my fox girl

Chapter 159 Just One Kiss

Chapter 159 Just One Kiss

"The basic situation is like this. Do you think you can register?"

"You." Yang Ming twitched the corner of his mouth, always feeling that this kind of background was too mysterious.

"Why, there's no way to get on?"

"Don't worry, I remember what he said. If there is an adopter, it will be easier to wait until the census. Like your girlfriend, it should be a homeless child."

As he said that, Yang Ming frowned, thought for a while before saying: "Oh, yes, he also said that there is a way to go to the UNHCR office in our country and register as a stateless person.

In this way, you can get a refugee passport, and then apply for the nationality of our country, get the passport of our country, and then you two get married, and you can apply for settlement after one year. "

"So troublesome?"

Lin Yi was a little dazed when he heard that, he was a refugee and a passport holder.

"Not only that, this method is not only troublesome, but don't expect my relative's ability to find you a relationship, go through a back door or something, after all, it is an international issue, but it is sure to spend money and time, but I feel like this approach would work perfectly for your girlfriend."

Nine p.m.

When the two came out of the hot pot restaurant, they were shocked by the cold, and Lin Yi suddenly felt much clearer.

"I'm going first, you should pay attention to safety on the road."

Feeling the cold wind blowing in front of him, Lin Yi waved his hands behind him, tightened his coat tightly, and breathed a long sigh of relief. Seeing the white mist coming out of his mouth, he sighed in his heart.

Perhaps, it is really winter.

Before I knew it, such a long time had passed.

I remember that when I first picked her up, it was still Xia Tian.

He was not in a hurry to take a taxi, but just paced around slowly, trying to clear his mind by the way.

Refugees, international, passports and so on can only be regarded as the last choice.

This is not to be afraid of trouble.

The main reason is that there are so many institutions, how to go about it is a problem.

He has lived in Ancheng for so long, but he has never heard of a refugee office. He probably has to go to Beijing, but she doesn't have an ID card, so she can't take trains or planes.

You can only drive on the high speed, but if you don't guarantee it well, you will encounter ID card checks.

Therefore, a refugee or something is just Tu Yileer, and if you really want to register, you have to be an adopter.

And if there are adopters, they can take advantage of the census to register for household registration.

So is it possible to find someone to pretend to be Xiaobai's adopter?

Then make up a life experience, maybe this can also give her a hukou.

Then he can marry her.

Legally married.


Hearing the familiar sound of the door opening, the girl who was sitting on the sofa hugging the computer and watching videos couldn't help but tremble in her heart, and her body froze slightly.

Then silently began to count the seconds in my heart.

five four three two one.

"Come on, student Xiaobai, let me hug you."

As soon as the count reached one, Lin Yi's voice sounded on time.

Seeing him walking towards him while taking off his coat, Xiao Bai pursed his lips, a little at a loss.

Since becoming this person's girlfriend, this is the first thing he says every time he goes home, and the first thing he does is definitely hug himself.

I don't know how to deal with it at all.

Throwing the coat he took off onto the sofa, Lin Yi took advantage of the situation and sat down beside her. He just wanted to reach out to hug her, but the other party avoided her.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yi was surprised.

Xiao Bai sniffled, frowned with disgust, "You smell of alcohol all over you."

"It's okay, I won't despise you." As he spoke, Lin Yi leaned over, stretched out his arms to wrap her around her, and then hugged her.

"But I despise you, you stink." Xiao Bai struggled twice in his arms, but was hugged even tighter.

"Don't move around, let me smell you, maybe you are also smelly." Lin Yi held his arms tightly, sniffed lightly between her neck, then narrowed his eyes and said: "Well, it doesn't smell bad at all, it still smells good It smells really good, let me smell it again."

Tickled by his breathing, Xiaobai blushed and muttered softly: "The smell on your body is not good at all."

"Then wait for me to take a shower in a while. It smells delicious. I'll let you smell it when the time comes. You'll definitely like it."

"I wouldn't like it."

"Okay, you don't like it, it's because I like to smell you." Lin Yi smiled lightly, continued to stick to her neck and sniff lightly, closed his eyes and said: "If you like you, you will like to smell you, not to mention that you are already fragrant and sweet Sweet."

Xiaobai felt Lin Yipu's breathing on his neck, turned his head to see how he was sticking to his body and inhaled, pushed him with his hands, and said softly: "You, don't do this, I think it's weird .”

"What's wrong?"

"You, you look like a color batch."

"I was originally a color batch."

Xiaobai moved his lips twice, wanting to say something, but felt that he had nothing to say, this person was getting more and more shameless, and he had nothing to do with him.

After a long while, Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at the girl in his arms, looked at her little red face, slightly trembling eyelashes, and translucent and pink lips, and felt that something was about to move in his heart again.

"You, what are you looking at?"

Seeing that Lin Yi had been staring at him, Xiao Bai subconsciously shifted his gaze to other places and asked pretending to be calm.

"Seeing how cute you are, I want to kiss you."

"I, I don't want you to kiss me, you stink like wine."

"Then just kiss."

Seeing Lin Yi's face getting closer and closer, the girl quickly blushed and closed her eyes.

Comforting myself in my heart, anyway, I have kissed him many times, and it's okay to kiss him again.

Moreover, I and him are lovers. When we fall in love, we should kiss and hug him. In the future, I will...

As soon as he thought of this, a pair of thin lips were already printed on his mouth.

It was cool, with a smell of alcohol, and it didn't smell good at all, but I still felt my heart beating wildly, my head went blank, and I couldn't think of anything.

An indescribable feeling.


Feeling something, she couldn't help making an unconscious nasal sound, and quickly pressed her lips tightly together.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Lin Yi looked at the girl with closed eyes in his arms, and said with a smile, "Your mouth is also sweet."

Xiaobai opened his eyes, breathed slightly, with a shameful expression on his face, "You, you are shameless."

"Why am I shameless?" Lin Yi continued to laugh.

"You kiss my mouth, still, still"

"Still sticking out your tongue?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi glanced at her tightly pursed rosy lips, "But I didn't stick them in just now."

"No, it won't work if you don't stick it in."

"why not?"

"I..." Xiaobai groaned twice, not knowing how to answer, so he simply buried his face in his arms, "I don't want to talk to you."

"If you don't say it, don't say it."

Lin Yi touched her back, and looked at her shy appearance. Her pink cheeks were slightly red, Xin's long neck was as white as jade, and a faint blush surged under her delicate skin.

cute, think
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but kiss her on the cheek.


As soon as a syllable was uttered, it was interrupted.

"I like you."

 Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the highest sequence of children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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