my fox girl

Chapter 158 You know how to lick a dog.

Chapter 158 You know how to lick a dog.

In a hot pot restaurant.

Lin Yi and Yang Ming looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. The surroundings were noisy and noisy, but their table fell into a strange silence, and the air was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

After a long while, Lin Yi's eyes fell on the bubbling hot pot, then hesitantly picked up a piece of mutton, stuffed it into his mouth with dipping sauce, chewed it twice, and then commented,
"This mutton has been cooked for too long and is a bit old."

As he said that, he looked at the big black-faced man who was still staring at him, and urged, "Hurry up and eat, why are you staring blankly?"

"No, didn't you say you want to teach me how to chase after Li Wan?" Yang Ming was startled, then hesitated, frowned and asked tentatively, "You, don't you know how to chase?"

"Fart, would I not know?"

Looking at the questioning eyes of the other party, Lin Yi retorted subconsciously, "If I don't know how I caught up with your sister-in-law?"

"Then you said it."

"Don't worry, let's talk while eating."

Lin Yi took the mutton from the pot with chopsticks, thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Well, according to my experience, this, you should not be impatient when chasing a girl, and you must proceed step by step. First of all, you must build trust, that is, let her think you are a good person." ,Do you understand?"

"Well, she already thinks I'm a good person now, what should I do next?"

"The next thing is to get along. Remember, when you get along, you must take the initiative to chat with her, and you can talk about it. In short, you can't be cold, understand?"

"Understood, then what?"

"Then of course it is to find a suitable opportunity to confess to her and express your heart."

"Confession?" Hearing this, Yang Ming seemed a little hesitant, and couldn't help asking: "What if she refuses?"

"Don't be afraid of being rejected." Lin Yi leaned back in his chair, acting like a master of emotion,

"The more you fear being rejected, the more likely you are to be rejected. This is called Murphy's Law. What is Murphy's Law? It means that the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen."

"It makes sense, it makes sense. The law you mentioned is very professional." Yang Ming nodded again and again, deeply convinced, and then remembered something and asked: "Then what should she do if she really refuses?"

"It doesn't matter if you are really rejected." Lin Yi waved his hand, "The so-called success is the mother of failure. In the face of failure, you have to sum up your experience and then continue to confess your love."

"But what if you keep being rejected?"

"Being rejected all the time", Lin Yi sat up straight and said with a serious face: "Attention, this is a very important knowledge point. If you are still unwilling to give up at this time, it means that you have evolved. Become a licking dog, and what you have to do at this time is to learn how to be a licking dog."

"Why do you need to learn to be a licking dog?"

Seeing his surprised face, Lin Yi asked back: "You have never been a dog before, how do you know that you don't need to learn to be a dog licker?"

"This. You're right. I really don't know. I have never done dog licking before." Yang Ming nodded hesitantly, but he still had some concerns in his heart, so he couldn't help asking: "But chasing a girl? Children, we don't want to give up our personal dignity, right?"

"Who told you that you have to give up your personal dignity to be a dog licker?" Lin Yi frowned, and then asked: "If you do this, what is the difference between you and a spare tire?"

Just as Yang Ming wanted to nod, he realized again: "Wait a minute, licking a dog seems to be better than a spare tire, right?"

"Nonsense, you are a computer repairer who knows how to lick a dog, how do you know that licking a dog is not as good as a spare tire?"

Lin Yi asked rhetorically, and then, in the tone of a person who has experienced it, he taught earnestly and earnestly: "First of all, you can't give up your dignity when you lick a dog, and you can even be humble. This is too humble and disgusting, and it will make her look down on you. Therefore, despising you will cause your relationship to be unequal.

And the real dog licking, that is, the dog licking I want to tell you, is to make you care about her, love her, give her a sense of security, and treat her desperately, but it is not just to please her, but to get feedback. It's good to be rewarded, think about it for yourself, if she takes your efforts for granted, is such a girl worthy of your liking? "

"It's not worth it at all."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Lin Yi asked and answered by himself, and then continued: "So, in a relationship, both parties need to work together, instead of one party giving unlimitedly and the other taking it for granted. What's the point, don't talk about it.

To sum up, the dog licking I'm talking about is not what you think is cheap, but affectionate. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi let out a sigh of relief. Seeing that the other party was frowning and lost in thought, he didn't say anything, and continued to fish the mutton in the pot.

I only have such a little experience, so let's do it whether it works or not.

After a long while, Yang Ming's eyebrows relaxed, his expression suddenly brightened, and he picked up the wine glass on the table, "Come on, I didn't say anything, buddy toast you."

He found that it was a correct decision for him to come to Lin Yi today. He didn't expect that there are so many ways to be a licking dog.

I really listened to what you said, and read ten years of books for nothing.

"It's okay, we have nothing to do, this is what buddies should do." Lin Yi waved his hands modestly, not taking credit for himself at all.

As long as this guy doesn't try to go astray.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The atmosphere is also gradually warming up.

"I remember you said before, do you have a relative who works in the household registration office?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi thought for a while, and asked uncertainly, "It seems to be your sister-in-law."

"What sister-in-law is my third uncle's second cousin's younger brother-in-law."

"Wait a minute, how do you recognize relatives like you who can't be touched?" Lin Yi wondered, good guy, is this different from a stranger?

"Don't worry about how I recognize it, do you want me to ask you about registering?"

"Well, I have such an idea." Lin Yi nodded. Although he didn't have much hope, he still had to ask, at least he could have a bottom line in his heart.

Learn about the process of opening an account.

"Actually." Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, stopped his chopsticks and said, "Actually, I did ask you about this matter, but I never told you about it. The main reason is that their attitude is ambiguous. I'm not sure. I'm afraid you will be disappointed. It’s time to have fun.”

"It's okay, you talk about yourself, just talk about the process of registering an account."

Yang Ming nodded, recalled a little, and said: "For orphans like your girlfriend, if you want to register, you need the adoption certificate of the adopter, the proof of residence, and then submit to the approval layer by layer.

If there is no legal adoption certificate, or none of the above, but there is an adopter, then wait until"

"Then how can an orphan who doesn't even have an adopter get a household registration?" Lin Yi couldn't help asking.

"No adopter?" Yang Ming was startled, and subconsciously asked, "Then how did your girlfriend grow up?"

"It was adopted by a female hermit in the mountains, and then..."

Lin Yibalabala recounted his previously fabricated life experience again, and Yang Ming nodded and frowned sometimes.

To sum it up, I just listened in a daze.

 Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by kapok blue children's shoes.

  Thanks to Qinghuan Children's Shoes for the 100 points.

  Thanks to Ling Jiyue Children's Shoes for the 100 points.

  Thanks to Qi Jian Children's Shoes for the 340 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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