my fox girl

Chapter 211 I'm Not Thick-Skinned, I'm Shameless

Chapter 211 I'm Not Thick-Skinned, I'm Shameless
The entrance of a newly opened supermarket on the street.

Lin Yi frowned and turned around to look around.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaobai turned around and asked.

"Nothing." Lin Yi looked around again, "I just want to see if there are any acquaintances."

"What are you looking at acquaintances for?"

"What we're doing now is too much."

Before he finished speaking, he was pushed and shoved, "Boy, you two hurry up, don't waste your time."

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Lin Yi turned his head to smile at the aunt behind him, and pushed the little fox demon's back forward with his hands.

After thinking about it, he turned around and said, "Auntie, if you come forward, we are not in a hurry."

"No, first come, first served. You have to follow the rules when you get eggs. You who come first get the first one." Then, the aunt asked again: "Is it the first time you get eggs like this?"

"Well, it's indeed the first time."

"I knew it." The aunt leaned back tactically, shook the vegetable basket in her hand twice, and said, "You don't have to find a frame bag to pick up the eggs, and you won't be able to carry them in a while."

After that, she took out two plastic bags from the basket and handed them to Lin Yi, saying: "Well, take it, you will use these to hold eggs in a while."

"No, just get two eggs for each person, just put them in your pocket."

"You young people's minds are not as good as those of us who are old. It's true that you get two at a time, but you won't get more times?"

With a look of resentment, the aunt lifted the vegetable basket in her hand, pointed to the dozen or so eggs inside and said, "Look, I got these just now."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's eyes lit up, and he turned around and asked, "Auntie, can I keep getting this egg?"

"That's right, as long as you get it once and line up once, it won't waste much time."

As she said that, the aunt handed the plastic bag to the two of them again, and continued: "This is the first time seeing a young couple like you who know how to live. Unlike my daughter, let her get an egg with me, she I also hate this and that.

For a while, it is said that the egg givers are all liars, and then it is said that these people are pyramid schemes. Is that a lie? Can we, the egg recipients, not know?If you ask me, she just feels ashamed. "

"Why does she feel ashamed?" Xiao Bai frowned slightly, a little incomprehensible, "I don't think it's embarrassing at all to get eggs without paying."

"That's why I said that you can live a good life. The clothes you two wear don't look like you are short of money. You can plan carefully at a young age. I really should let my daughter learn from you."


The sun gradually shifted to the west, night began to fall quietly, the number of pedestrians on the street also decreased, the egg distribution activity in the supermarket finally ended, and the long queue at the door also dispersed.

Xiaobai looked at the bag of eggs in his hand, then at Lin Yi's, and then looked at the entrance of the supermarket, with a somewhat unsatisfactory expression on his face, "Why did this event end so quickly? Are they still giving out eggs tomorrow?" ?”

"Not necessarily, but even if I'm not coming, you are not allowed to come." Lin Yi looked at the big bag of eggs in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

It was a good weekend, I was planning to go shopping, but I didn't expect to get an afternoon of eggs here.

He couldn't remember how many times he had lined up, but he had at least twenty or thirty eggs in his hand.

In addition to hers, there must be fifty or sixty, and he felt that in the next week, every meal would be full of eggs.

"The kind boss gave us eggs for free, why are you not allowed to come?"

In the little fox demon's mind, the supermarket owner who gave her eggs has become synonymous with kind-hearted people.

"You're not allowed to come for free. It's too tiring. Those who have been standing in line all the time, just for these few catties of eggs, it's not worth it."

"It doesn't matter if you are tired, anyway, we have taken advantage of it, and I don't feel tired."

"It's okay if you're not tired."

Lin Yi carried the eggs and went to the milk tea shop on the side of the road to buy two cups of fruit tea, handed her a cup, and continued with a somewhat unscrupulous expression: "Speaking of taking advantage, I don't think it's meaningful to take advantage of these catties of eggs , compared to that, I still prefer to take advantage of you, can you let me take advantage of you when you sleep tonight, such as reaching in to touch something?"

That look, if he replaced the milk tea he was handing forward with a lollipop, it would be more vivid, like the strange sorghum who lured the little loli to see the goldfish.

"I do not want it."

Xiaobai took the milk tea with a blushing face, looked around again, his cheeks became even more red, kicked him on the calf, and whispered: "There are so many people on the street, you are so thick-skinned, you don't know shy."

Lin Yi didn't take it seriously at all, took a sip of the fruit tea, and said with a smile: "You are wrong, I am not thick-skinned, I am shameless."

The last ray of the setting sun in the sky also quietly faded away, the night fell completely, and the street lights came on, lighting up the night scene of the whole city.

"tsk tsk"

On the way home, passing a popular and prosperous place, Lin Yi looked at a row of shops with people coming and going, and couldn't help but let out a series of praises, "If my parents opened the bookstore here, it wouldn't be the same every day. Half dead, no business at all."

Xiaobai was lowering his head and sipping his fruit tea. Hearing what he said, he also raised his head and glanced, and then said, "If uncle and aunt's bookstore opened here, I would never have met you."

"Then do you want to meet me?"

"Do not want to."

Hearing this, Lin Yi was startled for a moment, and then asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

Xiaobai stuffed the half-drunk fruit tea into Lin Yi's hand, took the half cup of fruit tea in his hand, took a sip with the straw in his mouth, and said, "Because you are shameless."

"Isn't it good to be shameless? If you want to be shameless, you won't have the courage to confess to you, so you won't become my girlfriend."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi became happy again, and said firmly: "And you must like shameless people."

"I don't like shameless people."

"Then what do you like?" Lin Yi approached her and asked in a low voice, "Is it like me?"


"What was that like?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai raised his face to look at the street lamps on the street, thought about it and said, "The person I like, he always says some useless things and tells some strange stories. He is very lazy. Every day Woke up without folding the quilt.

He is always thinking of taking advantage of me, always thinking of how to lie to me, and, he will say that he likes me every day, and will always like me, when he hugs me, he always touches me, he is an unwanted person The color batch of the face. "

"I knew you liked me." Lin Yi smiled happily.

"It's not that I like you." Xiaobai turned his face away, let his eyes look elsewhere, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "I just like you, and you happen to be like this."

(End of this chapter)

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