my fox girl

Chapter 184 Please analyze it for me.

Chapter 184 Please analyze it for me.

Several people sat down around the dining table. On the table were braised chicken nuggets, shredded pork with pepper, tomatoes and eggs, shredded potatoes, plus a cold dish of cucumber.

Basically all home cooking.

"Come on, don't be dazed, eat quickly, eat more."

Lin Yi greeted them by pointing to the big pots of vegetables on the table, not paying any attention to the slightly weird gazes of the two people across the table.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with using this kind of big pot to serve vegetables. On the contrary, sometimes when he went out or went to eat at his parents' house, he always felt that the amount of food served on the plate was too small.

Seeing that both of them started to move their chopsticks, Lin Yi couldn't help but secretly looked at them again.

Yang Ming still had that vigorous appearance, looking fierce, and it didn't match Li Wan who was beside him no matter how you looked at it.

It's not just about looks, it's mainly about temperament.

Yang Ming belongs to the kind of man who has the aura of a big brother. It is no exaggeration to say that he may be believed by people who say that he eats people.

But who would have thought that he was actually a computer repairer.

As for Li Wan, although I haven't seen her for a few months, she still wears glasses.

But who would have thought that she would be a king of brain supplements.

When we met for the first time, I still regarded myself as the second brother in the rivers and lakes.

Thinking about it this way, the two are actually quite a good match, which is a bit interesting.

He was secretly looking at him, but suddenly his waist was pinched, and when he turned his head, Xiao Bai was staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaobai's lips moved slightly, his voice was very soft, and there was a little unhappiness in his eyes.

From just now, she saw Lin Yi staring at the opposite woman in a daze, and she suddenly smiled just now. This kind of discovery made her feel a surge of complicated emotions, very irritated and a little sour.

"I didn't see anything, I just felt it." Lin Yi was about to tell her what he had discovered with a smile on the corner of his mouth, when he suddenly saw the displeasure in her eyes, he couldn't help but startled, thought for a while and asked, "Are you jealous?"

"I'm not jealous."

"Then why are you so unhappy?"

"I'm just not happy." Xiaobai glared at him, then with a sullen head, he began to pick the rice in the bowl.

The little fox demon is not in the right state, Lin Yi thought about it, put his hand on her belly, it felt warm, and asked in a low voice, "It's not that day yet, you're ahead of time."

"You don't touch me."

Lin Yi withdrew his hand and looked at her again, seeing that she lowered her head and cared about the rice, refusing to even take a bite of the food.

I always feel that this girl is a bit inexplicable. She was fine just now, but now she suddenly gets angry, and asked her if she was jealous, and she said no.

I can't figure it out.

The meal was uneventful, and no one spoke during the dinner, and everyone seemed to be full of thoughts. Lin Yi was helping Xiaobai beside him with vegetables, while thinking about why she was angry.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what it meant for Yang Ming to come here on purpose. It didn't seem like he was here to grab a meal, and he always felt that there was something wrong.

There is indeed something.

"Come on, have a cigarette."

After dinner, Yang Ming found an excuse to drag Lin Yi into the corridor. As soon as the two sat down on the steps in the fire escape, Yang Ming began to pass cigarettes.

"No, I quit." Lin Yi waved his hand. Since the little fox demon knew that smoking was harmful to his health, he forced himself to quit smoking and even threatened him not to kiss her if he smoked.

"Why did you suddenly quit smoking?"

"I just want to quit suddenly. After all, this thing is not good for your health. I think you can quit it too, and you can save money."

"That's right." Yang Ming stuffed the cigarettes into the cigarette case, hesitated and asked, "Do you think it's reliable?"

"What's unreliable?" Lin Yi squinted at him.

"It's me and Li Wan, please help me analyze what she means to me. I always feel that the way she looks at me is gratitude, not." Speaking of this, Yang Ming paused and didn't go any further. Say.

"It's not about liking, right?" Lin Yi answered for him.

"Well, so I brought her here specially, just to let you take a look and analyze it. You also know that I am relatively slow in feelings, not as smart as you."

After all, Yang Ming sighed. Although he was very happy to get out of the order, he always felt that it was not the case.

There is a feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

"Don't put a high hat on me, I'm not shrewd." Lin Yi also sighed, he didn't even understand why she was angry, he was shrewd.

Smart ass.

"I took a look just now. It's really not a good match for the two of you sitting together, but how can I put it, if someone takes the initiative to be your girlfriend, it means that he still likes you."

As he said that, Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and continued: "Furthermore, even if she is more grateful to you than she likes you, it can't change the fact that she is your girlfriend now, and you didn't say anything before, do you feel She is interested in you, why is she starting to think about these things now?"

"I don't think about it, but I just don't think that's the case. If she is really just grateful to me, then I can't repay her kindness?"

"You are hypocritical."

"Yes, I'm really hypocritical." Yang Ming nodded and admitted.

After all these years of struggling in the society, he has never seen any battles.

But this battle has never been seen.

It was the first time I was confessed by a girl, and I happened to be interested in someone. I was very happy at first, but after calming down and thinking about it, I felt something was wrong, and seeing the way she looked at me, I was very grateful.

I started to struggle, feeling that this was not what I wanted, and I was afraid that the two of them would not be able to go far because of this.

That's why I couldn't wait to bring Li Wan over for a meal, thinking that Lin Yi's eyes are poisonous and smarter than himself, and I want him to help analyze it.

"If you think that people are only grateful to you, you can let her turn gratitude into liking. Do you need me to teach you this kind of thing?"

Lin Yi could understand his thoughts. After being single for so many years, he suddenly met a girl who was not afraid of him. He was about to get ready to be his girlfriend, but he didn't expect to be confessed to him.

Then he was confused at first, then happy, and then worried about gains and losses, and began to worry that people would perceive what he meant, and proposed to be his girlfriend out of gratitude.

To put it bluntly, I am a little inferior.

"It's nothing more than fighting, trying to make her like you too. If it doesn't work, you can directly confront her and ask, what's the matter with blah blah blah?"

"Okay, let me find a chance to ask her what she means."

Yang Ming has a clear understanding of himself. He has no education and no good looks. At most, he is richer than the average peers.

So much so that he didn't even want to understand what the other party was looking for in him. After pondering for a long time, he saw the way she looked at him again.

Only then did I realize that it was gratitude.

Just like the show on TV, the little girl has nothing to repay, but promises with her body.

Find an opportunity to ask, maybe you have misunderstood or maybe you have misunderstood.

(End of this chapter)

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