arms and rubbed it twice, wiped the drool off her forehead, then got up, put on her slippers, and walked to the bedroom.

"You, what are you doing in here?"

Walking into her bedroom, the girl was about to close the door when she turned around and found that Lin Yi had followed her in.

"Of course I came to sleep." Lin Yi wondered.

"Yes, but this is where I sleep."

"I know, but you cried a lot just now, and it was the time when you needed comfort the most, so I wanted to sleep with you, so..."

"I, I don't need your comfort, you go out quickly."

"Don't push it first, you don't have to feel shy or anything, we are a couple, it's normal for couples to sleep together."

Lin Yi pawed at the door frame with her hands, and felt that this scene seemed familiar. It seemed that this kind of thing happened a month ago, but the last time she pushed was her own back.

"But we haven't gotten married yet. We can't do this when we're married. Get out quickly."

"I don't do anything, I just want to hug you and sleep together."

"No, I will have a baby like this, I, I don't want to have a baby."


Lin Yi was taken aback, he found that sometimes he really couldn't keep up with this girl's brain circuit.

He looked at the little fox demon who was pushing him hard, looked at her flushed face, and wondered how this girl knew that he wanted her to have a baby.

He clearly said he wouldn't do anything.

It is very puzzling.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yi still decided to popularize physiological knowledge with her.

"Don't push it yet, I'll give you a physiology class and give you a popular science about the process of giving birth."

"I do not want to hear."

"Don't worry, it's a serious academic discussion, and it's just a general introduction. First of all, you can't give birth just by sleeping together."

"Don't tell me this!"

Seeing Lin Yi's self-conscious opening, the girl's expression was very shy. She wanted to cover her ears, but she couldn't free her hand, so she could only push him away.

"You go out, we can't sleep together, and you just said, I, I can not have children."

Hearing the grievance in her voice, Lin Yi's heart softened for no reason, and he was not in the mood to educate her about physical hygiene, so he subconsciously let go of the door frame that he had been holding tightly.

Immediately, he opened and closed his lips, just as he wanted to comfort her, he felt himself staggering a few times and taking several steps back.

Before he could react, he heard a bang, and the bedroom door was closed.

Then there was a crackling sound.

In just a few seconds, he was locked outside. Lin Yi scratched his scalp, feeling that he didn't understand the situation.

Some confused.

The night is deep.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it didn't mean to stop at all.

Lin Yi lay on his little bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

The memory fragments of being with her during this period kept flashing in my mind, and various pictures began to emerge.

All kinds of emotions can't help rushing to my heart again.

Thinking of this, he simply opened his eyes, put his arms behind his head and looked out the window. It was so dark outside that he couldn't see anything clearly, only the sound of raindrops hitting the glass.

In the distance, a few car horns could be heard faintly, which could not be heard clearly.

Lin Yi shook his head, pulled his numb arm from the back of his head, rubbed the space between his eyebrows, closed his eyes and forced himself to fall asleep.

Outside the window, it was still pouring rain, and the crackling sound was a bit messy.

Like his messy heart.

 Thanks to Xiaozhikang Children's Shoes for the reward of 1500 points.

  Thanks to Qinghuan Children's Shoes for the 100 points.

  Thanks to Chunfeng Zizai Yanghualuo a children's shoes for the 100 points rewarded.

  Thank you for the 100 points that the prodigal son turned back to reward one dollar children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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