my fox girl

Chapter 182 I Don't Know

Chapter 182 I Don't Know
Silent night.

The moonlight was hidden in the clouds, the cold wind was howling outside the window, and the sound of the wind knocking on the glass could be heard from time to time.

"Actually, you don't have to be afraid of having a baby at all. I really never thought about letting you have a baby. After all, having a baby is a terrible thing. I can't bear to let you have it."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help being happy, and sighed softly: "Sometimes I feel that you are my child, you are simple and cute, and you depend on me no matter what, raising you is indeed like raising me. Like a daughter."

Xiaobai still leaned his head on Lin Yi's shoulder, his reddish cheeks were a bit delicate, obviously he hadn't recovered from the previous strangeness, and he retorted aloud: "I'm not your daughter. "

How can there be a daughter who kisses and hugs with her father, and even marry her father.

"Then what are you?"

"I, I'm your girlfriend."

Lin Yi turned his head slightly, and asked softly, "Isn't it your daughter-in-law?"

"Daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law is only after getting married. Anyway, I'm not your daughter."

"I didn't say you really are. It's just a title. It's a kind of fun between couples. Some couples even call daddy in bed."

Lin Yi caressed her back, and couldn't help teasing her: "If you want to shout, we don't need to shout on the bed, you can call Dad now."

"I do not want!"

"Why not, don't you want to be my caring little padded jacket?"

"You, don't you want to marry me?" Xiaobai imitated Lin Yi's tone and asked back.

"I want to, of course I want to, but this has nothing to do with getting married. Even if you call me Dad, it won't delay our getting married."

"Then I don't want it either, I think" Speaking of this, Xiao Bai couldn't help but pause, as if he hesitated.

"What do you think?" Lin Yi looked at her happily.

"I think you're such a pervert."

The smile on Lin Yi's face faded in an instant, he coughed a few times, and changed the topic: "My parents are helping you find an adopter for the past few days, after you find them, you may be able to do so during the census." Go to the account."

"Is it possible to get married only if you have a registered permanent residence?"

"What do you mean by getting married?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and asked: "What is your marriage in Qingqiu like?"

"It's about getting together and eating."

"Just remember to eat."

Lin Yi put his arms around her waist, and the other hand went down her lower abdomen, and finally rested on her leg. Feeling the smooth and delicate touch, he narrowed his eyes and said, "But what did you say?" Getting married is not the same as getting married. To get married is to obtain a certificate, so that the marriage is protected by law.

And the marriage you mentioned is to invite a group of relatives and friends over, and then have a banquet. According to our ancient customs here, we have to worship the heaven and earth first, the high hall twice, and finally the husband and wife worship each other and enter the bridal chamber. "

Hearing the word bridal chamber, Xiao Bai's heart trembled again. Is the bridal chamber about to have a baby?

feel a little scared.

"These do not require a registered permanent residence. That is to say, the marriage you think can be done without a registered permanent residence. If you want, let's choose a date to hold a banquet and get married first, and get the marriage certificate later. What do you think?"

"I..." Xiaobai's lips quivered twice, hesitated, and said softly, "I, I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Lin Yi was startled, but then he reacted and said, "The bridal chamber does not mean that you will definitely have a baby. I have told you that there are safety measures, and you will not be pregnant."

"I, I think you're lying to me."

How could it be possible that the bridal chamber would not have children in the future? Xiaobai thought about it, and still felt that Lin Yi must be lying to him.

At that time, once the banquet is held, after entering the bridal chamber, the stomach will become bigger, and it is useless to say anything.

Having a baby seems to be something that must be done again.

It is impossible not to give birth, no matter how afraid you are, you will eventually give birth.

It's just sooner or later.

A little tangled.

"It's hard for me to explain this safety measure to you. Anyway, you just need to remember that in this world, as long as you don't want to give birth, you don't have to give birth." Lin Yi didn't know how to explain the contraceptive measure to this little fox demon .

This girl is naive all day long. Two days ago, she thought that she would have a baby if she hugged her together, but now she thought that she would definitely have a baby after the bridal chamber.

Still suffered from lack of culture.

"I, I think" After struggling for a long time, Xiaobai hesitated to speak, his face flushed, "I, I think it's too early to get married, can you wait?"

She felt that she was not ready to have a baby yet, and she would delay it, the later the better.

"Then wait until after the household registration is completed. After all, after getting married, it means that we are already a couple. It's just that marriage is not recognized by the law, but it will be recognized by the society. Frankly speaking."

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Lin Yi couldn't help tightening his arms around her waist, and continued: "I'm also a little unprepared, after all, what I want to be is a husband, not a father-in-law. Still need to be prepared.”

"Besides, you don't even want to cuddle with me to sleep. Don't you think it's too early to start worrying about getting married and having children?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi turned his head to look at her reddened ear tips, and curled his lips secretly.

This girl is worried all day long, let alone sleeping together,
They also get married and have children, regardless of whether they will have children or not, and what kind of ball will be born, whether it is a male ball or a female ball.

It's too early to say.

The goal he most wants to achieve now is to be able to sleep with this fragrant and soft little fox every night.

After all, the days of being alone in an empty room are indeed difficult.

"Instead of worrying about this, let's talk about my moving into your house."

"No, we're not married yet, we can only do it after we get married." Xiao Bai leaned limply in his arms, and said the strongest words in his mouth.

"I don't do anything, we just hug and sleep together, and couples are like this."

Lin Yi stroked her leg and said, "Besides, other couples will do some things they like to do, but I can only kiss and hug you. Although I am very satisfied, I still want more. "


Suddenly aware of something, Xiaobai's lips trembled
"Well, you will get used to this slowly, I don't think this is what we are discussing now"

Lin Yi kept moving his hands, resisting his embarrassment and continued: "I think I should move into your room, so that you can get used to it faster."

"No, no."

"Sooner or later, you will agree."

"I, I won't."

Xiaobai buried his head on his shoulder, wanting to be tougher, and his words sounded like mosquitoes for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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