my fox girl

Chapter 194 Please Explain 1

Chapter 194 Please Explain

The next morning, the sky was bright.

Lin Yi opened his eyes and was distracted for a while, seeing the white underwear on the small balcony, and then remembered that he had fulfilled his wish and slept with the little fox demon last night.

But at this time, there was no sign of her on the bed, and the small quilt was neatly spread aside, with three dolls on it, and one in his arms.

It's the female rabbit.

Hearing the faint movement in the living room, he sat up, put the rabbit in his arms with the others, and then opened a crack in the door to look outside.

The little fox demon was bending over to put the bowls and chopsticks on the tea table. She was wearing new clothes, a new sweater, a new high-waisted skirt, and even a new apron.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the tail wagging left and right under the skirt suddenly stopped, Xiaobai turned his head to look at the door, met Lin Yi's eyes, and quickly moved his eyes away, "You, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, just take a look."

Lin Yi didn't peek any more. He came out of the bedroom and leaned over to look at the coffee table. There were two pots of dumplings and a pot of stir-fried vegetables on it, and two bowls of sauce beside it.

"Today's breakfast is dumplings again?"

"Well, there's still a lot of dumpling stuffing left from last night, so I just made dumplings, and we're having lunch now."

"Lunch?" Lin Yi turned to look at the wall clock on the wall, the hour hand had already pointed to the number eleven, "Did you get up late today too?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai's eyes drifted, and he quickly explained: "I went to bed late last night, so I woke up late."

When it comes to the word wake up, she deliberately bites the sound very heavily.

"Why did you explain this on purpose?"

Lin Yi was a little puzzled, looked at her suspiciously for a while, always felt that something was wrong with her, there was something in her words, and she seemed to be hiding something.

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't figure it out, so I simply stopped thinking about it, only because it was the first time she slept with me last night, and I was a little uncomfortable instinctively, so it seemed strange.

"You eat first, I'll go wash up."

Going back to the bathroom in the master bedroom, the little fox demon's tooth cup was placed on the sink, next to her own, and next to it were things like facial cleanser and hand cream that I bought for her.

After brushing his teeth, he wet his face with water, fumbled to pick up a bottle of facial cleanser, but couldn't help frowning.

This weight is wrong.

I have used more than half of my facial cleanser, and her facial cleanser has been bought for two or three months, but it seems that this one has not been used at all.

Open the lid and smell it, the smell inside is delicious, but it's not the same as the smell on her face.

He picked up the hand cream again, opened the cover and smelled it.

Sure enough, she had never smelled this smell before on her hands.

"Can you explain why you don't use these two things?"

Faced with Lin Yi's sudden questioning, Xiao Bai couldn't help but startled, looking a little dazed.

Swallowing the dumpling in his mouth, and looking at the facial cleanser and hand cream in his hand, he instantly understood what was going on.

She has used these two things a few times, but then she accidentally saw their prices on the Internet.

three digits.

This price was already sky-high for her, so she hesitated to use it again.

If he runs out, he will definitely have to buy it again.

"I, I don't think I can use this thing."

"Can't you use it?" Lin Yi was a little dazed, looking at her fair and flawless little face, and thinking about the delicate and tender touch he felt when he touched her hand.

It seems that she really doesn't need the things that humans use, and she doesn't need to use them at all.

"Although you don't seem to need to use it very much, it is better to use it than not to use it. Washing your face with facial cleanser can clean your face, and hand cream can protect your hands. What's more, I have already bought them It’s a waste if you don’t use it.”

After speaking, Lin Yi looked down at the shelf life of these two items again, and found that there was still a long time, so he said: "Remember to use it every day, don't forget to hear?"

Hearing what he said, Xiaobai could only nod his head in agreement, and then asked hesitantly: "Then can you stop buying it after I use it up? I don't think I need to use this."

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned, carefully recalled the prices when he bought these two items, and then understood.

It turned out that this girl just wanted to save money for herself, so she was reluctant to use it.

"This thing can be used for several months after buying it. If you calculate it this way, it's actually not that expensive. At least it's much cheaper than cigarettes. I quit smoking on purpose just to save money and buy things for you."

"Is that so?" Xiaobai wondered inexplicably. In her impression, this person had been unwilling to quit smoking. She threatened him that if he smoked, he would not be allowed to kiss her, so he reluctantly quit.

"It's not true. It should be said that I was able to quit smoking all thanks to you. How about this? After we finish eating, I will reward you with a kiss."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, with a slight smile on his face, "But remember to brush your teeth after eating, otherwise I think you'll be in a panic."

Breakfast and lunch are eaten together. Dumplings stuffed with mutton are neutralized with scallions, and then dipped in hot and sour sauce.

After cooking the two pots of dumplings with a few dishes, Lin Yi took the dishes to the kitchen to clean them.

When I returned to the living room, I saw her hugging the computer and watching videos, holding a bottle of Coke in her hand, and drinking with a straw inserted.

"Still angry?" Lin Yi leaned over, smiling all over his face.

"No." Xiaobai glanced at him, and continued to suck on the Coke.

"Don't be angry, I was teasing you just now, how could I despise you?" Lin Yi stretched out his hand to put her in his arms, lowered his head slightly, "Come on, give her a kiss."

"I don't want it, I think you're in a panic."

"I'm not bad at all, if you don't believe me, try it."

As he spoke, Lin Yi directly covered her rosy lips.

"How about it, isn't it bad?"

In a state of confusion, Xiaobai opened his eyes, looked at him with hazy eyes, leaned over and touched his lips lightly, then wrinkled his nose, and whispered softly: "No, it's very smelly."

"You are still kissing me." Lin Yi picked her up slightly with his arms, put her on his lap, and wrapped his hands around her waist, looking at the pretty little fox in his arms, "You can kiss her again." a bit."

"I do not want."

Xiaobai sniffed coquettishly, then curled up her legs, letting her whole body stick tightly to his arms, took a light breath, and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

She likes this kind of intimacy, but she is afraid of being too close.

Intimacy like now makes me feel yearning, liking, enjoying, and happiness.

But sleeping together like last night, although I also feel like and happy, but at the same time I feel a little overwhelmed.

Sleeping together should not happen at this time, it should only be possible after getting married.

But I also like to be hugged to sleep by him, and to be held by him to sleep.

Even when she woke up in the morning, she was still lying in his arms for a long time before she was willing to get up.

Mouth dislikes integrity, this is a sentence she saw on the Internet.

It probably means that the body clearly wants it, but the mouth expresses its refusal.

She felt that she belonged to this kind of situation, but it was different. She wanted her body very much, but at the same time she expressed her refusal, her heart was very complicated. She wanted to sleep with him, but she resisted instinctively.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help asking, "When will we get married?"

She felt that her situation could only be resolved after getting married.

In this way, you can sleep with him without any burden.

(End of this chapter)

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