my fox girl

Chapter 191 Reliable

Chapter 191 Reliable
It was just after eight o'clock at night.

The lights in the living room were off, only the computer on the coffee table was shining brightly.

On the computer screen, the blue waves of the vast ocean are rippling, and a fleet composed of several cruisers is escorting a [-]-ton giant ship carrying gorillas sailing in the sea.

"Look, this King Kong will fight Godzilla in a while."

"En." Xiaobai nodded slightly, adjusted his posture slightly, nestled his whole body limply in his arms, and looked at the computer screen seriously.

On the screen, accompanied by violent noises, the calm sea began to surge, and a huge monster directly rammed into the [-]-ton giant ship.

"How did such a big monster come out?"

Looking at the two giant beasts fighting together, Xiao Bai couldn't help asking.

Although she doesn't foolishly think that the things in the movie are real now, it is still difficult for her to understand how such things are presented on the big screen.

"It is to use special effects, and then computer synthesis and so on." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and said: "In short, it is more complicated. You can understand it as using a very high-tech, but difficult for you to understand. from."

"En." Xiaobai nodded half-understanding, and was about to continue looking down, when he suddenly noticed something, and his face turned red.

Pulling out the hand that was quietly reaching into his neckline, "You want to touch again."

"I didn't fumble around." Lin Yi continued to stretch his hand in and asked, "Then can I just let it go for a while?"

"No." Xiaobai pulled his hand out again, and pressed his collar firmly.

"Student Xiaobai, I think we need to have a good talk."

"Talk about what?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just think you sometimes... How should I put it, although we are a couple, we can't do what a couple should do."

Lin Yi sorted out his thoughts for a while, and then said: "For example, couples will sleep together. You clearly know that you will not have children if you simply sleep together, but you just refuse to let me move into your room."

"We're not married yet."

"I know we're not married yet, but did you know there's a problem with the floor heating in my bedroom?"

"What's the problem?" Xiao Bai was taken aback.

Lin Yi sighed, and then put on a pitiful expression, "Just the floor heating in my room, it's good and bad, I woke up several times in the middle of the night, and sometimes my teeth chattered from the cold , hugging the quilt and shivering on the bed, can you imagine that kind of scene?"

After all, he fought a few cold wars at the right time, vividly showing what happened to him.

Seeing this, Xiaobai looked at him suspiciously, "I think what you said was lying to me."

"How could I lie to you, what I said is true."

"Then why didn't you mention this before, and the floor heating is broken and can't be repaired?"

"The floor heating was broken some time ago. At first I thought it was just an accident that the floor heating didn't heat up that night, but I didn't expect it to be. As for...the problem of repair."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi sighed again, and said: "You may not know much about properties in our world. They only do two things. One is to collect money, and the other is to Thinking about what name to continue to collect money, as for the others, I don’t know it at all, so expecting them to repair it is more difficult than going to heaven.”

"Then let's change the room. The floor heating in my room is very hot, and there has never been a problem."

"No, instead of this, I might as well continue to freeze."

Lin Yi stroked the back of her hand lightly, then showed a bitter smile, and comforted him: "It's okay, you don't need to feel distressed, I have a medical insurance card, and if something goes wrong with the cold, you can get reimbursed when you go to the hospital."

"Of course, if you."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, lowered his eyes and muttered, then hesitated and said: "Of course, if you really feel bad, there is actually another way, you can let me move into your room, and we will sleep together , so we won't be cold."

"You really want to sleep with me!"

Xiaobai's face was full of shame and indignation, after all, this person just wanted to trick himself into sleeping with him through this method.

"I'm really cold."

"I do not believe."

"In this way, to show that what I said is true, we don't need to sleep on the same bed. I'll move the bed in. Anyway, your bedroom is big enough to fit two beds."

Lin Yi pointed to her bedroom, and continued: "We each have a bed, so that I don't have to suffer from the cold, and we don't sleep together."

Hearing this, Xiaobai subconsciously looked at his bedroom, he couldn't help hesitating, and his heart began to waver.

Sleeping in the same room, but not in the same bed, is not really sleeping together.

And since he said that, it might be true that the floor heating is broken.

"When the weather gets warmer, I will definitely move back." Seeing her expression moved, Lin Yi hurriedly added.

"Then, after the movie is over, we'll help you move the bed in together."

"No need." Lin Yi suppressed the joyful expression on his face, "You are watching a movie here, I will go in and move it by myself."

After finishing speaking, he kissed the little fox demon's face, and before she could react, he ran into the bedroom impatiently.

Xiao Bai stared blankly at his back, raised his hand to touch the cheek he had kissed, and bit his lips lightly.

Should I agree to him? I always feel that this person is lying to me again.

in the bedroom.

Lin Yi circled around the bed, this kind of assembled bed had to be disassembled to get out through the door.

Of course, he didn't think about tearing it apart. He wrapped the bed sheets, bedding, pillows, and the rabbit doll into a ball, and hugged it in his arms.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down a little, and put on a helpless embarrassed expression.

Then he opened the door and went back to the living room.

Seeing Lin Yi coming out of the bedroom with only the quilt in his arms, Xiao Bai couldn't help but startled, and asked, "Didn't you move the bed?"

"It's like this, the bed, it can't be moved out, it has to be taken apart, but we don't have the right tools at home, so..."

Lin Yi hugged the quilt, paused, and continued: "So I was thinking about it."


"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to sleep on your bed, I mean to make a floor bunk, that is, put the quilt on the ground, I sleep on the quilt, and you sleep on the bed."

Seeing her face soften, Lin Yi hurriedly said again: "Then I'll go lay the quilt on the floor first, and then you watch a movie, um, that's it."

After finishing speaking, he ran into the master bedroom impatiently.

The nine-story platform rises from the base of the earth, and the wood that embraces it grows from the end of the millet.

Move into the house first, and then find a way to get into bed when it's time to sleep.

Well, reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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