my fox girl

Chapter 190 Will definitely be useful in the future

Chapter 190 Will definitely be useful in the future

Lin Yichang was so old, it was the first time that he felt disgusted with the New Year's money, and even hated it deeply.

Damn bad habits!
Even if there is a thick wad of banknotes inside, it can't make up for your loss.

in the living room.

Reflecting the twelve o'clock bell on the TV, the unforgettable singing of tonight began to sound.

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers outside the window, no, it’s still on the TV. Firecrackers are not allowed to be set off in the past two years.

"Come on, girl, this is yours, safe and sound every year."

"Thank you, thank you uncle and aunt." Xiaobai reached out to take the red envelope, with his head lowered, trying to cover up the blushing on his face.

The sound is also very small, almost like a mosquito humming.

"Come on, this is yours, safe and sound every year."

"Thank you, Mom and Dad." Lin Yi took the red envelope weakly, touched the thickness with his hand, and smiled instantly, "Thank you, Mom and Dad!"

According to my own experience, there is at least one hundred of them, which is 1 yuan.

Sure enough, father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like the sea.

Opening the red envelope full of anticipation, half of the smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

How does this look green?
Calm down, maybe fifty.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi took out the stack of money without giving up, and the smile on his face finally completely disappeared.

Father's love is like a landslide, and mother's love is like a tsunami.

"Dad, Mom, for Chinese New Year, is it appropriate for you to put this in the red envelope?"

Lin Yi held up a stack of banknotes in his hand and shook them a few times, "It's all in one piece. Of course, I don't think the money is too small. The main reason is that your stack of green bills doesn't match the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year at all. .”

"Your father and I have thought about what you said. We originally planned to put fifty cents or five yuan in your red envelope."

Speaking of this, Yu Shuhui pointed to the red envelope in Xiaobai's hand, and continued to explain: "But if you pack it like this, the thickness of the red envelopes of the two of you will be different."

"What do you mean, the 100 yuan for co-authoring is not red? Or, the things in our red envelopes are different?"

As he spoke, Lin Yi reached out and took the red envelope from the little fox demon's hand, and opened it to have a look.

Sure enough, there was a stack of hundred-yuan bills glowing red inside.

At this moment, it is absolutely impossible to say that it is not sour, but it is not too sour, after all, what is given to her is equal to what is given to oneself.

And those who celebrate the new year give [-] lucky money, which is their parents using this method to help them live.

Although they only give themselves 100 yuan, is this not using this kind of .
I dare not think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more moved I am.

want to cry.

Cry hell.

With the end of the Spring Festival Gala, the time has come to twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. In a way, it is already the first day of the new year, which represents the end of the New Year's Eve.

In the early years, I had to stay up all night to watch the old age until the sun rose the next day, but now, I only need to survive past twelve o'clock.

After struggling to listen to "Unforgettable Tonight" on TV, Lin Yuguo and his wife went back to their room to sleep.

People of the older generation have a special feeling for the Spring Festival Gala. Although the Spring Festival Gala in the past two years is not interesting, they will still insist on watching it.

Unlike Lin Yi, he doesn't like to watch the Spring Festival Gala, but likes to complain about the Spring Festival Gala.

Watching his parents go back to the house, Lin Yi suddenly remembered something, and hurried to knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Yu Shuhui opened the door, saw that it was Lin Yi, and couldn't help frowning, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just want to return this to you." Lin Yi took out the small square bag from his pocket and handed it over to prove that he didn't do anything.

Yu Shuhui took the small square bag and gave him a strange look.

"Mom, what do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Lin Yi wondered, "Are there any flowers on my face?"

"No, go to bed." Yu Shuhui hesitated to speak, and then closed the door directly.

Lin Yi looked at the closed door with doubts on his face, scratched his head, and didn't understand what that look meant.

Just as he was wondering, he heard a click, and the sound of the door being locked came from the other side.

The next day, in the morning.

Lin Yuguo drove the two of them back to the community, and helped carry the big and small packages of New Year's goods upstairs.

Two ducks, three chickens, all kinds of fruit shop snacks, melon seeds and peanuts, and live fish are packed in a small red bucket. There are four or five of them, each of which weighs two or three catties.

There are also several boxes of beverages, a piece of beef and mutton weighs about ten catties, five or six catties of pork tenderloin, several catties of pork belly, several trotters, and half-pull pig heads.

Take out bags of vegetables.

All piled up in the living room.

"Dad, find a place to sit by yourself. Don't be polite, just treat it as your own home." Lin Yi put down the rice on his shoulder, kicked it twice, and then greeted Lin Yuguo beside him.

"What do you mean it's like your own home?" Lin Yuguo frowned, always feeling that this sounded awkward.

Looking up at the environment in the house, this was the first time he had visited since Lin Yi and the others moved in.

Sofa, refrigerator, TV, and two grand chairs, the whole room is warm and full of life atmosphere, and it is neatly tidied up and clean.

After scanning around, I feel relieved, it seems that these two people live together as a partner.

"Okay, you guys stay here, I'll go back first."

"Dad, sit down for a while before leaving." Lin Yi pretended to be polite.

"No need." Lin Yuguo waved his hand, glanced at the master bedroom and said, "Be careful."

"Pay attention to safety, we are both innocent."


Lin Yuguo sneered, and stepped out. Just as he reached the door, he remembered something, took out a black plastic bag from his arms, turned around and handed it to Lin Yi: "Your mother asked me to give it to you."

"What?" Lin Yi took the plastic bag and looked at it, and it seemed that there were several small boxes inside.

"You can open it after I leave."

"It's so mysterious." Lin Yi inexplicably put the plastic bag into his pocket, sent Lin Yuguo into the elevator, and then returned home.

Together, the two of them sorted out the New Year's goods they had scavenged from their parents, putting those that should be in the refrigerator in the refrigerator, and those that should be in the kitchen in the kitchen.

After busying himself, he sat down on the sofa, and then Lin Yi took out the plastic bag in his pocket and opened it, "Let me see, what exactly is it in?"

Halfway through speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Good guy, there are four or five boxes of safety supplies, and various brands.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the look in his mother's eyes last night.

"What is this?" Xiaobai asked, leaning his head over and looking at the contents in the bag.



"Yes, balloons, very special balloons, but we don't need them yet." Lin Yi stuffed the plastic bag into the drawer of the coffee table, and it's true that he doesn't need it now. If he has the time, it's better to think about how to fool around before touching it. a bit.

"Will it be useful in the future?"

"Well, it will definitely be used in the future."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused for a moment, and then continued to explain: "When doing certain things you love to do, you need to use this."

"What do you mean?" Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

"I'll tell you later, come, give me a hug." Lin Yi opened his arms and embraced the little fox demon.

This girl is so naive, she has to find a way to move into her room.

(End of this chapter)

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