my fox girl

Chapter 200 Being cute is useless

Chapter 200 Being cute is useless
After sitting by the water for half an afternoon, a fish finally took the bait. Both of them seemed very excited. They grabbed the fishing rod and lifted it up together. As the fishing rod bent, layers of waves were set off on the water surface.

The fish caught in the hook seems to be not small in size. Judging from the strength of the pulling line and the bending degree of the fishing rod, it is estimated that there is
How many of them can’t see it, this kind of thing is not seen by experienced fishermen at all, they just hold the fishing rod and the angle of the underwater fish together, walk the fish in the water for a while, until the fish is exhausted At the time, then lift it up hard.

A palm-sized crucian carp broke out of the water, the scales on its body gleaming in the sun.

"Why is this fish so small?" Xiaobai's breathing was a little short, looking at the crucian carp in the bucket, his expression was full of excitement, but there was also a hint of disappointment in it.

When I lifted the rod just now, I felt the strength of the fish was quite strong, so I thought it was a big fish.

But I didn't expect it to be only a dozen centimeters long, which was different from what I imagined.

"This fish is still small? This fish is at least half a catty smaller. It is considered a big fish among crucian carp. After all, crucian carp can't grow very big."

Lin Yi hung the new bait on the hook, and took another look at the crucian carp that was thumping in the bucket, "Let's stew this fish in soup tonight, and catch a few more carp to braise in soy sauce."

After that, he threw the hook into the water, confidently waiting for the next fish to take the bait.

Xiaobai also put it back on the mat and explained: "When we lifted the pole, I felt that it was very strong, and I thought it was a very big fish."

"This is normal. A catty of fish has ten catties of strength. A creature like a fish will have great strength in the water, but this is not its own strength. The main reason is that there is resistance in the water when we lift the pole, and its streamlined body shape But in the water, the resistance is small, and one goes up and down, so you will feel that it has great strength.”

Lin Yi took the Coke on the table, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it over, "After you have studied physics, you will understand this phenomenon. People who are usually ignorant, now they don't understand anything. I suffered from lack of culture."

Faced with Lin Yi's ridicule, Xiaobai wanted to refute, but felt that he had nothing to say, so he could only take the Coke and sip it.

After taking two sips, he suddenly noticed the loopholes in his words, frowned and said, "I haven't studied physics, of course I don't understand. After I study physics, I will definitely understand these principles."

"If you really want to learn physics, the first thing you need to do is to learn mathematics well and lay a solid foundation. Now you can't even memorize the multiplication table, and you still want to learn physics?"

Lin Yi squinted at her, and continued: "After you go back, study math hard, don't play games and watch videos all day long, if you continue like this, you can only be an ignorant, stupid and naive little fox demon, and in the future you can only Be a bed warmer girl for me, wash clothes, cook food and warm my bed."

"I'm not a bed warmer girl!" Xiaobai gritted his teeth angrily.

The bed warming girl is not the main house at first glance, she is just a maid, not even a concubine, so I don't want to be a bed warming girl for him.

"Keep your voice down, don't scare the fish away anymore, don't let you be a bed warmer, let you be my girlfriend and daughter-in-law."

Seeing her expression softened, Lin Yi changed the subject and said: "Although you are not allowed to be a bed warmer, you still have to study mathematics hard so that you can learn a series of other things such as physics and finance in the future, so that you can understand All kinds of common sense in life can also be integrated into this world, so as not to become more and more stupid.”

Hearing this, Xiaobai was about to nod his head, and asked hesitantly, "If I want to learn other things, do I still have to learn mathematics?"

"Otherwise, mathematics is the foundation of all sciences. If you don't study mathematics, you won't be able to learn other things at all."

"Oh." Xiaobai nodded with a sullen expression, and looked at the water. It was February in Yangchun, when the warbler was flying and the grass was growing, and the scenery was the most beautiful.

But when I think of all kinds of evil and abnormal problems in mathematics, I feel dizzy in my head instantly, and the scenery in front of me becomes unpleasant.

"Actually." Xiaobai's lips trembled, he hesitated for a long time, and then said in a low voice: "Actually, I think it's good for me to be an ignorant, stupid and naive little fox demon."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Lin Yi, her long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes were like pools of spring water, glowing with attachment, and her ruddy lips parted slightly.

"You won't dislike me, will you?"

Seeing this, Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and said: "I really won't dislike you, but please respect yourself, don't try to be cute to pass the test, it's useless to be cute, you still have to learn."

Perhaps it was the previous carp that opened up the situation. In the next two hours, four or five fish were caught in a row.

Basically, they are about half a catty crucian carp, and they are all caught by Xiaobai.

Seeing the little fox demon's excited face, Lin Yi began to suspect that his feng shui was not good, otherwise the two of them were using the same fishing tackle and bait, so why wouldn't they catch fish by themselves.

I took out my mobile phone and checked the strategy. According to the experience of sand sculpture netizens, when the nest bubbles, it means that fish have broken in.

Looking at the nests I made before, they were as motionless as stagnant water, so I simply picked up the nest materials adjusted in advance and made several nests again on my side, and watched the bubbling fishing after the fish entered the nests.

After another half an hour, watching the little fox demon catch another fish and urging himself to go home, Lin Yi turned his head to the west, watching the sunset in the sky.

At this time, it was approaching dusk, but I still found nothing.


Just as he was about to bring Maza back home, he suddenly saw a large piece of bubbles popping out of a nest he made earlier. Judging by the number and size of the bubbles, based on his experience, this is definitely a .
He couldn't tell how big it was, it was big anyway.

Lin Yi gently put down the horse tie in his hand, gestured to her for silence, then lifted his fishing rod, tiptoed to the side of the nest, and slowly lowered the hook with bait on it.

During this process, he held his breath tightly, not even daring to take a breath, for fear of scaring his big fish away.

Seeing that Lin Yi was so solemn, Xiaobai didn't dare to make a sound, and stood there, holding his breath and watching quietly.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no big fish biting the hook, and there was not even any movement in the nest.

Lin Yiqi gritted his teeth, this damn big fish is too cunning, the movement of his hook just now was obviously only a little bit.

But I didn't expect to let it go.
Just as he was thinking, the bubbles in the nest suddenly popped up again. At this time, the spring breeze blew past, causing ripples on the water surface, just like his excited heart.

Lin Yi's eyes widened unconsciously, and he clenched the fishing rod so tightly that his palms began to sweat.

Immediately, the float began to shake violently, and then sank rapidly. Lin Yi hurriedly lifted the rod vigorously, the fishing line straightened instantly, and the whole fishing rod was bent into a big bow.

"Fuck, what's wrong with this fish?"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yi fell into the water with a plop, still holding on to the fishing rod firmly in his hand.

Just before entering the water, he vaguely saw a black shadow in the water, and the back of the fish protruding from the water was longer than his own arm.

 Thanks to book friend 20200327141637319 for the 500 points rewarded by children's shoes.

  Thank you for the 200 points rewarded by Shengsheng Children's Shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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