my fox girl

Chapter 173 Will You Regret It?

Chapter 173 Will You Regret It?
Crushed snowflakes floated outside the window, and a gust of cold wind blew up from time to time.

"If one day I suddenly return to Qingqiu, will you regret liking me?"

"Why do you regret it?" Lin Yi was taken aback, not understanding what she meant.

Xiaobai leaned his head in his arms, felt the warmth, and explained in a low voice: "If I go back, won't you like it for nothing?"

"There is no liking for nothing. Like it is like it. What's more, liking this matter is out of control. It can't be because you are likely to go back, I don't like you, right?"

Lin Yi smiled and stroked her hair with his hands, and said softly: "And even if you really go back, I won't regret liking you."


"There is no reason, I may regret many things, but for this thing that likes you, I will never."

Lin Yi raised his hand to touch her back, and continued to explain: "If one day you really return to Qingqiu, I will definitely be very sad, but I will never regret liking you.

Compared with this, if I suppress my feelings and don't like you because you are likely to leave, this will make me regret it even more. "

"Yes, but if I really go back, what will you do?"

Lin Yi didn't answer, but asked instead: "Then what should you do?"

"I do not know."

Xiaobai's expression was a little dazed and nervous, and he bit his lips tightly and said, "I don't want to go back, but I'm afraid that one day I will go back, just like when I came here, I will go back suddenly, and I'm afraid that I will go back after I go back." If you don't come, then I won't see you."

Hearing this, Lin Yi seemed to understand something, and asked softly, "That's why you want to take the initiative to let me hug you, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly, with an inexplicable sadness in his heart, his voice trembled slightly, and he hugged his back tightly with his hands,

"I don't want to see you again. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it, so I just want you to hug me. If you hold me, I don't feel so uncomfortable."

"I'm holding you now, and I will hold you every day and always in the future."

"Then if one day I really go back, what will you do?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi thought about it carefully, and said seriously: "Let's not say whether you will really go back suddenly, even if you return to Qingqiu one day, I will follow along to find it."

"you can not"

"I know what you want to say, I can't go, right?"

Lin Yi tightened his arms, hugged her even tighter, and said softly: "I've really thought about going to Qingqiu, and I also know that I might be beaten to death by your Lord Fox God after I go there, and Died badly.

It is even possible that you will be killed by your fellow clan before you even meet the Fox God.

But when I think about it carefully, I don't think so. After all, your mana is here. Although I really don't want to hurt you, your mana is indeed too weak.

You can tell the whole leopard from a glimpse, I don't think your fox demon in Qingqiu should be too powerful, and I won't be very dangerous. "

When she first picked up this little fox demon in her arms, she struggled even to light a cigarette.

As for now, the fire she sprayed was at most enough to boil a pot of water.

That's it, the pot can't be too big, or it won't boil.

The so-called glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

It can be concluded from this that the fox demon in Qingqiu should not be very powerful, it is nothing more than a question of how many pots of water can be boiled.

And that Lord Fox God might be a bit more powerful, maybe the boiled water can be used as a steam engine.

"That's not the case. There is no aura in this world. My mana can only be used a little bit, so you think I am weak, and I only have one tail. Many of my kind have several tails. They are really powerful, no Lie to you."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said: "It's okay, even if this is the case, I will definitely go to find you."

Although he made a mistake in his judgment, it did not affect his determination at all. Compared to going to Qingqiu and being killed, he was more worried about not finding where Qingqiu was.

"you do not."

"Let's not talk about this first, let's compare it to the question of whether I should go to Qingqiu or not."

Seeing that she wanted to continue persuading him, Lin Yi changed the subject and said, "I would like to know why your fox demons in Qingqiu have such hatred for human beings, and why do you have to shout and kill them?"

"Because Lord Fox God warned you."

"What did she tell you?"

"Master Fox God said that human beings are all short-lived, and treacherous, greedy for life and afraid of death, selfish, despicable, shameless, scheming, and shameless."

Listening to the adjectives that came out of her mouth, the corners of Lin Yi's eyes twitched from time to time. He felt that this so-called Lord Fox God really hated humans, and he hated humans to the core.

But what should be said or not, the vocabulary of this fox god is really good.

He could compete with his own father, Comrade Lao Lin.

It's a pity that none of the words he said were good words, and each one was more vicious than the other.

"There is also ungratefulness, thunder strikes from the sky"

After rambling on for a while, Xiaobai paused for a while, and then continued: "In short, it's very bad. Because human beings don't live long, and they are greedy for life and afraid of death, they will lie to us with sweet words and trick us into marrying them. , but they don't really like us, they just want to sign a life-and-death contract with us after they get married, so that their lifespan can be extended."

Lin Yi lay on the pillow of the sofa, stroking her long hair with his hand, "I've always wanted to marry you, so you're not afraid that I'm lying to you too, and want to prolong my life?"

"If you lie to me, just lie." Xiaobai muttered softly, then remembered something, and added softly: "Well, even if you really lied to me, I don't blame you, I have seen your body, still, still If you touch it, I will be responsible for you."

"That's you rubbing the medicinal wine for me. It doesn't matter. The reason I said that is because I want to rely on you."

"I know it all."

"That's right, although you are silly, but sometimes you are very smart, you must know it all, but you make me feel even more like this, how should I say it?"

Lin Yi sighed lightly, tightened his arms, hugged her even tighter, was silent for a moment, closed his eyes and said: "I feel terrified, how can I own you, it feels very unreal.

Seriously, I've never been more afraid of losing something than I am now.

If one day you really go back, compared to me going to Qingqiu and being killed by your fellow clansmen, what I am more afraid of is that after losing you, I will not be able to find where Qingqiu is, I am afraid that I will not be able to find it you. "

When you like it very much, you will become inexplicably worried about gains and losses.

Afraid of losing, afraid that she will leave suddenly, even more afraid that I will not find her.

(End of this chapter)

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