my fox girl

Chapter 201 Don't Tease Me

Chapter 201 Don't Tease Me
"You don't even know what I went through just now, boy, the strength of that fish is really great, even now I feel my arms are sore and sore."

Sitting in the car, Lin Yi was holding the steering wheel, with a look of lovelessness on his face, his whole body was wet, the clothes on his body were still dripping water, and he shivered from time to time.

Although it is spring and the flowers are blooming, the temperature in the water is really cool.

And he just didn't let go just now, and he competed with the big fish in the water for most of the day.

It took more than ten minutes to get the fish up, so I drank a lot of water.

Up to this moment, I felt a rattling sound in my stomach.

"However, it's worth the effort. The fish I caught weighed more than a dozen catties, and it was still carp. We have a whole fish feast tonight. After we go back, we will cook it in soy sauce. The remaining few crucian carps are used for food." Stew soup to drink."

Mentioning this, Lin Yi's expression became excited again. He caught a carp weighing more than ten kilograms. This was definitely the highlight moment in his fishing career. Although there was a small accident, it was nothing.

Seeing that the little fox demon hadn't spoken for a long time, he turned his head and took a look while waiting for the traffic lights, and then comforted him,
"It's okay, you don't have to worry. Although it's a bit cold at the moment, just go back and take a hot bath. You shouldn't catch a cold."

It was already dark when I returned to the community. I drove the car to the underground garage, carried the fishing equipment and the bucket containing the fish in my hands, and walked into the elevator from the basement floor to the fifteenth floor.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Yi first threw the small Mazza table and other tools into the utility room, and then carried the bucket to the kitchen.

The large carp in the bucket opened and closed its lips slightly. Due to its size, half of its body was exposed outside. Its tail swayed slightly from time to time, making it look a bit hopeless.

It's not that there is nothing to love, the main reason is that when he first came ashore, he was grabbed by Lin Yi and fell several times, and now he is still dizzy and has not recovered.

Lin Yi took the fish out and put it on the chopping board, and slammed it several times with the back of the knife to make sure it was completely dizzy again. In this way, it should not feel pain when the belly is cut open later, quite Yu took anesthesia.

This is called kindness.

As a fish killer without emotion, his heart must not be as cold as a knife.

Seeing Lin Yi's series of operations, and seeing how wet he was all over, Xiao Bai couldn't help but said, "Go and take a shower, I'll do it."

"It's okay, this fish still needs to be scaled and then disembowelled. It's very dirty. You can clean it after I clean it."

Enduring the cold, Lin Yi scraped off the scales of the carp, then dissected and cleaned them, and then fished out three crucian carps from the bottom of the bucket and dissected them, and saved the rest for tomorrow.

Three crucian carp, served with tofu, can make a big pot of fresh soup.

After everything was tidied up, Lin Yi ran to the bathroom to take a shower.

The whole person soaked in the bathtub, feeling the warmth wrapped around his body, and felt warm instantly.

After a cold rain, you can take a hot shower and shower back with hot water, but if you fall into the water and have been soaked in cold water for such a long time, you must soak in hot water to come back.

Otherwise, it feels like a loss.

He came out of the bathroom in his pajamas, took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator, opened it and drank a couple of sips, then sat down at the table and started eating.

Although crucian carp is stupid and common, it tastes delicious, especially after it is fried and used to stew soup, you can get a big pot full of milky white soup.

A large pot of soup can be stewed out of such cheap ingredients, and it is also rich in nutrition, which is definitely a good deal.

"Why is there only half of your braised carp?"

Lin Yi used chopsticks to pick out a large pot of carp in the middle of the table, and it was indeed half a carp, which was cut horizontally.

"I want to give the remaining few crucian carp and half a big carp to my uncle and aunt."

"You think a lot."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded lightly, thought about it and explained: "I think we always get things from uncles and aunts, and eat and drink, which is not very good, and we should also give them something. "

"I think so too." Lin Yi deeply agreed, and felt that it was a bit stupid for them to be so truthful.

"You put the half of the carp in the bottom of the refrigerator to freeze. As for the few crucian carps, just put them in a bucket and keep them in a bucket. We will bring them with us when we go to eat some other day."


After eating, Lin Yi washed the dishes, and now he felt his stomach was still rattling, but before it was river water, now it was fish soup.

The crucian carp soup at night is white and thick, as if all the essence of the crucian carp has been incorporated into the soup, and the whole mouth feels fresh and sweet as soon as it enters the mouth.

I couldn't hold back and drank two more bowls, and I was a little overwhelmed at the moment.

Sitting on the sofa, he naturally took the little fox demon's legs into his arms, stroked them gently with his hands, felt the smooth and smooth touch, couldn't help but close his eyes,
"The fish tonight are quite delicious, let's go catch some more another day."

Just as Xiaobai wanted to agree, he felt uneasy and asked, "Then what will you do if you fall into the water again?"

"It was just an accident. We went fishing, not swimming. Who would fall into the water every day?"

Lin Yi replied, and continued to rest his mind with his eyes closed. He didn't know whether it was because he drank too much soup or what happened. He always felt dizzy.

"Yeah." Xiaobai responded softly, continued to watch the movie, felt the warmth on his legs, hesitated, slipped his feet into the hem of Lin Yi's clothes, and gently rubbed his toes on his stomach .

"what are you doing?"

Lin Yi opened his eyes and looked sideways, feeling that the little fox was teasing him.


The movements on Xiaobai's feet stopped for a moment, then he looked away and asked, "Why don't you hug me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi moved over and hugged her into his arms, leaned his body on the sofa, closed his eyes and said: "If you want me to hold her, you can tell me clearly, don't tease me like this, and you won't help me vent my anger, It's unbearable."

"What's the pain?" Xiaobai asked inexplicably, then adjusted his sitting posture, and nestled his whole body limply into his arms.

Lin Yi put his arms around her waist, and gently rubbed her body with his hands, feeling the soft and tender body in his arms, and felt that he was even more uncomfortable now.

"Then, how can you not be uncomfortable?"

"You can do this"

As he spoke, Lin Yi suddenly sensed something was wrong, sniffed, but didn't smell it.

He inhaled again, but still didn't smell it.

Rubbing my nose with my hands, my nose is stuffed and I can't smell anything.

The dizziness in my head is also layer after layer, and it never stops.

Eyelids are too heavy to lift.

The current symptoms all indicate that I have some colds, maybe I still have a fever.

(End of this chapter)

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