my fox girl

Chapter 196 You Show My Scalp Numb

Chapter 196 You Show My Scalp Numb
"The colleagues in our company's sales department will invite someone to do a pedicure when they accompany customers to build relationships.

So I thought about taking her dad out to have a pedicure as well, so as to continue to improve our relationship, but many stores were closed during the Chinese New Year.

Then I suddenly remembered that I heard Liu Jian mention it before, saying that there was a pedicure shop that served Thialahao, and the little old girl in it was also very beautiful. "

Speaking of this, Sun Yan threw away the leftover apple core, wiped his mouth with his hand, and then continued: "Don't tell me, the little old girl inside is indeed beautiful, but the price is too expensive.

But I thought about it, we must not be stingy when we invite our father-in-law, but the price is indeed a bit expensive, so I discounted it and ordered a cheap one for myself, and the most expensive set meal for her dad.

At the beginning, we both had pedicures together. After the pedicures were finished, her father was invited into the private room to go to the essential oil spa, massage, etc. in his package. I just waited outside, but waiting, waiting, waiting. A gang of policemen. "

"Hey" Sun Yanchang sighed, "Then I saw my father-in-law followed by a group of old men, and little old girls, who were escorted out by the police."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was shocked, good guy, this guy who is celebrating Chinese New Year actually took his father-in-law to whoring.

"I never expected that there would be anti-pornography during Chinese New Year." After finishing speaking, Sun Yan let out another long sigh.

Facing his emotion, Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and then said: "I never thought that you would take my father-in-law to have a pedicure, and it's so irregular."

"Actually, I didn't want to. At that time, I also faintly realized that this pedicure shop might not be formal, but I saw that her father was looking forward to it, so I didn't leave."

"Well, what happened later?" Lin Yi was unable to complain now, this Weng and son-in-law are really a pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes.


Sun Yan raised his head and let out a long sigh of relief, "Later I was also brought into the prison, but I just had a pedicure and did nothing, and after a round of interrogation, I was released.

But her father was stolen and had to be detained for five days, not only fined, but also had to notify the family.

As for what happened after Zhang Ya and her mother arrived, I don't want to recall, anyway, it's the way it is now. "

Hearing this, Lin Yi swept the plaster bandages on his body again, and said after a long silence: "I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out, you."

"What can't you figure out?"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, accompanied by the sound of opening the door, Yang Ming walked in with a fruit basket.

"I really can't figure out how this guy would take his father-in-law to whoring. His operations are really good, and my scalp is numb."

"Huh?" Yang Ming was startled, and before he even had time to put down the fruit basket, he looked at Sun Yan with a look of impatience on his face, "Brother, hurry up and tell me about your glorious deeds, I want to hear it."

"I don't want to say, you can ask Lin Zi." Sun Yan looked out of the window sideways, with a very melancholy expression.

"Come on, let me tell you how handsome he is, that's it"

Lin Yibalabala recounted the bizarre story he had just heard.

Yang Ming was dumbfounded when he heard this, and kept lying down from time to time. The more he listened, the more shocked he became. He looked Sun Yan back and forth, walked over to tap the plaster cast on his leg, and flicked his arm twice.

"Yes buddy, you sent your father-in-law into the detention center by yourself."

"How the hell did I know that the policemen who celebrate the Chinese New Year have to focus on performance." Sun Yan waved his arms, breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "And he will definitely not be my father-in-law in the future. What will I tell Zhang Ya this time? Also scored."

"That's right. It's Chinese New Year. You sent your father to the police station because of such embarrassing things. It's no wonder you two didn't break up."

"This is one aspect, and another aspect." Sun Yan paused, then pointed to the bandages on his body, "Look at her beating me up, and I wonder if there is anything I can't talk about."

"You deserve it. I don't blame your father-in-law for calling you a grandson. You are a real grandson."

Lin Yi peeled another apple, took a bite, and said: "If you ask me, Zhang Ya's beating you is considered light, and it was your left arm that was broken, at least it won't affect your eating, but Zhang Ya's family You can't tell what the trouble will be like, maybe your father-in-law and your mother-in-law will have to divorce."

"Divorce is not enough. This matter is not big or small. When her father was arrested last night, it seemed that he hadn't had time to do anything. It belongs to the category of minor circumstances. Otherwise, it would be impossible to detain only five sky."

Speaking of this, Sun Yan's face turned gray again, and he sighed heavily: "But I guess we must have no drama this time, if other things are okay, but this matter, her mother at the time You didn't see the face, although it was directed at her father, but I also provoked this matter."

Seeing Sun Yan's disappointment mixed with regret, Lin Yi finally understood that this guy actually didn't want to break up with his girlfriend.

The reason why they clamored to break up with the tiger girls was simply because they felt that the two of them might be out of play because of this, and they wanted to save the last bit of face.

"Think about it, you two may not be separated this time, think about it, the reason why Zhang Ya beat you at that time must have been for her mother to show her mother, to calm her mother down, what does this mean, it means that she did not I plan to break up with you."

Seeing that Sun Yan's expression softened a little, Lin Yi continued to comfort him: "And recall again, when she beat you up last night, did her mother come to persuade you?"

"I really don't know what you're talking about. She fell over her shoulder when she came up. I passed out immediately and went to the hospital when I woke up."

Sun Yan looked at the environment in the ward, and said again: "Then I heard from the nurse that she left the hospital directly after paying the fee. It's obvious that she doesn't want to see me again, tell me."

"You know I don't want to see you again?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and at the same time, accompanied by the sound of opening the door, Zhang Ya walked in sullenly, but did not carry the fruit basket in his hand.

He is 1.7 meters tall, has short, crisp hair, and sharp eyes like knives.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered, he was used to seeing the little fox demon's gentle gaze, but when he saw this scene, he was inexplicably terrified.

What's more, this woman usually has a fierce reputation, and has always been synonymous with violence in their circle.

Yang Ming unconsciously straightened his back and sat upright. Although he was big, this woman's aura was too strong.

As for Sun Yan, he trembled inexplicably. Among the few people present, only he felt fear for this woman.

Both love and fear.

"You, you eat some fruit."

"Don't eat."

Looking at the apple handed over by Sun Yan tremblingly, Zhang Ya pursed her lips, glanced at the plaster bandage on his body, and said: "I asked the doctor just now, your fracture is not serious, you can recover after a period of rest. It’s so neat, it won’t affect your future life.”

"What you said, even if it really affects me, I can't blame you." Sun Yan smiled subconsciously.

"Well, I bought you a wheelchair, wait for two days." Speaking of this, Zhang Ya paused, calmed down a little, and continued: "When my dad comes out of the detention center, you can go to my house with me. Apologize."

"Is there any use in apologizing?"

"What do you say?"

Seeing his girlfriend's complexion was unkind, Sun Yan couldn't help shrinking his neck, and his body also trembled.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing, and Yang Ming followed suit.

Zhang Ya glanced over, "What are you two laughing at? You think it's funny?"

"No no."

Seeing this, Lin Yi waved his hands again and again, quickly suppressed his smile, stood up and said, "Then what, I have something to do with Yang Zi, you continue to talk about yours."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly pulled Yang Ming away.

Good guy, this woman's eyes are really scary.

(End of this chapter)

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