my fox girl

Chapter 156 I feel that she is interested in me

Chapter 156 I feel that she is interested in me

the next morning.

The clouds parted and the rain rested, and the sun slanted in through the windows.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, lying on the bed as usual, staring at the ceiling for a while, and then felt that his brain was gradually turning on.


There was the sound of the doorknob being turned.

Hearing the movement, he subconsciously followed the sound, and then saw that the door was opened with a gap.

Afterwards, the girl's little head poked in quietly, with a bit of caution, and then they met each other's eyes.

Lin Yi could clearly see that her expression froze for a moment, her eyes widened slightly, and a blush quickly rose on her little face.



The door was closed again.

Staring at the tightly closed door, Lin Yi was dazed for a moment, not understanding the situation.

What is she trying to do?
Observing in secret again?

With such doubts, Lin Yi came out of the bathroom, saw the busy figure in the kitchen, and walked over again.

Habitually leaning against the door frame, Lin Yi looked at her back, hesitated and asked, "You, do you remember what happened last night?"

Wearing an apron, Xiaobai was cutting tomatoes on the chopping board, when he heard Lin Yi's voice suddenly, he couldn't help but pause, and his body froze slightly.

"What, what?"

"It's my girlfriend." Lin Yi leaned over to look at her delicate side face, and asked inexplicably not confidently: "You are my girlfriend now, my real girlfriend, right?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai turned his face away unnaturally, avoiding Lin Yi's sight, hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly with a blushing face.

Seeing her nodding and admitting, Lin Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then hugged the girl's slender waist from behind, feeling the warmth in her arms, narrowed his eyes and sighed softly, "If you don't admit it, maybe I will think What happened last night was a dream."


Being hugged by him again, Xiaobai became a little at a loss, and then said softly: "You, you let me go first, okay?"

"If you say you like me, I'll let you go."

"I, I like you."

"Well, I like you too." Lin Yi let go of his arms, grinned happily, looked at the girl's blushing little face, and suddenly leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"You're shameless!" Xiao Bai suddenly opened his eyes wide and spit subconsciously.

"You too, you kissed me last night."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the kitchen contentedly, with an uncontrollable joy on his face.

Hearing his footsteps gradually fade away, Xiaobai looked at the half-cut tomatoes on the chopping board, picked up the kitchen knife to continue cutting, and then glanced back at the sofa in the living room.

As if thinking of something, he couldn't help biting his lips, and his face turned even redder.

Even in winter.

The weather is getting colder, and it seems that a heavy snow is brewing.

In a hot pot restaurant near Tianqiao somewhere in Ancheng, the diners in the restaurant were full of voices, and the whole room was filled with heat.

"Why are you calling me out in such a hurry?" Lin Yi picked up a piece of hairy belly with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, staring at the big black-faced man opposite, he urged: "Tell me something, I'll go back early. "

"Don't worry, let me tell you slowly, this matter is more complicated."

"You cut the long story short."

"Success, you wait, buddy, brew it first."

With that said, Yang Ming picked up half a glass of Niulanshan on the table and drank it down in one gulp. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "When did you and your sister-in-law meet?"

"This year's summer." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked, "Why are you asking about this?"

"That's right, I just want to ask how long you have known each other before you get together, or how did you two get together?"

"No, you talk about your business, what are you always talking about on me?"

Lin Yi's expression became more and more strange. This guy called himself out in a panic, and even specially told him to come here alone, saying that there was something very important.

As a result, what does this mean?

Yang Ming scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing where to start, picked up the Niulanshan on the table and filled it up for himself, took it up and drank half a cup, smacked his lips and said, "Do you remember the Li Wan we rescued before?" ?”

"Well, remember, what's the question?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi suddenly came to his senses and asked, "Are you going to chase after him?"

"Uh..." Yang Ming's expression froze.

"You answer yes or no directly, why are you stunned?"

"Listen to me and speak slowly." Yang Ming suppressed his expression, hesitated and said, "I feel it. How should I say it? It's hard to say hiss."

"Okay, let's leave this ink blot slowly, I'm leaving first." After saying that, Lin Yi stood up, as if he was about to leave.

"Hey, don't rush away." Yang Ming grabbed Lin Yi's wrist, "Didn't I want you to give me my staff?"

"What's the staff, tell me quickly."

Sitting back on the seat again, Lin Yi moved his wrist twice, "A big old man is chirping, just talk about it if you have something to do, what are you talking about?"

"Aren't you afraid of making fun of you?"

"No, what can you make me laugh at?"

"Success, I told you, don't laugh." Yang Ming picked up the white wine on the table and clinked glasses with Lin Yi, drank it in one gulp, and said through gritted teeth: "That's the case, I think, Li Wan might be real, Might be really interesting to me."


Lin Yi was stunned, subconsciously looked him up and down, and couldn't help being amused.

"what are you"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of you." Lin Yi repeatedly waved his hands and explained, "I'm happy for you, yes, happy for you."

After finishing speaking, he suppressed his smile and asked, "Come on, tell me, how did you find out that someone is interested in you?"

"Doesn't she live very close to me? Then we always see each other. Every time she sees me, she is very happy. She also treats Brother Yang as the elder brother and Brother Yang as the shortest. During this period of time, she is working part-time in the computer city as a cosplayer." doll."

Speaking of this, Yang Ming gestured and said, "It's just that kind of big bear, which is worn on the body to attract customers."

"You don't need to explain this, I know what you're talking about, so hurry up and get to the point."

"Oh, anyway, she gets off work pretty early as a doll, so she and I always drop by on the way home.

Then she talked and laughed with me along the way, and she didn't hide away like other girls who saw me.

And she would come to my store to find me when she had nothing to do, and she would always bring me some drinks and snacks. "

As he said that, Yang Ming seemed to think of something, and continued: "Also, she also said several times that she would treat me to dinner, but I didn't go, we old men can't let a girl treat me to dinner, dont you agree?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded again and again, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

As the saying goes, there are three major illusions in life, I sing well, I look good, and she likes me.

But whether it is an illusion or not still needs to be analyzed.

(End of this chapter)

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