my fox girl

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Zhou Hongming nodded, picked up a pen and wrote down something on the list, then raised his head and asked, "Mr. Lin, is this woman important to you, or do you want to know the specific details of this woman?"

"It's not very important, but I really want to know, after all, this kind of thing is too bizarre."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked, "Doctor, are you trying to hypnotize me by asking this question?"

"Yes, if you want to know, I can hypnotize you, but this kind of thing requires your own consent."

"Sorry, I don't want to be hypnotized." Lin Yi shook his head, although he really wanted to know, and this could also clear away the possibility of his mental problems.

But if he was really hypnotized, Xiao Bai's identity would definitely be exposed, which would be too much for the loss.

In comparison, he would rather make people think that he really has a mental problem.

"Okay, I can understand. After all, if you are hypnotized, it means that I will either actively or passively spy on your privacy."

"Thank you for understanding."

"You're welcome." Zhou Hongming said politely, and began to record on the medical record.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but said: "Doctor, are you writing my diagnosis result?"

"That's right." Zhou Hongming nodded while writing, and then looked up at Lin Yi. Seeing that his expression was a little nervous, he comforted him: "Don't worry, although I still haven't ruled out the possibility that you have hallucinations, but when you speak It is clear and logical, so it can be seen that this memory that may not exist has no effect on your spirit."

Lin Yi nodded again and again, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although he still had some doubts, as long as he wasn't treated as a mental illness, it would be fine.

"I'll prescribe you some soothing medicine. You take it in the morning and evening. Maybe it can help you recall specific information about that woman."

Zhou Hongming said while writing: "In addition, when you have nothing to do, you can go out for a walk more, to relax and so on."

Speaking of this, he seemed to be thinking of something, and said, "I haven't asked yet, what kind of work does Mr. Lin do?"


"No wonder." Zhou Hongming nodded, and continued: "Teacher is more worried about this industry, and has a lot of mental pressure. You should pay more attention to rest."

Holding the medical records, X-rays and diagnosis results in his hand, Lin Yi walked out of the door of the psychiatric department.

"How, did the result come out?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded and handed over the diagnosis result, "Look for yourself."

Yu Shuhui quickly reached out to take it, looked at it twice, then breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "It's okay, it's okay, it's not crazy."

"Mom, insanity is a curse, it's called mental illness." Lin Yi reminded.

"It's the same. You two wait here. Your dad and I will go in and ask the doctor again. Be safe."

After finishing speaking, Yu Shuhui and Lin Yuguo turned and walked into the department.

Lin Yi and Xiaobai, who was staring at him, looked at each other for a moment, then pulled her to sit on the bench in the hospital corridor, chatted quietly, and waited for the two to come out.

There was a faint smell of disinfectant in the hospital corridor, which was slightly pungent.

It took a long time for Yu Shuhui and Lin Yuguo to come out of the final department.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help asking: "Dad, Mom, why did you go in for so long?"

"It's okay, let's go back first, and talk to you slowly on the way."

On the way back, there was still a lot of snow.

He still sat in the back seat of the car with Xiaobai, but Lin Yi's mood was much better than when he came here, at least he didn't have to go to any mental hospital anymore.

Just thinking about it, Lin Yuguo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Son, have you ever thought about buying a car?"

"Buy a car?" Lin Yi was startled.

"Yes, to buy a car, I remember you had already obtained your driver's license a long time ago."

"Well, that's right." Lin Yi nodded. He did have a driver's license, and he took the test two years ago, but he never thought about buying a car. The school is very close to home, so he doesn't need to drive.

But it's good to have a car, and you can take Xiaobai out for a trip if you have nothing to do, and you don't have to squeeze the bus anymore.

It's just that the poor ones have enough money to buy a Jetta, and they have to be third-hand, and they have to scrape together second-hand ones.

Thinking of this, he tentatively said: "Well, Dad, I only need a few thousand yuan a month as a teacher. I think buying a car should be put on the back burner. I won't be able to buy a car after saving some money in a few years." Late."

"It's okay, your mother and I will pay you to buy one." Lin Yuguo thought of something, and added: "But don't be too expensive."

"Look at what you said, I don't have such high requirements for cars, as long as I can travel." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked cautiously: "Dad, what do you think of Mercedes-Benz?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo's hand holding the steering wheel couldn't help trembling, adjusted his breathing, and said, "Yes, we will pay you a down payment at that time, and you will pay back the loan slowly."

"The down payment should be considered as a loan from you." Yu Shuhui added, and said, "Remember to issue an IOU."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and said: "Mom, if you say that, why don't you just buy me a car with the full price, anyway, there is no difference between paying the full price and paying the down payment.

At that time, I will slowly repay it to you, and I have to pay interest on the bank loan, so it is not worth it, don’t you think? "

"Well, what you said really makes sense." Yu Shuhui nodded approvingly, and said: "You pay interest to the bank, why not give us the interest."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Lin Yuguo and asked, "If you buy a car and get a bank loan, how much is the interest?"

"I can't say for sure, it mainly depends on the loan period, and every bank is different, let's take it as a five-year loan, some are 5.00% interest rate, some are 5.00%, let's calculate it at 50%, if If we lend him [-] to buy a car."

Lin Yuguo frowned, made a rough calculation, and said, "We can earn [-] interest in five years."

"Twenty-five thousand is not bad, although it feels a bit small, but it is better than nothing." Yu Shuhui thought for a while and said: "But he is our son no matter what, so it should be cheaper. How about Wan?"

"I can do it, it's up to you."

After discussing with her husband, Yu Shuhui turned her head to look at Lin Yi, who had a complicated expression, and said with a smile: "My good son, I discussed it with your father, and I will lend you 50 yuan, and you will pay it back in five years." , the interest is [-], that is to say, you can pay us one hundred and four thousand every year."

Facing the smiling face of his own mother, Lin Yi was silent for a long time before asking: "Mom, my monthly salary is only [-], are you so interesting?"

"That's right. Your salary is too low. You can't pay so much money a year. Just wait. I'll discuss it with your father."

After finishing speaking, Yu Shuhui turned back to look at Lin Yuguo and asked, "Old Lin, how much interest can we earn if we take out a loan for 20 years?"

 Seeing that many of you said that these chapters were incomprehensible, and some people said that they were boring or something, I deleted all subsequent chapters about this part.

  But in fact, this so-called widow is a very important role, which can be regarded as a crucial foreshadowing.

  However, I still have to assure everyone that a plot similar to this will not appear again in the future, and if it does appear, it will be a one-shot.

(End of this chapter)

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