my fox girl

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

In the psychiatric department of the hospital.

The middle-aged doctor in a white coat pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hands, looked at the test sheets and X-rays in his hand, and then looked at the face of the young man opposite him, silent for a long time.

"Doctor, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I can hold on." Lin Yi leaned back on the chair, looking weak.

As soon as I entered the hospital, I had brain CT and MRI again, and I didn't have a tumor in my head. As for such a big battle?

"That's it. I see that your test sheets and films show that everything is normal, and there are no tumors or shadow areas. Why don't you tell me the specifics yourself?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi sat up straight, stared at the other party, thought about his words and said: "It's like this, in my memory, my parents once knew a woman, and that woman was a widow, but when I told them When they mentioned this widow, they had no impression at all, so they thought I was sick, but in fact I was not sick, doctor, can you understand me?"

"En." Zhou Hongming nodded and asked, "Where does the widow you mentioned live, what does she look like, what is her name, do you have any impression of her age and specific information?"

"Is this important?"

"Of course, I need to use your description to judge whether she really exists, and then rule out that this so-called widow is not something you imagined, or fabricated out of thin air."

Speaking of this, Zhou Hongming pushed his glasses again, "If she is really imagined by you, and you still believe in it, then the situation will be much more complicated. It may be that you have mental problems and memory problems. There is a disorder, of course, there is a possibility."

"What is possible?"

Seeing Lin Yi's nervous expression, Zhou Hongming waved his hands to comfort him and said, "Don't worry, if this is really the case, your situation will be much better."

As he spoke, he leaned forward, and then explained, "The possibility I'm talking about is that your view of choosing a mate is more inclined to widows. In other words, because you like widows, you just imagined such a woman widow."

Lin Yi was silent for a while, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a complicated expression, and asked, "Doctor, don't you think that if I like a widow, this situation is more serious than my mental problem?"

"Mr. Lin, first of all, let's make it clear that everyone's views on mate selection or inclinations stem from their own aesthetics, and may also stem from various complexes, which are subconscious or unconscious behaviors."

When it comes to academic issues, Zhou Hongming's expression is quite serious, and then he changed the subject and said: "Of course, some of these complexes will be very serious, which has already constituted a mental illness, such as Electra, brother and so on. , but liking widows is not serious, at most it is a quirk, it does not constitute a mental illness, and does not require treatment, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Faced with the other party's long-winded speech, Lin Yi nodded helplessly, but still insisted on his point of view: "However, I still feel that I am more willing to accept that I am mentally ill than liking a widow."

"Mr. Lin, don't you think there is something wrong with your answer?"

"What's the problem?" Lin Yi frowned, and asked back: "Do you have to tell me that I would rather like a widow?"

"No, Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong, I don't mean this."

Zhou Hongming pushed his glasses, then picked up a pen and wrote something on the paper, then looked up and explained: "If he is a normal person, he will answer and insist that this widow is real. After all, in this way, you can Prove he's neither mentally ill nor fond of widows, and you"

Having said that, he stopped talking, then lowered his head to record in the medical record.

Hearing this, Lin Yi's expression froze, and he was inexplicably not confident, and even began to doubt for a moment whether he was really normal.

He looked up at the doctor opposite, his expression became complicated again.

Sure enough, in a place like a mental hospital, even if you don't get sick, you will come out sick every now and then.

But unexpectedly, even the psychiatric department of the hospital is no exception.

"Doctor, I don't think what you said just now is representative. It only shows that I have a strong repulsion to liking widows in my heart."

"That's right, this possibility is not ruled out, and your answer is clear, now I am more willing to believe that the widow is real." Zhou Hongming nodded with a smile, looked in the direction of the door again, and said: "But in this way , it means that there is a problem with your parents' memory."

"I have also thought about the situation you mentioned, and I also suspected that it was my parents' memory disorder that caused this situation, but"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and his brows furrowed, "But I think it's impossible. If this happens to one person, it can be explained clearly, but it's a bit too bizarre for these two people to forget at the same time."

"Well, Mr. Lin, let me ask you a question. In your memory, when did you meet, or when did you meet that woman?"

"About five or six years old, I was still in kindergarten at that time."

Zhou Hongming nodded, and said again: "It's normal for five or six-year-olds to have memory problems. You must know that many people's memories of seven, eight, or even teens are likely to be blurred, so have you ever thought that it is you who are right? Your own memory is confused?

For example, you may have actually met a woman as a child, but your parents didn't actually know her. "

"Doctor, I clearly remember that it was my father who took me to see that woman by bicycle."

"It may be another person, but because the time between them is too long, you mistook that person for your father."

"The situation you said is still impossible." Lin Yi continued to shake his head, and then explained: "First of all, my father took me there several times, at least three times, and if another person took me there, then My parents will definitely have an impression, and they will also know this person, after all, I was too young at the time, and they couldn't trust a child to run around with a stranger."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, let's go back to the previous question now, how much do you remember about that woman's specific information?"

Zhou Hongming leaned forward and continued: "For example, her name, age, appearance, and address."

Lin Yi shook his head, sighed again, and said, "I only remember that she lived in a very remote village. I can't remember exactly where, but I remember that every time I went there, she was wearing a white dress. Then I sat on a large round bed, which seemed to be made of stone.

As for her name, I don't know, I don't know her age, and what she looks like is also very vague, after all, it's been a long time. "

After finishing speaking, he sighed again. Although these memories are very vague, he can be sure that all of them are real.

But why can't my parents remember?

Not even the slightest impression.

(End of this chapter)

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