my fox girl

Chapter 157 You Can't Go Astray

Chapter 157 You Can't Go Astray

"Quickly help me analyze whether she is interested in me."

"Don't worry." Lin Yi took a sip of the white wine, smacked his lips, and then thought about his words before saying: "It's really hard to say, maybe there may or may not be."

"What do you mean may or may not be?" Yang Ming frowned.

"That's right, she must be very grateful to you for saving her before, right?"


Seeing him nodding repeatedly, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Then have you ever thought that she wants to use this method to thank you and repay your kindness, which is commonly known as repaying your kindness."

"Repay the favor with your body?" Yang Ming scratched his head, and said a little unconfidently: "But is it necessary to pay such a high price?"

Lin Yi was silent, feeling that he had nothing to say.

This guy feels good about himself, there's really nothing to say.

"Cough." Coughing a few times, he leaned forward, stared at the black face opposite, and explained cautiously: "I mean, she is very grateful to you, that's why she brought you snacks, Then I thought about inviting you to dinner or something, not a physical promise."

"I've thought about what you said, and that's exactly what I'm worried about." Yang Ming nodded in agreement, and then added: "Don't make it to the end that I misunderstood what he meant, how embarrassing it will be then, you Is that the reason?"

You have misunderstood, okay?

Lin Yi sighed, and followed his words: "Let's assume, just assume, if people really don't mean that to you, what should you do?"

"Looking for you." Yang Ming blurted out without thinking.

What the fuck?

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being startled, subconsciously shrunk his body back, his eyes were full of vigilance, "What do you want to do, let me tell you, I have a girlfriend."

"What you said, if you don't have a girlfriend, why should I look for you?"

"What the hell?" Lin Yi suddenly felt a toothache, good guy, after getting along for so many years, he didn't realize that this guy still has this tendency.

I take you as a buddy, but you want me to pick up soap, what the hell is this kind of tune, what is it called, man?

No, this guy has to let go of his thoughts about himself, and can't just think about how to go astray.

Thinking of this, he picked up the baijiu on the table and drank half a glass, building up his courage, and then tentatively opened his mouth.

"Yang Zi, no, Brother Yang, I know you've had a hard time all these years. You've been single and don't have a girlfriend or something. It's not a problem for Wulong to hold a pillar, right?"

Seeing the other party nodding hesitantly, Lin Yi took another sip of wine, feeling the acrid taste of the alcohol in his mouth, heaved a sigh of relief, and continued: "I also know that these years of single life have made your standards for your partner lower and lower. , from the beautiful big waves at the beginning, to the later ones that are not ugly, and then to the living and talking, and now lead to you... well, meat and vegetables, these buddies can understand."

Having said that, he couldn't help but paused, silent for two seconds, and said: "But we are brothers, we are brothers, no matter what, you can't think about disasters."

"No, what do you mean by that?" Yang Ming frowned, and the more he listened to it, the more unpleasant he became, and asked, "Shouldn't buddies help each other?"

"It's true that you should help each other, but you can't go astray, and you can't go astray as me, this thing"

Lin Yi was in pain, pointed out the window, and advised: "There are plenty of men outside, and there are quite a few married men, can you find them?"

Looking in the direction of Lin Yi's finger, Yang Ming's frown deepened, "But I don't know them, how can I find them?"

"Good guy, you just know each other."

"No, wait a minute." Yang Ming interrupted Lin Yi with a wave of his hand, "Please explain to me first, what does it mean to go astray? What the hell is it to go astray by you? The more I listen, the more I feel wrong.

Don't I just want you to teach me how to chase girls?What do you mean by blah, blah, blah, blah, blah? "


Lin Yi was startled, and then his expression changed quickly, and he put on a smiling face, "Come on, drink and drink, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want."

As he spoke, he picked up the wine glass on the table and clinked it with Yang Ming, and drank it down in one gulp.

Yang Ming picked up the wine glass, hesitated for a moment, then put it down again, "Please explain quickly, what is it?"

He always felt that the other party was saying something very evil, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Come on, let's eat vegetables. Let me tell you, this tripe can't be cooked for too long. It's important to be up and down, just boil it."

Seeing that he wanted to ask again, Lin Yi hurriedly picked up a chopstick and put it in his bowl, then changed the subject: "Let's get down to business, don't you want me to teach you how to chase girls? If you have experience, today I will teach you a series of thirteen tricks, and you should pay attention to taking notes."

"This." Yang Ming looked at the half-baked hairy belly in the bowl, he seemed a little hesitant, nodded hesitantly and said, "Yes, it's important, tell me, I'll listen."

Seeing that the matter was finally covered up, Lin Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, sorted out his thoughts, and said, "You shouldn't be too rigid in chasing girls, you must be flexible and changeable. First, analyze the character of the person you want to chase. As for what?"

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and asked, "Tell me first, do you really like her?"

"Well, hi, I like it." Yang Ming stuttered rarely, thought about it and explained: "Although she is not very beautiful, she is really nice. Her family's conditions are average, and she has to work and study. Earning living expenses is a type of self-improvement, and she is the only one for so many years."

"Is she the only girl who is not afraid of you?" Lin Yi took his words and continued.

"Yeah, that's why I feel like I'm promising, and she's interested in me."

"Let's not discuss whether it's interesting or not." Lin Yi waved his hand and sighed again. This buddy obviously fell into an illusion and couldn't extricate himself.

"Let's talk about how to chase girls. Suppose you like someone, but they are probably only grateful to you, and have never thought about developing a relationship with you. At this time, the first thing you need to do is What is it?"

"Looking for you?"

"Get out!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth, always feeling that this bastard was trying to go astray.

"No, why are you scolding me so politely?" Yang Ming wondered.

"I'm testing you to see how you react."

Lin Yi suppressed his expression, and then explained: "After all, women like to get angry for no reason, and may even scold you for no reason."

"Sister-in-law, too?"

"That's not true. She doesn't know how to swear, and she never even said harsh words to me. At most, she said that I don't want it."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi came to his senses, pursed his lips and said, "Let's not talk about sister-in-law now, but let's talk about how to help you catch up with Li Wan."

"Well, how to chase?"

"This." Lin Yi looked at Yang Ming's fierce black face, which was filled with the words "asking for advice humbly".

Silent for a while.

This kind of thing has to be carefully thought out, and you can't just talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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