my fox girl

Chapter 183 Are you in a hurry to have children?

Chapter 183 Are you in a hurry to have children?
The end of the year is approaching, and there is one week before New Year's Eve.

in the kitchen.

Wearing an apron, Xiaobai cut vegetables aggressively like a little daughter-in-law. The cuffs of the sweater were rolled up high, and the blue silk like a waterfall fell down to her waist.

Several months of cooking have made her more proficient in cooking. Although chicken is still the most cooked, other dishes are also decent.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with the cooking skills, and the knife skills are also remarkable.

"What are you looking at?"

Sensing that Lin Yi's eyes had been staring at him, Xiao Bai glanced sideways at him.

"Isn't it okay to see?"

"No, you go out, I'm going to cook."

"If you say that, then I won't just look at it." Lin Yi hugged her from behind and pressed his face to her neck, "I still have to hug her."

"You, let go, I'm going to cook." Xiaobai's hands paused, feeling the heat on his cheeks when he spoke, his little face blushed inexplicably.

"You do your own thing, and I won't delay you."

"Then don't do this."

"What is this and that?" Lin Yi wrapped his arms around her belly, kneaded it a few times, and it felt soft, and asked, "Do you mean that I can't hold your belly?"

"You, don't rub your face against mine."

"I just rub, I don't just rub." Lin Yi rubbed her face lightly, "I also lick."

"You are not allowed to lick!"

"Okay, I won't lick it, then let me suck it." After speaking, Lin Yi took a deep breath and covered her face in one gulp.

As soon as he caught it, he felt the little fox demon in his arms stiffen, and then he lightly grinded the face in his mouth a few times with his teeth.

Soft and elastic.

With a clear bang, he reluctantly let go.

Xiaobai wiped the drool on his face with his hands, with a shameful and indignant expression, "You are shameless!"

"Yes, I'm shameless." Lin Yi looked at her rosy little face, which was moist, and couldn't help kissing her, then pointed to his cheek, and said with a smile: "Well, come and suck me too, I let you suck back, you can learn to. Hiss."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Bai suddenly stood on tiptoe and bit his cheek, as if he couldn't bear it, he only bit for a moment, and then let go immediately.

"I let you suck, but didn't let you bite, why are you like a dog?"

Lin Yi rubbed his cheek, and could clearly feel that there seemed to be two rows of small teeth marks on it.

hurts a little.

"You are the real dog."

"Where is this, I will suck a strawberry on your neck and let you know what is true"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but pause, took out the vibrating mobile phone from his pocket, and said, "I'll suck it for you later, I'll answer the call."

"Hey, Yang Zi, what's the matter?"

On the phone, Yang Ming said with unstoppable excitement and excitement, "Lin Zi, buddy has a girlfriend now."

"Are you using the method I taught you?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately regained his energy, with an inexplicable smug look on his face, "I knew it was right, you just have to do what I said, keep confessing your love, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become, if you really can't do it, be a licking dog. By the way, did you succeed in expressing your confession once or"

"It's not my confession." Yang Ming shook his head, and continued: "She confessed to me on her own initiative. Just now, when she asked me how I felt about her, I said it was fine, and then she said that since it was fine, Okay, can you let me be your girlfriend? I didn't realize it at the time, and my head was stunned. You know, it's that kind of stunned feeling, do you understand?"

"I understand." Lin Yi nodded, then fell silent for a while, and said, "I was also a little confused just now."

At first I thought that the other party got off the list in his own way and was proud of it, but suddenly found that it was not the case.

Cooperating with myself did not help at all.

"No, why are you so confused?" Yang Ming wondered.

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that girl, who seems to be quiet, would take the initiative to confess her love."

"I didn't expect it at all. I'm still a little confused at this moment." Speaking of this, Yang Ming thought of something and asked, "Then what, do you have time now? I want to treat you to a meal." meal."

"Wait a minute, let's not talk about whether you should invite me to dinner. Is your time really right?"

Lin Yi was a little puzzled, logically speaking, shouldn't they be kissing and hugging when they just got out of the singles?
Why is this guy so different from me? Please don't talk about eating, but pick such a crucial point.

"Please don't care about the time for dinner. I mainly want to thank you for the tricks you taught me last time, and I want you to help." Speaking of this, Yang Ming suddenly stopped, and changed the subject: "You remember to put Sister-in-law take it, Li Wan is also here, let's get together and get to know each other by the way."

"Why do I think you want to show off?"

As he said that, Lin Yi glanced at the little fox demon beside him who was cooking, and said in a showy manner: "Besides, your sister-in-law is almost done cooking at the moment, isn't it a waste to go out to eat? If you really want to get together, why not?" Why don't you come to my house and I'll let you taste your sister-in-law's handicraft, and let me tell you, your sister-in-law's chicken is definitely the best."


"Anything else?" Lin Yi was taken aback.

"It's about going to your house to eat. Don't tell me, I really want to try my sister-in-law's craftsmanship. In this way, you ask my sister-in-law to cook two more dishes, and we will be there in a while."

"No, I just want to show off to you, hello, hello."

Lin Yi looked at the phone that had been hung up, and fell into deep thought.

What is this guy trying to do?

"Did something happen?" Xiaobai put the vegetables into the basin, looked up and saw Lin Yi's frown, and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, there's a shameless person who insists on coming to our house for a meal." Lin Yi put his phone in his pocket, and continued: "You can cook two more dishes, they should be here in a while."


Xiaobai nodded, but he didn't have any objections. He was about to go to get vegetables from the refrigerator, but Lin Yi stopped him suddenly.

"Then what, you go change your clothes first, your skirt is a bit short, I can see your tail."

Lin Yi looked at the beige skirt on her body that fell to her knees. A white tail protruded from the bottom of the skirt, and it was swaying from side to side, "I remember I bought you a long skirt a few days ago. Come on, just wear that one, it goes all the way to your ankles, and it will definitely cover your tail."


Watching the little fox go into the bedroom, Lin Yi turned his head to look at the freshly fried pot of shredded pork with pepper, and squeezed a piece into his mouth.

This girl is indeed very talented in cooking, and she has already looked good in just a few months.

Not long after, Yang Ming drove over.

Hearing the doorbell ding dong ding dong, Lin Yi got up, walked over to open the door, and welcomed the two of them into the room.

Seeing Yang Ming coming in wrapped in a coat and carrying a lot of things in his hands, Lin Yi suddenly smiled, "You said you came here right away, what else do you bring?"

"Isn't it the first time I come to the door, I think I have to bring it anyway."

Yang Ming paused, pointed to the hollowed-out screen at the entrance, and asked, "Hey, why are you putting this in your house? You're in a hurry to have a baby?"

"This." Lin Yi looked at the picture of Avalokitesvara giving away his child on his fingers, and suddenly noticed a line of sight falling on his back, and turned to look at the living room.

Sure enough, the little fox demon was staring at him.

It's over.

This girl must think that she put up this screen to let her have a baby.

(End of this chapter)

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