my fox girl

Chapter 193 Good Night

Chapter 193 Good Night
Lying on a big soft bed.

Lin Yi turned his head to look at the little fox demon curled up beside the bed. With the moonlight outside the window, he could barely see the outline of her body, tightly wrapped in the quilt, like a silkworm baby.

"Come closer to the middle of the bed, it's easy to fall if you sleep like this."

"I can't fall."

"Come here."

"I do not want."

Hearing this, Lin Yi leaned over and stretched out his arms to hug the silkworm baby.

Xiao Bai was startled, subconsciously began to struggle.

"What are you flopping about?" Lin Yi picked up the little fox demon wrapped up in a ball, and threw it in the middle of the bed.

"go to sleep now."

"I, I don't want to sleep here." Saying that, Xiao Bai was wrapped in a quilt, curled up his legs, and moved his body to the side of the bed.

"If you run over, I'll take you back."

"I..." Xiaobai paused, struggled for a long time, then carefully moved back, retracted his head into the quilt, and said in a muffled voice: "You will bully me."

"I didn't bully you, I was just worried that you would fall, and I have no other bad intentions."

As he spoke, Lin Yi stretched out his hand and pulled down her quilt, allowing her to expose her head, "What are you doing covering your head, don't you feel bored?"

"I'm not bored."

"I'm afraid you'll be bored." Lin Yi held the corner of her quilt with his hands to prevent her from retracting her head again, "What are you afraid of when we each cover our own quilt?"

"I" Xiaobai's lips parted slightly, he hesitated for a long time without saying what he was afraid of.

"What's more, we were lying together last night. We were covered with the same quilt at that time. Why are you so worried now?"

"It's not the same, it was lying together, now we are sleeping together." Xiao Bai retorted aloud.

On New Year's Eve, although I was lying on the same bed with him, it wasn't considered sleeping together because I didn't sleep.

But now lying together is to sleep, this is something that only couples can do.

"Okay, even if it's different." Lin Yi stretched out his arms and hugged her together with the quilt into his arms, "Sleep quickly, don't always think about what you have and what you don't have."

"You, don't do this." Xiaobai blushed and began to twist his body vigorously.

"Be quiet, I hugged her through the quilt, and didn't hug her directly." Lin Yi tightened his arms and hugged her even tighter, and then asked: "And don't we often kiss and hug her? "


"What's the difference, go to sleep."

"It's just different!"

Seeing that she was still twisting in his arms, Lin Yi simply said: "If you continue to thump like this, I will lift your quilt and sleep in the same quilt with you, and I will do excessive things to you. Like reaching into your clothes and fumbling around."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's heart trembled, his body couldn't help but froze, even his breathing became much more subtle, for fear that he would get into his bed in embarrassment, and then reach into his clothes to fumble around.

After a long while, realizing that Lin Yi hadn't made any further moves, he quietly raised his head, and fixed his eyes on his face, and found that the man had his eyes closed as if he was about to fall asleep.

I couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, but what followed was embarrassment.

"Your floor heating is not broken at all. You lied to me. You just want to move here and sleep with me."

She felt that she had figured out Lin Yi's deception, it was a serial scheme.

First tell yourself that there is a problem with his floor heating, how cold and pitiful he is, and so on, which will arouse his heartache. This is the first one.

Then at this time, I proposed to move the bed in. After I agreed, I said that the bed could not be moved in, so I had to make the floor. This is the second one.

After sleeping on the floor, he began to sigh again, saying that the floor was so hard that his back hurt from sleeping on it, which caused his heartache again, and he agreed to let him sleep on the bed. This was the third one.

Moreover, if he moves in, it is absolutely impossible to move back, and he can only let him bully him.

He always bullies himself like this, takes advantage of himself, and he can't do anything to him.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

If it was in Qingqiu, with my own magic power, I could definitely hang him up and beat him severely.

"I didn't lie to you, I moved here to sleep with you because I couldn't bear it." Lin Yi opened his eyes, and his words were full of sincerity.

He really couldn't bear it, the days of being alone in an empty room were really difficult.

"I won't believe you."

"You don't believe me, there's nothing you can do." Lin Yi kissed her cheek and comforted her: "Go to sleep, don't always think about these things, we just sleep together, compared to other couples, It's so innocent that it can't be more innocent."

"But I think it's all right."

Xiao Bai looked at the ceiling with a sullen expression.

I kissed and hugged him, and he even stretched out his clothes and touched him, and now we sleep on the same bed with him, and are still held in his arms, doing things that couples can only do.

Before getting married, she was already not innocent like this, how could she face her uncles and aunts, would they feel that she was a shameless daughter-in-law?
"Are you going to move back?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized that she had said something stupid again. This person finally moved here and would never move back.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Lin Yi laughed, "What are you thinking, and you still move back? Let me tell you, you are like a fool building a new house, with walls on all sides."

"What do you mean?" Xiaobai was startled, not understanding what he meant.

"no way!"


Just when he was about to speak, a pair of warm lips covered his mouth.

After a long time, Xiaobai panted with flushed face, his face was full of shame and anger, "You are shameless!"

"Yes, I'm shameless, come on, give me another kiss." As he spoke, Lin Yi leaned over and kissed her on the cheek again, and then adjusted his arms, but no matter how he adjusted, he felt awkward.

He felt that what he was holding was not a little fox demon at all, but a caterpillar.

"Put your arms out, don't wrap yourself up like a rice dumpling."

"I do not want!"

"Okay, if you don't want it, then let's go to bed."

"You put your face here."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was overjoyed, and quickly brought his face closer, "Actually, I think kissing the face is not as good as... oh!"

After a scream, Xiao Bai immediately felt relieved, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared.

Just when he was about to say something threatening, he saw Lin Yi rubbing his face and twitching the corners of his mouth. He felt inexplicably distressed. He subconsciously pulled his arm out of the bed and reached out to touch his cheek, "Does it hurt?"

"Hey, it doesn't hurt." Lin Yi took the opportunity to grab her little hand, and then passed his fingers through her fingers, interlocking her fingers.

"Let's go to bed holding hands. Good night."

"Night, good night."

It was obviously just an ordinary holding hands, but Xiaobai felt his heart pounding and panicked.

There was silence in the darkness, only the faint sound of the wind outside the window, and the sound of his heartbeat resounding in his ears, very stable, not like his own beating.

After a long time, his breathing gradually became peaceful and rhythmic, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

She glanced sideways at Lin Yi, her two little feet were entwined again, hesitated for a moment, raised her face slightly, and pecked lightly on his lips.

good night.

(End of this chapter)

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