my fox girl

Chapter 212 Let's Cook Raw Rice

Chapter 212 Let's Cook Raw Rice
At nine o'clock in the evening, it rained suddenly again. It was the season of June, and the weather changed as it said.

The sound of rushing water in the bathroom stopped. The little fox put on her nightgown and opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Lin Yi lying on the bed in a large character. She was startled for a moment, and then asked, "Are you going to sleep now?" ?”

"Well, going to bed early and waking up early is good for your health." Lin Yi sat up solemnly, raised the hair dryer in his hand, then reached out to pat the bedside, and said, "Sit down quickly, I'll blow your hair for you. Go to sleep quickly, too."


Xiaobai was silent for a while, and she didn't believe at all that he said that going to bed early and getting up early is good for the body. She was very clear about what this person was thinking.

Nothing more than
Thinking of this, she looked down at her neckline.

"What are you doing in a daze, come here quickly."

"I don't want to go to bed so early, I want to watch a movie before going to bed."

"Don't worry about what you said."

Lin Yi put down the hair dryer, groped around under the blanket for a while, and then took out the laptop from inside like offering a treasure, "Look at what this is, I knew you would say that, and I brought the computer here specially, come here, wait for you Dry your hair and we'll lie in bed and watch a movie."

"I..." Xiaobai opened his lips slightly, thought for a moment, but couldn't find a reason, so he could only reluctantly go to the bed and sit down, and said: "You are not allowed to peek."

"Don't worry, there's no way I'm going to peek. I'm just looking at it openly." Lin Yi lifted her long hair with his hands, and helped her dry it with a hair dryer. He leaned forward slightly, and his eyes habitually looked into her neckline. aim.

Just after taking a look, the expression on his face turned to disappointment, "Why are you wearing underwear again?"

"Because you peek and touch all the time."


Lin Yi didn't say another word. During this period of time, this girl was wearing underwear every night when she slept, just like defending against herself.

Although I am indeed a color critic, I can't be guarded like this.

Just disappointed.

Listening to the whistling wind behind her, Xiao Bai looked at the brocade box on the bedside table. Inside the brocade box was the bracelet she took off just before taking a bath.

"If my uncles and aunts knew that I was a fox demon, would they still let me be their daughter-in-law?"

Hearing her sudden question, Lin Yi couldn't help but pause. He didn't understand why she suddenly thought of this question, and he didn't know how to answer it.

He had thought about this question before, but the final conclusion was to wait until the time came.

Regarding the fact that the daughter-in-law is a fox demon, my parents will know sooner or later, and I can't hide it from them for the rest of my life.

But after knowing it, I don't know how they will react.

Did you faint with a click?

Or plop and pass out?

Or fainted in a flash?

Anyway, no matter how dizzy you are, you must faint first, but the posture of falling to the ground will be a little different.

After all, I have lived in this world for so many years, and I have never encountered any strange things. Hearing that my daughter-in-law is a monster at first glance, I must not accept it for a while.

If their family was a Northeast family, they might find a place to make offerings to their daughter-in-law and act as Baojiaxians.

But Northeast has never heard of anyone whose son married Bao Jiaxian.

But now, the worst case is that after they thumped and fell to the ground, they would immediately persuade themselves to break up as soon as they woke up, but they probably wouldn't call the police.

After all, they have known each other for nearly a year. During such a long time, they have truly regarded her as their daughter-in-law, and it is impossible to hand her over to the country.

But in this situation, I can't accept anything.

As for discussing for a long time, it is possible to accept it calmly in the end, but he dare not gamble.

Lin Yi didn't stop moving his hands, and continued to help her blow-dry her hair, but countless possibilities flashed through his mind. After he cleared his mind, he said:

"I'm not sure about this, but it doesn't matter if they don't admit it. When we cook the raw rice and cook it, we can find a time to clarify it to them. There is nothing they can do if they don't admit it."

"What is raw rice and cooked rice?"

"It's about getting married and having children. After all, my parents are still very conservative in their thinking. At that time, they will definitely discuss it for a few days, and then accept your identity frankly."

Lin Yi's tone was very affirmative. He didn't believe that when the little fox demon had a big belly, his parents would still be able to persuade them to break up or divorce.

"En." Xiaobai responded lightly, and the worried expression on his face gradually dissipated. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again: "Do you have to have a baby?"

"How to put it this way, my parents' concept is that divorce is acceptable after marriage, but marriage with children will be different. Grandchildren can become a big bargaining chip for them to accept you."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused for a moment, and said again: "I know you are resistant to having a child, it doesn't matter if you don't want to, we can think of other ways."

"I..." Xiaobai's lips trembled, he hesitated for a long time, and then said in a voice like a mosquito: "I, I am willing to give birth."

The whirring sound of the hair dryer covered her voice, and Lin Yi didn't hear what she was saying clearly, but only vaguely heard something she wanted.

He turned off the hair dryer and asked, "What did you just say?"

"No, I didn't say anything."


Lin Yi nodded, paused for a while, and said again: "Let's have a few babies at that time, I think one is fine. If you have too many babies, let's not talk about whether you can be busy. The key is that you will be exhausted. I don't want to say anything about this." .

But no matter how many, I think the necessary procedures before having a baby should be practiced in advance, or practiced tonight, what do you think? "

"not so good!"

The little fox demon's voice suddenly rose, and was blown away by the whirring of a hair dryer.

The rain was still pouring outside the window, hitting the glass window sill with rhythmic beating sounds.

The sound of the hair dryer in the room was still ringing, and the little fox demon's hair was much longer than when she first came here. It used to hang down to her waist, but now it reached her thighs.

Correspondingly, it will take more effort to blow.

But Lin Yi enjoyed it. Although he couldn't see the rolling snow-capped mountains from his neckline, he could still see the gullies in the snow-capped mountains when he looked closely.

After wandering around for a while, Lin Yi asked again: "Do you want to have a boy or a girl?"

Faced with his sudden question, Xiao Bai couldn't help being startled, his cheeks turned red suddenly, he didn't quite react, and was caught off guard for a while.

He groaned for a long time, and simply kept silent.

"I think men and women are the same. Our family has no throne waiting to be inherited, and we don't talk about patriarchy, and I prefer girls. Don't worry, I will definitely look as beautiful as you, but I think girls will sooner or later I feel a bit reluctant to get married."

Lin Yi ran his fingers through her hair, and the hair dryer whistled out hot air, chattering endlessly, "Maybe it's still a boy, what do you think, but as a boy, I don't think it's as good as a girl, or just be greedy." , let's have twins, what do you think?"


Seeing that she didn't pay attention to him, Lin Yi said to himself again: "If you want to have a baby, you may not be able to give birth. This mainly depends on the probability, and the probability is pitifully small. Have you ever learned in Qingqiu that you can give birth to a baby 100% Spells?"


(End of this chapter)

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