my fox girl

Chapter 230

Chapter 230
In midsummer, at night, there is a gentle breeze.

The city has four distinct seasons. The trees planted on both sides of the pedestrian street are luxuriant. The light and shadow of the street lamps merge with the clear brilliance of the moonlight, and are refracted from the gaps in the leaves, reflecting various patterns on the ground.

The two came out of the study, and they didn't drive when they came. They held hands and walked slowly along the pedestrian street to the bus station.

After walking for a while, Xiaobai suddenly stopped, turned around and looked behind him. As far as he could see, he saw a two-story antique building with lights on on the first floor and rows of bookshelves inside.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Yi followed her gaze and looked back.

"Uncles and aunts are watching us."

"It seems to be true." Lin Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the door of the first floor of the study room with lights on, and there were two figures standing vaguely.

"Why do they want to see us?"

"It is estimated that there is no business, so I am in a hurry."


After a moment of silence, he turned around and continued to walk forward. Xiaobai hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't think uncle and auntie see us because of this."

"Why is that?" Lin Yi asked with his head sideways, always feeling that this girl was trying to guide him.

Xiaobai looked around, and whispered in a casual tone: "Today, today, auntie asked us when we plan to get married."

"So you mean, they see us as urging us to get married?"

"I, I didn't say that." Xiaobai shook his head nervously, then glanced sideways at Lin Yi, then withdrew his gaze, counting the seconds silently in his heart.

Waiting for him to say as usual: Yes, you didn't say that, I thought about it myself, and then Barabara told me when to get married.

However, at the next moment, what was waiting was a voice with a smile, "I just got the household registration book yesterday, and you are anxious to get married now?"

"I, I'm not in a hurry."

"Yes, you're not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry." Lin Yi took her little hand and continued walking until he got off the bus stop before stopping.

There were not many people at the bus station at nine o'clock in the evening, only three or two people were bored looking at their mobile phones, and looked up at the direction of the coming bus from time to time.

Lin Yi looked around, and then set his eyes on the little fox demon beside him. Seeing that she was sullen and unhappy, he gently scratched her palm twice, and said in a gentle voice: "Actually, I didn't care about getting married." I plan to discuss it with you, um."

Speaking of this, he paused, sorted out his thoughts a little, and continued: "It's like this, in our world, girls need to be [-] years old to get married, and according to the date of birth on your ID card, there is still less than [-] years old." One month, but if you go to get the certificate at that time... um... how should I say it?

This year's August [-]th in the Gregorian calendar happens to be the ghost festival of the lunar calendar. Just thinking about it, I feel very unlucky to go to get a certificate on the ghost festival.

Then I thought about going to get the certificate during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which happened to be your birthday, but I thought again, this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival is September No. 14, and I will die on September [-], which is also considered unlucky. "

It was rare for Lin Yi to discover that he had difficulty in choosing a date, thinking back and forth about the date of obtaining the certificate, and deliberating back and forth.

But major events in life always require some sense of ritual, especially the date of obtaining the certificate, and you must choose a commemorative date.

"The date of obtaining the certificate needs to be commemorative. I originally wanted to go there on the National Day, and let's celebrate with the country, but the People's Political Bureau is closed on the National Day, so..."

As he spoke, Lin Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the night sky, heaved a long sigh of relief, and asked, "So, when do you think we should go to get the certificate?"

Seeing that this person talked about it blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

"What do you think later, let's get in the car first."


The bus stopped and pulled into the station, Lin Yi took her hand and walked up.

They hadn't taken this kind of transportation in half a year, and still felt a little nostalgic for no reason. The two found a seat in the back row and sat down, watching the bus door close, the body shake, and then drive out of the platform.

Lin Yi turned his head and asked: "Let's continue the topic just now, what do you think?"

"I think"

Xiaobai pursed his lips twice, looked out the car window and asked, "No, when did the other couples go to get their certificates?"

"Basically, I went on 520, 521. After all, it's commemorative. Let's not care about others, you can just say what you think."

"I, I listen to you."

"You listen to me?" Lin Yi was a little dazed. He didn't expect to discuss for a long time, and the question came back to himself.

"Well, I listen to you."

"Then are you in a hurry? If you are in a hurry, let's go get the certificate quickly."

"I..." Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, his lips parted slightly, how should he answer?

"Ling, does receiving the certificate count as marriage?"

"It counts in the legal sense, but it's not close in the social sense. Do you think getting a certificate counts as marriage?"

Seeing him throwing the question to himself again, Xiao Bai didn't know what to say, so he could only look down at the embroidery pattern on his skirt.

If you have the final say, wouldn't it be scary to think about the bridal chamber as soon as you get the certificate.

And there is no banquet yet, so there is always a feeling of private life with him in the bridal chamber.

"I, I don't think so." She looked out of the car window, her tone was slightly flustered, and her cheeks were flushed.

"Doesn't it count?" Lin Yi caressed her soft little hand, leaned over and asked, "Is there a banquet?"


After a moment of silence, there was a soft hum, which was so small that it was barely audible.

"Then let's hold a banquet tomorrow, get married first, and talk about getting the certificate later."

"hole, hole"

Xiao Bai suddenly panicked again, his body visibly stiffened, and his heart started beating wildly.

"It scares you. I'm just talking casually. How can it be so easy to get married? You can do it if you say it?"

Seeing the obvious nervousness on her blushing face, Lin Yi put his arms around her slender waist, gently stroked her soft belly, and explained,
"The real marriage needs. Oh, that is to hold a banquet. According to the customs here, we need to prepare a lot of things, send invitations to people, and arrange the wedding room. In short, there are too many things to do, and we have to invite someone to come here Counting the days, choosing a good and auspicious day, no matter how fast it is, it will take several months."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Besides, you just said that getting the certificate is not considered marriage, so I don't think there is any need to rush to get the certificate. Anyway, you don't have anything to do with me after you get the certificate."

Hearing this, Xiaobai was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, his little face turned red, and he said angrily, "Dirty!"

"Uh..." Looking at the front-seat passengers who turned their heads one after another because of the sudden increase in the voice of the little fox demon, each of them still had inquiring eyes, and some of them even took out their mobile phones.

Looking at this posture, it was as if he was going to call the police to catch the gangsters. Lin Yi's expression froze, he coughed lightly as if nothing had happened, and turned his gaze elsewhere.


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  Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by Fuyun Luori Children's Shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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