my fox girl

Chapter 202 You Will Be Mentally Retarded

Chapter 202 You Will Be Mentally Retarded

Seeing that Lin Yi stopped in the middle of what he was saying, Xiao Bai hesitated and asked, "What did you want to say just now?"

"Nothing, I think I may have a fever now."

Let go of the little fox demon in his arms, Lin Yi touched his forehead with his hands, it was a little hot.

Sure enough, it was a fever.

He leaned over and took out the medicine box from under the coffee table, took out a box of aspirin and a bag of cold medicine from it, walked over to get a glass of water from the water dispenser, and poured it into his mouth.


"Well, the complications caused by the cold should be caused by falling into the water in the afternoon and suffering from the wind and cold, which caused the fever."

Lin Yi stirred the cold medicine in the cup with a spoon, and drank it with a straight neck.

He took another cup of hot water and held the cup in his hands. Seeing her worried expression, he grinned and smiled, "You don't have to make a fuss, it's not a serious illness, just take some medicine and you'll be fine."

"Are you really all right?"

"It's okay, don't come here, stay away from me, I'm afraid I'll infect you."

Lin Yi also couldn't figure out whether a creature like the fox demon would be infected, but it's better to be careful.

With my current symptoms, my eyelids are heavy and my brain is confused.

Even at this moment, he already faintly felt a little cold all over his body, which was obviously a more serious manifestation.

The chances of infection will be high.

"I" Xiaobai stood on the floor and wanted to go over to have a look, but was rejected by him again, looking a little at a loss.

"How about we go to the hospital?"

"What kind of hospital did you go to? It's not a serious illness. I'm just a little dizzy right now. In this way, you continue to watch movies, and I'll go back to my room to sleep. I'll be fine when I wake up."

Lin Yi waved his hand, drank the hot water in the cup, and said nothing about going to the hospital.

He instinctively resisted such a high-consumption place like a hospital.

Although he drank some medicine at this moment, there was still no improvement, and his condition even worsened a bit, and his whole body began to sway from the cold, which was obviously getting worse, but he still didn't want to go.

Although it is not enough for self-diagnosis of minor illnesses and self-absolution of major illnesses, but if you can’t go, don’t go.

Of course, the above are basically excuses, or not the most important.

The most important thing is that if he goes to the hospital right now, he might be held down for an injection.

To tell the truth, he was terrified of injections.

Let's not talk about whether it hurts or not, anyway, he has a psychological shadow on this thing.

When he was in elementary school, he went to his grandmother's house during the summer vacation. He had a fever in the middle of the night, and the fever persisted. He didn't dare to delay, but because he was in the countryside and far away from the county town, there was no hospital. The only ones there are the barefoot doctors in the village.

The practice of barefoot doctors is an ancestral craft. It is said that the ancestor was a veterinarian.

A thousand years later, I heard that he was a court physician who specialized in castrating the emperor's livestock. His main job was to help the emperor steer pigs and chickens. It can be said that the ancestors were really rich.

Needless to say, people can be regarded as a family of medical practitioners.

It's just that the descendants of this generation have a little trembling hands, just like Wu's second son who suffered from cerebral thrombosis at the entrance of the village, but the trembling is not so severe.

At that time, he pressed it down, and it was an injection of Analgin, good guy, the injection speed was the same as pumping up a bicycle tire.

The fever did subside, but he lay on the bed for three days, moaning and moaning, unable to walk at all.

Since then, he has had a strong psychological shadow on such things as injections.

Feeling the physical symptoms carefully again, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "Let's sleep separately for the next two days."

Hearing this, Xiaobai was obviously a little dazed, as if he didn't quite react.

Seeing her bewildered expression, Lin Yi blew his nose with a tissue and said, "Don't be in a hurry to be happy, I was thinking of sleeping separately because I was afraid of infecting you, just wait until I get sick You will definitely have to move back when you’re done, you won’t be able to escape.”

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked into the master bedroom to pack up his bedding and pillows, and move them all to the second bedroom where he lived before.

Anyway, it would be the same to move back after recovering from the illness, and if the time comes to be more sloppy, you can definitely move back.

After laying out the bedding and pillows, Lin Yi lay down on the bed, wrapped the quilt tightly, and buried his face in it.

According to his past experience of fever, after taking the medicine, he can cover himself with a quilt overnight and sweat all over, and he can basically recover quickly.

It's just that this time it feels a bit serious, the remaining cold has not dissipated, after soaking in cold water for so long, and drinking so much water, I don't know if the water is dry or not.

Although I drove home after landing, I was a novice and did not dare to drive too fast, which has been delayed for a long time.

Then after returning home, I was killing fish and helping, which was delayed for a while, and then I went to take a hot bath.

But this is cold water first, and then hot water. This is the double sky of ice and fire, and there is also the poisonous dragon drill.

Strange, why did I think of the poisonous dragon drill?
Just as he was thinking wildly, Xiaobai pushed open the door and came in, and saw him curled up on the bed wrapped in a quilt, shivering, as if he was very cold, and he was still fumbling incomprehensible words.

What kind of poisonous dragon drill, the two heavens of ice and fire, it's nonsense when you hear it.

According to the knowledge she just checked from the Internet, Lin Yi is completely confused.

The next step is that the high temperature damages the nervous system and causes brain damage, resulting in cerebral palsy, which is what Lin Yi often calls mental retardation.

Thinking of this, the little fox demon was startled immediately, and his eyes turned red for no reason. He walked over quickly and stretched his hand under the bed, intending to drag him to the hospital for treatment.

Anyway, nothing can make him mentally retarded.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yi fell into a drowsy sleep and felt hands pulling him, he raised his eyelids dizzily, and saw the little fox demon struggling to pull himself onto the bed.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and her expression could not be seen clearly, but her panicked breathing could be clearly heard.

It feels like I'm about to die.

"Get up quickly, let's go to the hospital to show you."

"Go to any hospital, I won't go."

"I checked just now, you will become mentally retarded."


Lin Yi felt his head was heavy, he was groggy, and his reaction became slow, and he didn't understand what she meant.

What does it mean to become mentally handicapped?
"Let go of your hand first, don't pull it, listen to me, although I don't understand why you say that, but I will definitely not become mentally retarded, so we don't need to go to the hospital, just let go of your hand."

"I don't want it." Xiaobai's face was full of worry. He was originally stupid, and he became a mentally retarded.

At that time, when the two get married, the two idiots get together, and they will live a life like this, and I feel pitiful when I think about it.

Thinking of this, her breathing became a little short, and the color of her pupils also changed accordingly.

"Bang your hands."

Before she finished speaking, Lin Yi was dragged down by her including the quilt, and fell to the ground hard.

(End of this chapter)

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