my fox girl

Chapter 172 Do you want to hug me?

Chapter 172 Do you want to hug me?

It was dark.

The two got out of the car, bid farewell to Lin Yuguo and his wife, and walked into the community.

Compared with the daytime, the snow has gradually weakened, but the cold wind is still howling, and the snow particles are sandwiched and drilled straight into the neck and cuffs.

Lin Yi shrank his neck, looked down at the little hand he was holding, and asked, "How is it, are your hands cold?"

"Not cold." Xiaobai shook his head, hesitated, and asked, "Is this always the way you talk to your parents?"

"Well, it's almost the same. Our family is basically like this when we get along. The main reason is that my parents always like to tease me." Lin Yi spit out a long mouthful of white mist, turned to look at her, and asked, "You Don't you like our family's way of getting along?"

"No." Xiaobai shook his head, "I quite like it."

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that every time Lin Yi is with his parents, their way of communicating gives him a very special feeling, very relaxed, very interesting, and very warm.

"Then you can also join in and talk with us. Don't always be taciturn and sullen, and you are quite serious."

While talking, Lin Yi turned his head to look at her, this girl was soft-tempered, a little listless.

Although I like her very much, after all, I can clearly feel her dependence on me, but in this way, I will always be the dominant in the relationship.

Is this okay?
This is not good.

I hope that her character can be stronger, at least stand on an equal footing with me, this is the normal way of getting along between lovers.

"But I can't learn, I can't learn the feeling when you talk."

"What kind of feeling can't you learn?"

"It's that kind." Xiaobai stopped, thought for a while, and said sullenly: "I can't learn that kind of very interesting and relaxing feeling."

"So you feel that you are a bit out of place, and you can't fit in, right?" Lin Yi also stopped walking as he said.

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly, he was very envious of their relaxed and freehand manner when speaking, but he couldn't learn it, and felt like he couldn't get into it.

"Everyone's way of speaking is different, you don't have to learn our way, and your way of speaking is also very good, at least I like it very much, the kind I like very much."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi folded her two small hands into his own, blew on her warm air, and asked, "How is it? Do you feel very warm, warm in your heart?"

"En." Xiaobai looked at his hands held together by him, recalling the heat he felt just now, and there was still a warmth flowing in his heart.

"In such a cold day, you can still feel the warmth, which means that you have gradually integrated into the world and our home."

Lin Yi led her to continue walking, looked up at the snowflakes falling in the sky, and continued: "Isn't the so-called home like this, where small warmth is accumulated one after another, and then formed into a big warmth?" , a warm family, there can be members of various personalities in this family, some talkative and some taciturn, but the same thing is that they can all find this warmth and feel it.”

Xiaobai didn't respond, and was led by him to walk slowly forward, turning his head to look at him from time to time, and then looked at the hand he was holding.

Find the warmth, and feel the warmth.

Thinking back carefully, holding hands with him, listening to his ramblings, being held by him and leaning his head in his arms, kissing with him, being tricked by him in various ways to get close to him.

There are many more, it seems that everything I do with him can feel the warmth.

But if one day I suddenly go back.

You can't feel the warmth.

Although he didn't want to go back, he was afraid that he would leave suddenly without warning.

All the way back home, I turned on the lights in the living room, and the floor heating under my feet made the house feel warm.

"Would you like to hug me?"


Lin Yi was startled, and looked at her inexplicably, not understanding why she said such a sentence suddenly, and even offered to let him hug her.

After all, this girl has always been very shy, even if she really likes to be hugged by her, she would never bring it up. She always waits until she brings it up, and then she blushes and hesitates to agree, and then she is hugged by her with a half push. arms.

The thoughts in his heart turned sharply. Lin Yi had already opened his arms and hugged her in his arms. Looking at her slightly red face, showing a shy and cute look, he couldn't help kissing her on the forehead, and said with a smile: "Can you ask me one more question?"

"Ask, ask what?"

"Just ask, do you want to kiss me?"

"I..." Xiao Baitan opened his mouth slightly, hesitated for a moment, and asked with a blushing face, "You, do you want to kiss me?"

The voice was very soft, with a bit of unspeakable shyness, and a little trembling.

Seeing this, Lin Yi lowered his head and touched her crystal-clear rosy lips, which felt soft and soft, as if they would melt away at any time.

Then what I felt was the sweetness in her sandalwood mouth, which was refreshing.

After a while, the lips parted.

Lin Yi looked at the red-faced little fox demon in his arms, and stroked her soft hair with his hands, "If you ask me this question every day from now on, I will definitely like you more."

"I do not want."

Seeing her panting slightly, exhaling like blue, feeling the soft hot air gushing from his neck, Lin Yi couldn't help but tighten his arms, let her whole body stick to his arms, and asked: " Like a hundred times more than now, don't you want a thousand times?"

"No." Rubbing his head lightly in his arms, Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help asking: "How much do you like one, a thousand times?"

"A thousand times, probably." Lin Yi thought for a moment, and then replied, "I would die suddenly and happily just by looking at you."

"Then, then I don't want your liking a thousand times." Xiao Bai put his arms around his back, smelled the rosin-like smell on his body, narrowed his eyes and said, "I just want your liking like this now. "

Hearing this, Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked, "Why are you so active today?"

"I, I didn't take the initiative."

"Okay, you didn't take the initiative." Lin Yi patted her on the back lightly, and said softly, "Today I took the initiative. I took the initiative to hug you and then kiss you."

"En." Xiaobai responded softly, and couldn't help but hug him even tighter.

She likes his way of speaking, he knows everything, but he won't point it out.

She likes this closeness, likes this kind of warmth.

I want to have this warmth all the time.

But afraid of losing such warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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