my fox girl

Chapter 227 What Did You Watch?

Chapter 227 What Did You Watch?

After coming out of the restaurant and walking to the street, feeling the night wind blowing in front of him, Lin Yi looked at the little fox demon with his head sullen and silent, "Are you still angry?"

"You don't talk to me."

"Isn't it just being seen by someone? Although it's a bit embarrassing, but when you think about it carefully, it's not a big deal."

As he said that, Lin Yi wanted to hold her little hand, but unfortunately he was dodged, so he could only withdraw his hand embarrassingly, and after thinking about it, he said: "Look, I think it's nothing."

"Because you are shameless at all, you must think it's nothing." Xiao Bai puffed up his cheeks and glared at him.


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and then asked again: "Then what do you think we should do? He bumped into us and hugged each other, so we can't silence him, right?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"You, take your hand here."


Lin Yi's face brightened, and he quickly stretched out his hand, "I knew you!"

After a scream, Xiao Bai felt much more comfortable, and saw the passers-by around him looking over one after another, her pretty face blushed, she quickly grabbed Lin Yi's arm, and ran forward.

After running for a long time, he came to a bridge across the river. Seeing that there were few pedestrians around, he stopped.

Lin Yi rubbed a circle of small tooth marks on his palm, then handed it over to her to see, "Look for yourself, this is your masterpiece."

"you deserve it."

"Yes, I deserve it, so are you calm now?"

"No." Xiaobai pursed his lips, looked at the water, stayed for a moment, then turned to face him, stretched out his hand and said, "Take your hand here."

"Why?" Lin Yi shrank his hand back subconsciously, and said vigilantly, "Do you still want to bite it? I told you it still hurts now, but..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and stretched out his other hand, "If you still want to bite, can you bite this hand?"

"I don't want to, I'm going to bite that."

"This..." Lin Yi opened his mouth, hesitated for a long time, and then said: "It's okay, as long as you can calm down, I can do it, but you have to be gentle."

As he spoke, he stretched out the hand that had just been bitten.

Seeing her catch her hand and put it to her mouth again, she opened her small mouth to reveal a mouth full of small white teeth, as if she was about to bite down.

Lin Yi couldn't bear to look any longer, so he turned his head away and closed his eyes again.

However, after waiting for a while, what came from the palm was not pain, but a numbness, warmth and moistness.

Open your eyes and look over.

Sure enough, she was sticking out her little tongue to lick the tooth marks on her palm.

"Does it still hurt?"

The soft voice seemed indistinct.

"It doesn't hurt." Lin Yi shook his head, watching her lick her palm with her tongue, the movements were gentle and cautious.

Complicated emotions welled up in my heart, and I asked, "Why are you acting like a puppy?"


There was silence at first, and then another scream.

The evening wind in summer night blows the clothes, and the sound of the river flowing under the bridge is heard. The moonlight is reflected in the water.

Xiaobai held on to the guardrail on the bridge, quietly watching the river flowing far below the bridge, his own and his reflections were engraved on the water surface, the breeze blew by, the water trembled slightly, and the reflections also swayed, but blended together.

Seeing this scene, she said softly, "I like it here."

"I'm different, I like you." Lin Yi said casually, looking at the two circles of tooth marks that blended together on his hand.

"I just bit you, aren't you angry?"

"Don't get angry, let alone just two bites, even if you bite me twenty or two hundred times, I won't be angry, even if you bite me willingly, do you know why?"

"Because, because you have masochistic tendencies?"


Lin Yi quit the chat.

Seeing him falling into silence, as if he had already tacitly agreed, Xiaobai thought of something inexplicably, his cheeks flushed suddenly, and he quickly turned his gaze to the water to cover up the strangeness on his face.

Then he hesitated for a moment, bit his lower lip and asked softly, "You, do you like being whipped?"


After a long silence, Lin Yi closed his eyes and sighed, "What have you been watching?"

"No, I didn't look at anything," Xiaobai shook his head, with obvious blushing on his face and a little flustered, he glanced sideways at him, then quickly turned his gaze away, and said incoherently:

"I, I checked. Although this kind of thing is a mental illness, I don't think you are very serious. You like this kind of thing. But, I don't feel like it. Can you smoke lightly?"


Lin Yi listened to her explanation with a blank face, feeling that the little fox might have peeked at his study materials.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be such a book in my collection. The main content is about an ordinary class, a beautiful female teacher is newly transferred, and the students in the class are eager to get her. Whiplash, so that I can embark on a touching story of studying hard and making progress every day.

Connecting the clues together, it is obvious that the girl was shocked after peeking at her study materials.

Surreptitiously ran to search on the mobile phone, why do some people like to be whipped?
What the hell is there then!
"There is a D disk in the laptop, and there is a hidden folder in it. If you click on it, there will be three identical documents, and then in the middle, there will be a folder called learning materials. Do you have any impression of these? ?”

"I..." Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, his expression flustered, his lips parted a few times, he wanted to say something but couldn't help it, his little face became even more red for a while.

Seeing this, Lin Yi said inwardly that it was true, his guesses were indeed true.

This little fox demon has seen a lot of super-class things.

Unlocked a lot of strange lore.

"How many copies of that study material have you read?"

"Just one."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi was inexplicably relieved. It seems that she didn't unlock a lot of knowledge. After thinking about it, he asked, "The one from the female teacher?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai lowered his head and let out a light hum. After clicking on the file, there were a lot of video files in it, and there were many unfamiliar words on it, which was weird.

Then I saw one of them. Although there were still many strange characters in it, the three characters for female teacher were Chinese characters, which she knew.

Remembering that Lin Yi is also a teacher, he clicked with the mouse.

There is no then.

"Don't read these things in the future, it will affect your physical and mental health. Also, I have no tendency to be masochistic, and I don't like being whipped."

"Yeah." Xiaobai lowered his head and responded lightly, hesitated, and then asked in a low voice: "You, don't you like it now?"


Lin Yi clenched his fists tightly, then gradually loosened them, "I've never liked it before."

"I, I won't despise you."


(End of this chapter)

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