my fox girl

Chapter 203 I don't want to drink

Chapter 203 I don't want to drink
Lin Yi leaned against the head of the bed, slowly drinking a cup of hot water in his hand, and glanced at the little fox demon beside him from the corner of his eye from time to time.

This girl is very bad.

Obviously as strong as a calf, he just pretended to be harmless to humans and animals all day long.

Quiet like a rabbit.

The ghost knows what he felt just now, a huge force pulled him off the bed, and he couldn't resist at all.

Although this is also due to his own illness and weakness, but he will never be dragged down so easily by her.

I was very puzzled.

Could it be that her previous performance of being powerless was all just pretending?

The small appearance looks delicate, and the body is soft when hugged, but I didn't expect that there is infinite power hidden in such a small body.

This little fox is very bad, God knows what she wants to do if she hides so deeply?
"Are you really not going to the hospital?"

"Didn't I tell you that as long as the fever doesn't reach 40 degrees, you won't become stupid, and the medicine I take is very effective."

Lin Yi put the cup in his hand on the bedside table, took out the thermometer from his armpit, and wanted to see how hot he was.

However, due to the fever and the uncontrollable blurring of vision, I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Help me see how many degrees this is."

"What do you think?"

"There is a thin line made of mercury, and you can see how many degrees it touches."

Seeing the little fox demon holding the thermometer and looking hard at it, Lin Yi asked, "How is it? Did you see it?"

"It seems to be more than 38 degrees." Xiaobai confirmed it again, then raised his head and looked at Lin Yi with a worried face, "It will be [-] degrees soon, you may really become stupid, we still have to go to the hospital to see .”

"Don't pull, you let go of your hand first, and now it's not 38 degrees, only [-] degrees, and you won't become stupid."

Lin Yi hugged his quilt tightly, and she had dragged him to the side of the bed with a pitiful and helpless expression.

"But what if you get burned to 40 degrees in a while?"

"How can it be so easy to have a fever of [-] degrees? I just took the medicine and the temperature will only get lower and lower, and then cover the quilt and sweat all over the body to reduce the fever."


"Really, let go of your hand quickly. Let me tell you, if you continue to torment like this, I will only get worse."

Seeing that she finally let go, Lin Yiqiang supported himself to lie down on the pillow, feeling dizzy and a little chilly, so he couldn't help wrapping the quilt tightly around his body.

He sniffed again, and it seemed that his nasal congestion was worse than before, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, which was a bit like the sound of electricity, maybe an alien was sending him a signal.

"You go out quickly, I need to rest now."

"Are you really all right?"

Xiaobai felt that Lin Yi's tone of voice had become stern, a little naive, like a fool.

Not as cheerful as before.

"It's okay, you go out quickly, don't infect you then, and I really need to rest now."

Lin Yi rubbed a ball of paper and stuffed it into his nostrils, curled up under the quilt with his arms folded, feeling like he was falling down.

It's like falling headfirst into a bottomless cold pool.

His consciousness became more and more blurred. The effect of the medicine and the symptoms of his mind made him feel tired and very cold and very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it has passed, half asleep and half awake, I felt a slight shock on the bed, and the quilt was lifted a little bit, and then I felt something soft got into my arms, warm, with warmth. hot.

I hugged subconsciously, and finally felt a little warmer.

Silent all night.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning of the next day that Lin Yi woke up from his sleep, his head was dizzy, and he was still a little cold.

Picking up the paper towel next to the bed and blowing his nose, his nose was still stuffy, but it was better than last night, and he crumpled it up and stuffed two more into his nostrils.

I touched my forehead with my hand. Although it was still a little hot, it wasn't as hot as last night.

And the whole person is more awake than yesterday, at least not so confused.

As the saying goes, sickness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread. Even a small cold takes several days to recover.

According to the medical level of modern humans, cold medicine can't really cure a cold, it just makes people less uncomfortable and relieves symptoms, such as runny nose, cough and so on.

It is the immune system in the body that really gets rid of the disease, and one of the ways is to have a fever, using the heat in the body to kill bacteria in the body.

Therefore, to treat a cold with cold medicine is Tu Yile. If you really want to cure a cold, you have to rely on fever.

Holding his head and walking to the living room, just as he was about to drink some more medicine, a complex smell wafted from the kitchen.

He didn't have time to lament that his sense of smell had recovered, so he couldn't help frowning.

This smell is too strong, too evil.

There are ginger flavors, pear flavors, and sweet flavors. It seems to be cola mixed with brown sugar, and even mixed with a smell of rotten radish.

Hearing the movement in the living room, Xiaobai leaned out half of his body from the kitchen, "I boiled a big pot of medicine, this can cure a cold."

"I don't want to drink it, you feel evil just by smelling it."

"I found these on the Internet. They can cure colds. You should drink them."

Xiao Bai came out with the pot in his arms, put it on the table, scooped up a big pot full of it with a spoon, and handed it over, "Here you are."

Looking at the dark liquid in the basin, which was viscous, and there were pear pieces, radish pieces, green onion pieces floating in it, floating mung beans, and some shredded ginger, Lin Yi couldn't help but his heart beat wildly. .

At first glance, this thing is not for people to drink.

"I don't want to drink."

"No, you want to drink."

Xiaobai frowned, thrust the basin into Lin Yi's hand, and explained: "I checked it out, and the contents here are all for colds, rock sugar pears can cure coughs, ginger silk cola can keep colds away, honey mung beans It can reduce the fire and remove heat, green onions and radishes can warm your stomach and make you sweat, and brown sugar”

"Stop, stop talking. The more you talk, the more scared I become." Lin Yi frowned, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Good guy, let's cook all the things that can cure colds in one pot, let's not talk about whether drinking this stuff will have any effect.

With so many seasonings, what kind of taste should it be?
With his poor imagination, he couldn't imagine it at all.

Man can never imagine something beyond his own cognition.

Looking at the evil liquid in the basin, and at the serious face of the little fox demon, with an attitude of not being able to refuse.

And the things in the basin are indeed able to cure colds, they are just combined together.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi gritted his teeth, finally raised his neck, pinched his nose and poured the pot of dark liquid into his mouth.

As soon as he entered, he couldn't help frowning.

What kind of fairy taste is this?
Sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, mixed with an indescribable taste.

The bowl of arsenic that Pan Jinlian poured Da Lang back then may not have been so wicked.

(End of this chapter)

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