my fox girl

Chapter 228 I want a bride price

Chapter 228 I want a bride price
Pedestrian street, the second floor of the bookstore.

Seeing that Lin Yi started to giggle as soon as he saw him, Lin Yuguo had a faint guess in his heart, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is the household registration registered?"

"Well, I just got it yesterday." Lin Yi also raised his eyebrows and asked, "Dad, did you guess it?"

"If you're not silly, I really can't figure it out."


Being insulted again, Lin Yi rarely refuted, and started wandering around the living room, thinking about how to speak.

After thinking about it for a while, I still think that the old man should take the initiative to mention it, and just wait for him to deliver the words.

Seeing him touching here and there, looking restless, Lin Yuguo couldn't help frowning, "Can you stop for a while and stop wandering around?"

"Okay, don't wander around." Lin Yi stopped, pinched the leaves of the potted plants on the coffee table with his hands, and asked, "Dad, don't you have anything to say?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yuguo continued to frown, looked at his restless hands, and said, "Can you stop pulling the leaves on that flower, do you have a grudge against it?"

"No no."

Lin Yi threw the broken leaves in his hands into the flower pot, and continued: "Is there nothing you want to order after this account is registered?"

"What can I tell you?" Lin Yuguo was a little confused, always feeling that there was something in this kid's words.

"It's the issue you've always been concerned about." Lin Yi tried to guide.

"A question of concern." Lin Yuguo muttered to himself, and then asked tentatively, "When do you plan to get married?"

"Yes, this is it!"

Lin Yi clapped his hands suddenly, good guy, finally got this sentence.

"You stepped on the switch, didn't you?"

"No, no." Lin Yi repeatedly shook his head, sat down on the sofa, and said, "Dad, did you just talk about getting married?"

"Well, what do you want to say?"

"It's like this. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I think Xiaohu, bah, although Xiaobai is an orphan, but..."

As he said, Lin Yi subconsciously took Lin Yuguo's hand, just about to caress and lure him gently, but felt that the hand felt wrong, so he quickly let go, then adjusted his thinking slightly, and continued: "But, but we should also follow the rules, The process that should be followed still needs to be followed, Dad, do you think it makes sense?"

Lin Yuguo glanced at the hand he disliked, frowned and said, "No, what exactly do you want to say?"

"To put it simply, should we give the bride price?"


Lin Yuguo was silent for a while, and said leisurely: "It should be given, we can't bully others just because they are orphans."

Speaking of which, he took a sip of the teacup, and continued: "Let's follow the market price for this bride price. I remember that our side is 15 yuan. When the time comes, your mother and I will give you [-] yuan, and it will be treated as a gift." Your wedding funds."

"How embarrassing." Lin Yi scratched his head.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. At that time, not only the dowry gift, but also three golds, the fare for getting off the bus, and the fee for changing the mouth are all messed up. We will give her a lot of the same."

After speaking, Lin Yuguo drank two more sips of tea and said, "It's still the same sentence, we can't treat her badly just because she is an orphan."

"Dad, you're right, you really can't treat him badly." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and said, "Why don't you just give 50 as the gift money?"


Lin Yuguo fell silent, frowned and looked at a small puddle of water stains on his pants, and then looked back at his son who was smiling brightly at him.

Inexplicably, he doubted whether this product was his own.

People say that the water poured out by a married daughter clearly gave birth to a son, so why are you still turning your elbows out?

No, this kid is not so much asking for money for his daughter-in-law, but rather trying to use the pretext of getting married to get ripped off by himself.

After all, his daughter-in-law is an orphan, and she doesn't have a natal family, so it's the two of them who will come down.

Rounding it up, it is tantamount to giving him what he wants.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuguo suddenly raised his hand
"Knock on your old man's bamboo stick."

"Return 50, come on, I'll give you 100 million, let you hear it."

"Is it ringing?"

"Dad, don't hit me yet, listen to my explanation, I have a good reason for asking for so much money." Lin Yi held his head, the old man hit someone again, and he still explained.

"Come on, tell me your reason."

"I'm going to resign, ready."

"Resign?" Lin Yuguo's voice suddenly raised an octave, "Teacher is such a good job, you kid actually want to resign?"

"Dad, can you listen to me first?" Lin Yi held his head and shrank back to prevent the old man from beating himself up again.

"Come on, tell me." Lin Yuguo took a few deep breaths, and couldn't help but said: "You said that you worked so hard to get admitted to teach editors, and finally got an iron job. How good it is to keep your income from droughts and floods. After retirement The country supports you, and now you say you won’t do it, so what do you want to do?”

"I want to quit my job and start a business."

"Do a fart business, can you do business?"

"No one can learn, no one is born with everything, and I also"

"Don't talk about it with me, I don't agree with the resignation."

"Dad, you were a section chief in an agency back then, wasn't it an iron rice bowl? Didn't you resign as soon as you said you would resign? Why do you disagree when you come to me?"

Before Lin Yi came, he thought that the old man would definitely agree to his resignation. After all, he also resigned his iron job back then, but he didn't expect his attitude to be so firm now.

"I'm different from you. I thought of resigning because I couldn't get used to the atmosphere there, and"

Speaking of this, Lin Yuguo paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and then said hesitantly: "Besides, I was young and energetic at that time, and I felt that even if I didn't want this iron job, I could do better than this if I went to sea to do business. After discussing with the family, they secretly resigned, because your grandfather was so angry that he was hospitalized within two years."

Seeing the old man's complex expression, which was also mixed with deep guilt, Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Dad, my grandfather's death has nothing to do with you. Wasn't he diagnosed with stomach cancer during the hospitalization?"

"I didn't say it's related, I just don't want you to go my old way. If I didn't quit back then, maybe I can become the chief of the bureau now, and then"

"Then because of the country's anti-corruption policy in the past two years, you were invited to drink tea by the Disciplinary Inspection Commission?" Lin Yi took over.

Lin Yuguo's expression froze, he couldn't help but look at him deeply, and then said: "There is a possibility."

"Dad, if you can figure this out, it means that you were right to resign. If you didn't resign, you should be drinking tea with someone right now."

After all, Lin Yi added: "So I should also resign."

"You quit your job, you are a teacher and no one gives you a gift."

"Why not? Sony radio, isn't a wall calendar a gift?"


Lin Yuguo was silent for a moment, and decided to change his strategy. Then he sighed and said earnestly: "The market conditions in the past two years have not been very good. Nine out of ten businesses have lost money. It's not like you don't know the situation of our bookstore. Affected by this market, I can’t make much money a year.”

"Dad, I don't think our bookstore's failure to make money has much to do with market conditions."


 Thank you for the 300 points rewarded by book friend Dezi Caishuai Children's Shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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