my fox girl

Chapter 198 I'm Just a Foot Control

Chapter 198 I'm Just a Foot Control
Yangchun has arrived in February, the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and it is catching up with a fine and sunny weather.

Xiaobai leaned on the sofa, holding a fifth-grade Chinese book in his hand, and was reading it little by little. He also wore a pair of frameless plain glasses on his face to increase the learning atmosphere.

Compared with such evil things as mathematics, she is more willing to learn Chinese. At least she can understand Chinese. Although it is quite weird, she has to summarize the central idea after reading a text.

But this is also much better than mathematics, where you can encounter all kinds of evil things.

A pool keeper who fills water while releasing it.

A and B contractors with clear division of labor and tacit cooperation.The train driver who travels at a constant speed and is never late, the perverted old farmer who puts hens and rabbits in the same cage, and the snail who climbs up five meters and falls down four meters every day.

But the most evil one is Xiao Ming, pondering all kinds of weird problems every day.

These strange and evil questions tortured her so much that the sun was green every day when she woke up.

Feeling the slightest strangeness on her legs, she glanced at Lin Yi from time to time, pursed her lips and turned her eyes to the book, letting him hold her legs and touch them around.

It wasn't until Lin Yi started pulling the socks off her feet that she couldn't help but ask, "Why are you taking off my socks?"

"Of course I want to touch your feet. How can I touch your feet without taking off my socks?"

Lin Yi took it for granted, tore off the white socks on her feet and stuffed them under the pillow, grabbed her delicate feet with his hands, and began to play with them.

Ever since he discovered the essence of his foot control, he has broken his cans and even let himself go.

Foot control is just foot control, there is nothing to be ashamed of, anyway, what I call foot control is only aimed at her.

He neither likes others, nor likes any abnormal three-inch golden lotus.

The only thing I like is her little feet.

White and tender as snow, the instep is as smooth as satin, the texture is delicate, and the sole of the foot is soft with a touch of tenderness.

The five toes are as delicate as pearls, strung on the white and small jade feet, curling up from time to time as she kneads.

Along the soft and tender feet, the dorsum of the feet is slightly arched to outline a graceful curve, which spreads to the straight and tender calves. The delicate skin is pink and white, as if it can be broken by blowing a bullet.

want to kiss.

"I think you might really be a pervert."

Seeing Lin Yi happily playing with his legs and feet, Xiao Bai's eyebrows could not help but slightly frowned, and he couldn't help expressing his true thoughts.

"Nonsense, you are purely slandering me. I am a foot control at most, and I have nothing to do with perverts."

He hadn't kissed him yet, but he was already regarded as a pervert, which made Lin Yi feel a little panicked.

"Foot control is foot fetishism, and foot fetishism is perversion." Xiaobai covered his face with a book and continued: "Foot fetishism is considered a pathological behavior in medicine. Have legs or shoes and socks have a special obsession, and even like"

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped, as if she was a little embarrassed.

"What do you like, you can continue to talk about it."

"Hi, I like to kiss, and also, I can lick."

Hearing this, Lin Yi frowned. At this moment, he was inexplicably suspicious.

Could it be that I, Lin, is really a pervert?
Realizing this, he quickly shook his head to get rid of this terrible thought, and then said with a serious face: "You must have seen these craps from the Internet again, and the things on the Internet are true and false. Can't hold it.

Let me tell you, foot control is foot control, and foot fetishism is foot fetishism. There is an essential difference between the two.

And I'm just foot control, but I'm not a foot fetish, let alone a pervert, and I just like your feet, I don't like other people's feet, understand? "

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly, peeked at him from the back of the book with a blushing face, then quickly looked away, hesitated for a moment, decided to express his feelings, and then said softly,
"Although, although you are a bit perverted, I will not despise you, nor will I dislike you just because of this."

"I repeat, I'm not a pervert."

"You don't have to feel ashamed. I read on the Internet that there are many people who like touching and licking like you. You can touch, but you are not allowed to lick. I think, I think."

Facing her incoherent words, Lin Yi listened expressionlessly, and couldn't see her expression because of the cover of the book.

But he could see the little foot in his hand curled up slightly, which seemed to represent the panic in its owner's heart.

He felt that in this little fox demon's heart, he had already been put on a perverted hat by her, and he couldn't take it off no matter what.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi took a deep breath and said calmly, "Don't worry, I won't lick."

"Really?" Xiaobai was a little skeptical, and said, "But I read online that they are like you."

"Why do you always use the Internet?" Before she finished speaking, Lin Yi couldn't help interrupting, "Didn't I tell you that everything on the Internet is virtual, the water is too deep, and you are still young You can't grasp it, don't believe everything, if you have the time to surf the Internet, you should read more books."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly with a blushing face, and turned his eyes back to the elementary school textbook in his hand, just for a moment of silence.

Then he secretly looked at the foot that Lin Yi held in his hand, and asked hesitantly, "You, you really don't know how to lick it?"

"Really." Lin Yi sighed and explained: "I just like to touch, and the reason why I like to touch is because I like you, so I like any part of your body, including you naturally. legs and feet."

Facing Lin Yi's explanation, Xiaobai didn't say anything, and looked at his body with his eyes.

Hands, feet, legs, belly, and more.
She looked down at her chest again.

It also includes the tongue, cheeks, facial features, and forehead that I can't see.

Whether it is visible or invisible, he likes it all.

This feeling has never been experienced before.

But compared to other parts, this person obviously prefers his legs and feet.

"Aren't you really a pervert?"

"Really not." Lin Yi put his hand on her foot and pinched it hard, as punishment for her distrust of herself.

"Yeah..." Feeling the slight pain in the sole of the foot, Xiao Bai couldn't help but let out a soft hum, then frowned and asked, "Why are you pinching me?"

"This is your punishment for doubting me."

Lin Yi held her legs in his arms, and gently stroked her feet with his hands, "I said that it's either a pervert or a pervert, and you still don't believe it.

We are lovers, future husband and wife, the most important thing between husband and wife is trust, or trust.

The relationship without trust is the most terrifying, because it represents endless suspicion and suspicion, and such a relationship is destined to not last long, you know? "

"En." Xiaobai peeked at Lin Yi from the back of the book, put his legs together slightly, and said in a gentle voice, "I believe in you, and I will always believe in you."

"I will always believe in you." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and said, "If you believe in me, can you sleep in the same bed as me at night, I will definitely not mess around."


"I promise I will never mess around, really." Lin Yi raised his hand and swore.

"I do not believe."

(End of this chapter)

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