my fox girl

Chapter 197 No, I want the Zhang family to accompany my girlfriend

Chapter 197 No, I want to go home with my girlfriend

"Looking at the situation just now, these two people should still have room for maneuver. This time, they probably can't be separated, but what this guy did, I wonder, what is he thinking?"

Sitting in the car, Lin Yi put on his seat belt, still feeling a little emotional.

He still finds it a bit inconceivable that the prospective son-in-law would take his father-in-law to whoring, which is absolutely not something normal people can do.

"How would I know?"

Yang Ming started the car, turned the steering wheel and drove away from the hospital, "But I don't think this matter has anything to do with Liu Jian. You say he doesn't think about it. Can the pedicure shop Liu Jian introduced be legitimate?"

"Actually, strictly speaking, it's not an introduction. Liu Jian just said something, and he listened to it."

Lin Yi leaned his head back on the car seat, exhaled softly, and asked, "But why didn't Liu Jian come this time? Could it be that he was afraid that Sun Yan would hate him?"

"He definitely can't come, and he's had a terrible time this year."

"What do you mean?" Lin Yi was stunned, and asked, "Listen to what you said, there are still things I don't know about?"

"What can you know in a day, you just have a cat at home, how do you say that?"

Yang Ming frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "I don't hear what's going on outside the window, and I only read the books of sages."

"Putting it down, I read some sage books, I read Spring and Autumn." Lin Yi waved his hand, thinking about how to sleep in the same bed with the little fox demon these days, how could he have the time to read some sage books.

"Just say what's wrong with Liu Jian."

"That's right, he had a girlfriend a few years ago, who seemed to be a college student.

You know who Liu Jian is, he changes girlfriends more often than he changes clothes.

I guess he has done everything he should have done with other girls, so the girl has to drag him to meet her parents, probably because she wants to settle the matter directly with him, and then Liu Jian is really unable to resist, so she follows her. "

As he spoke, Yang Ming suddenly became happy.

"What are you so happy about?"

"No, this is so interesting, I couldn't hold it back, anyway, as soon as Liu Jiang entered the door, he saw it"

Speaking of this, Yang Ming suppressed his smile, and immediately asked, "Guess what he saw?"

"what did you see?"

"He saw his ex-girlfriend sitting on the sofa, or the ex-girlfriend who just broke up not long ago." Then, Yang Ming reminded: "That's it, didn't we go to KTV together last year, when Liu Jian said He just broke up, do you remember that?"

"Remember, I remember that Liu Jian kicked the family. You mean, this ex-girlfriend is related to his current girlfriend?"

"It's not just relatives, his ex-girlfriend and this current girlfriend are sisters." After speaking, Yang Ming glanced sideways at Lin Yi and added, "Birth."


Lin Yi was startled, good guy, what is this called, caught an old man in a trap?

"After Liu Jian broke up with his ex-girlfriend, the girl scolded him every day at home as a scumbag, and when she saw her sister bring the scumbag into the house, the girl became impatient and scratched when she came up, tsk tsk tsk"

Yang Ming was speechless for a while before continuing: "You don't know, that little girlfriend of his was in a daze at the time, and didn't understand what happened to his sister at all.

Then all the family members came out to persuade them, and it was only after the matter was discussed that they found out what was going on. Anyway, the scene at that time was very embarrassing. "

"No, why didn't his parents beat him up when he hurt two daughters in a row?"

"That's not true, I just kicked him out. It's the New Year's Eve, his face is covered with fingernail marks, he's embarrassed to go home, and he's panicked, so he finds me out to drink, and then he starts complaining to me. "

After speaking, Yang Ming became happy again, and continued: "That's all, what else did he say to me? The reason why he talked about a sister as a girlfriend is mainly because he doesn't want to change his old man."

Hearing this, Lin Yi also followed suit, enjoying himself, but also a little puzzled.

Why do people who celebrate the New Year like to cheat on their father-in-law?
All the way in silence, after another two intersections, while waiting for the red light, Yang Ming turned his head and suggested, "Let's find a place to drink?"

"No, I want to go home with my girlfriend."

"Hey, I knew you must be saying this again."

"I know you're still asking?"

"Ask casually, you agree if it's not guaranteed, right?" Yang Ming rubbed the steering wheel, then sighed suddenly, "Lin Yi, do you feel that you have changed?"

"You've become handsome, haven't you?" Lin Yi couldn't help touching his cheek with his hand, then turned his head to look at the car window.

What was reflected in the car window was still that handsome, inhuman, handsome face that couldn't be described in words.

"Actually, I think so too."

"Your shameless problem has not changed."

Yang Ming couldn't help complaining, and then he restrained his expression and said, "I don't mean this when I say change, but I mean that your change is a little bit more about sex than friends.

Don't deny it, think about it for yourself, in the past you would contact our brothers to get together whenever you had time, but now we take the initiative to call you out, but nine times out of ten you don't come, either to accompany your girlfriend, or Accompany your girlfriend, what do you mean if you don't value sex over friends? "


Lin Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he had nothing to say and could not refute. He began to reflect on whether he really valued sex over friends.

Before I picked her up, all I thought about every day was how to eat, drink, have fun, and how to kill time, and I always seemed to be restless.

Either go out for dinner with colleagues after get off work.

Either find a few people to play a few billiards and poke a couple of poles, or invite Yang Ming and the others to get together, drink, and chat.

Either go out on holidays or something, with friends, or with colleagues.

During the summer vacation, I still complained that because my parents went out to travel, it delayed the travel of myself and my colleagues.

I always feel that being idle at home every day is also being idle. It is better to find someone to comfort me, not physically, but spiritually.

After picking her up, colleagues invited her out for dinner, friends called her out for drinks, and went home as soon as possible after get off work.

I didn't think about where to go on holidays, even if I went out, I thought about being with her.

Every day I think about how to accompany her, whether outside or at home, as long as I can be with her.

I used to be restless and felt that time passed too slowly, but now I feel that time passes too fast every day, hoping that time can slow down.

Because this way I can spend more time with her.

She was like a ray of light, piercing through her previous life and turning it into fragments.

He filled his heart completely, as if he couldn't accommodate anything else.

Realizing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but heaved a long sigh, "Yang Zi, you're really right, I really value sex over friends."

Hearing this, Yang Ming couldn't help showing a triumphant smile on his face, but it quickly disappeared, and continued to ask: "Shall we find a place to drink?"

"No, I want to go home with my girlfriend."

"what are you"

(End of this chapter)

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