my fox girl

Chapter 210 Your chapter, my mother also said it back then

Chapter 210 My mother also said what you said back then

After dinner.

Lin Yi was washing the dishes in the kitchen, when he heard footsteps behind him, he looked back, was startled, and then asked, "Dad, you're not sitting on the sofa, what are you doing here?"

"Nothing, just come in and take a look."

"Oh." Hearing this, Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, and continued to wash the dishes in the pool with a sullen head, "I thought you were here to help me wash the dishes."

"I'm here as a guest, you kid also have the nerve to lick your face and ask me to wash the dishes for you?"

"Look at what you said, when I go to your place to rub, bah, when I go to your place as a guest, isn't it also me who washes the dishes?"

Lin Yuguo ignored his words, turned around the kitchen a few times with his hands behind his back, looked left and right, and said in a casual tone: "Be careful when you two live together."

Lin Yi frowned, and said habitually: "Dad, we are innocent and did nothing."

"There's only an empty bed in the second bedroom. You kid usually sleep on a board?"

"That's not it."

Lin Yi piled up the cleaned dishes, hesitated for a moment, and then admitted: "We do sleep together, but we are still clean."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but pause.

One male, one female.

They live together every day, and they still sleep on the same bed.

Then it's still innocent.

No one would believe this, not even a fool, let alone Comrade Lao Lin is not a fool.

"Do you still want to say that you are innocent?" Lin Yuguo narrowed his eyes and looked at him quietly.

I feel like I've been taken for a fool by this kid.

"No, I just wanted to say that we are still a couple, not a couple, so we will definitely take measures to ensure that there will be no unmarried pregnancy. That's right, that's it."

"Yeah." Lin Yuguo nodded, and he didn't want to entangle this topic with him anymore. He always felt a bit awkward to talk about it, as long as he knew it in his heart.

Then he changed the subject and said, "The fish you sent over last time was quite fresh."

"That's for sure. It's not the artificially raised fish in the market. Apart from eating my bait, I haven't eaten a little bit of feed."

Lin Yi put the dishes into the cupboard, straightened up and stretched, then turned around and said, "Dad, if I have the time, I'll take you fishing together, let you see my fishing skills, and teach you how to fish by the way."


Lin Yuguo snorted disdainfully, "I still need your teaching? When I was fishing back then, when did I not catch ten or eight fish?"

"Then you also fished one as big as me?"

"Why not? I've caught one even bigger than yours."

"I don't believe it, show me the photo."

"How can there be any photos? When I was fishing, I still used a BB camera, and it's not like I can just take pictures with a mobile phone now."

Lin Yuguo pursed the corners of his mouth, with a trace of disgust on his face, "And I'm not like you, who would raise his tail up to the sky when he caught a big fish, and I asked you to post it in Moments and WeChat groups, wishing everyone would know Your little shit."

"What's that nonsense?" Lin Yi asked back, he always felt awkward about this.

Lin Yuguo was speechless, leaned out and glanced at the living room, then looked away, and continued: "Let's not go out yet, just chat in the kitchen for a while."

"Why can't you go out?" Lin Yi wanted to go to the living room, but Lin Yuguo grabbed him.

"They talk about theirs outside, let's talk about ours, don't disturb each other, don't go out and meddle."

"What are they talking about in the living room?" Lin Yi frowned, leaning over to look into the living room, he always felt a little strange, what are they talking about, it's still mysterious.

"Nothing to talk about." Lin Yuguo reached out and closed the sliding door of the kitchen, blocking Lin Yi's sight, and continued: "Anyway, let's not go out, just chat in the kitchen for a while."

"Then what shall we talk about?"

"Wait a minute, let me think about it, I feel like I really have nothing to talk to you about."


After being silent for a long time, Lin Yuguo opened the kitchen door and glanced out, then led Lin Yi out.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go back."

Lin Yi was still immersed in the embarrassment just now, before he could react too much, he saw Lin Yuguo had already picked up the coat on the sofa, and beckoned Yu Shuhui to leave.

"Why don't you sit down for a while?" Lin Yi asked tentatively.

"No, sit down, we still have something to do at home."

"That's fine, you drive on the road and pay attention to safety."

"En." Lin Yuguo took Yu Shuhui out, walked into the corridor, hesitated, turned around and said, "Next time you go fishing, remember to tell me."

After sending his parents into the elevator, Lin Yi went back to the house, sat down on the sofa, and asked, "What did my mother and you talk about just now? It's still mysterious, so I won't let you see it."

"Nothing to talk about." As he spoke, Xiaobai raised his arms hesitantly, and rolled up his cuffs, revealing a white jade bracelet on his wrist, "Auntie gave me this, and said this is for, for"

"It's for the daughter-in-law, isn't it?"

"Well, how did you know that?"

"This is my mother's big baby, how can I not know?
It’s just this thing, she usually cherishes it like something, I can’t even touch it, when I was young, I secretly took it out to show off to my friends while she was sleeping, and then I was beaten up, It hurts to think about it now. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yi changed the subject and said again: "But speaking of it, this thing should be regarded as a family heirloom of our family, specially passed on to our daughter-in-law, my grandma passed it on to my mother, and my mother passed it on to you. It's called inheritance."

As he said that, he unconsciously glanced at the jade bracelet on her wrist. The material of suet white jade was pure white with a greasy luster. It looked warm and soft, just like curdled fat.

This kind of soft luster can never be cultivated without the nourishment of several generations.

I don't know that this jade bracelet has been worn by generations of daughters-in-law.

Now that the jade bracelet has been passed to her, it means that her mother really regards this little fox demon as her daughter-in-law.

After a while, you have to touch everything.

It's not touching the daughter-in-law, but mainly touching the jade bracelet.

in the car.

All the way in silence, the car drove to an intersection, while waiting for the traffic light, Lin Yuguo glanced at the co-pilot, saw that Yu Shuhui lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, just stroking her own left wrist.

That place used to wear a white jade bracelet, but now it is empty.

"I'll buy you another jade bracelet to wear some other day." After finishing speaking, he paused and added, "Let's buy the same one."

"No, even if you buy the same one, the meaning is different."

"Something is better than nothing." Lin Yuguo insisted.

Yu Shuhui's lips moved twice, wanting to refute, but felt that what he said made sense.

Indeed, having one is better than nothing. After wearing it heavily on my left hand for over twenty years, it suddenly becomes light and uncomfortable.

Then she sighed softly, and said with a dazed expression: "That girl is really nice, I am very happy that she can be our daughter-in-law, and I feel at ease, but the bracelet that I have worn for more than 20 years suddenly spread like this. I felt that my heart suddenly became empty, and I felt a little bit reluctant."

Hearing his wife's words, Lin Yuguo tightened his grip on the steering wheel, wanted to say something but didn't say it, his mood became complicated for a while, and he just drove slowly on the way home.

"What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything, I just think what you said just now, my mother should have said the same back then."

 Thanks to Feng Xiaoxiya for the 200 points rewarded by children's shoes.

  Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by children's shoes, which is really difficult.

  Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by Zhatian Gang's janitor children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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