my fox girl

Chapter 231 I prefer to help you

Chapter 231 I prefer to help you
In the deep night, a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

Walking in the community, Lin Yi looked at the little fox demon beside him through the street lights on both sides, and saw that she was silent with her head sullen, as if she hadn't recovered from the previous embarrassment.

"This." Just as Lin Yi was about to speak, he looked around and saw that there were not many pedestrians around, only the noisy voices from the square on the side of the artificial lake in the distance.

I can vaguely hear that the boundless end of the world is my love or something.

Only then did he feel relieved, but he still lowered his voice and explained: "Actually, there is nothing indecent about this. We have already done [-] times to let other couples go. That is us, we are still innocent now."

"Innocent?" Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Yi, feeling unbelievable for a moment.

Sleeping together is not enough, he kisses and touches his own body, even bites his own body and helps him.
It turned out to be innocent.

Does it have to be after having a child to be considered innocent?
"Uh, we are indeed not innocent, but when I say innocent, I mean we don't have that."

Lin Yi continued to look around, and then said: "And this kind of thing is really indecent in a feudal society, but in this era, uh, it's commonplace. Sometimes it's even just a few days of acquaintance, so it's not considered indecent."

"It's just nasty."

"Okay, whatever you say is up to you." Lin Yi didn't want to discuss this topic with her any more, as he always felt it was obscene.

Walking forward for a while, looking at his apartment building in the distance, Xiaobai suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Yi turned around and asked.


Facing Lin Yi's surprised gaze, Xiaobai's lips moved twice, inexplicably afraid to look at him, quickly lowered his head, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: "Actually, I just haven't prepared myself mentally yet. .”

"Is that right?"

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, and then asked hesitantly: "Does that mean we can do it after you are mentally prepared?"

"No, this kind of thing has to wait until marriage."

"Okay, wait until we get married."

"It's a real marriage, and the one who got the certificate doesn't count."

"Yes, those who received the certificate don't count." Lin Yi echoed, sighed a little disappointed, and led her to continue walking.

This little girl would tease herself, and it was as if she hadn't said anything for a long time.

"You, if you want, I can help you when I sleep at night."

Hearing an inaudible voice beside him, still trembling a little, Lin Yi turned his head to look at her, saw that she was still lowered, and couldn't see her expression, but could see that there was still a bruise on her neck. The sides of the face were flushed with obvious blush.

"Actually, I'd rather help you than this."

Hearing this, Xiao Bai's heart trembled, and he remembered what this person had done to him a few times before, blushing and shaking his head, he was so ashamed that he couldn't even speak, "I, I don't want to, I, I don't like that. "

"No, I think you want it, and I think you like it."

"I do not."

"It's okay, let's go home and take a shower, and help each other then."


It was already summer, and the quilts they had covered had been replaced with cool thin quilts, with only a thin layer, plus the cold wind from the air conditioner, even if they hugged each other, they would not feel hot.

After taking a shower, Lin Yi wore shorts and shrank himself under the blanket, leaving only his head out. Hearing the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, he adjusted his sleeping position from time to time, and picked up a few dolls beside him to have a look. , Rub it twice, and throw it at the end of the bed.

After a long time, the sound of rushing water in the bathroom stopped, and it took a long time before the door of the bathroom opened with a click.

Wearing a nightgown, Xiaobai walked out hesitantly. When he saw Lin Yi on the bed, he couldn't help but pause. His face, which had just been steamed with water, was already rosy, but now it was a little redder.

"Why did it take so long without washing your hair?" Lin Yi lifted the quilt and said, "Come up quickly."

"I do not."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything."

"I do not believe."

"Why don't you believe me, I can't beat you now, if you don't want to, I can force you to fail?" Lin Yi patted the bed again and urged: "Come up quickly."

"But, but you, every time I...I don't want to do that, but it just doesn't work."

Xiaobai's face was flushed, and his words were incoherent. Every time this person did those things to him, let alone hitting him, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to resist, his body was so limp that he couldn't obey.

"What? Didn't you say you wanted to help me? You can't stand there and help me. The distance is too far, and I can't reach you."

Hearing this, Xiaobai subconsciously looked down at his hand, hesitated for a long time, then moved a little bit to the side of the bed, then stretched out his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, and climbed onto the bed cautiously in the dark.

Wrapping himself in the quilt, he huddled his little head inside, and said in a muffled voice: "You, you are not allowed to bully me."

"When did I ever bully you?" Lin Yi hugged her from behind, and subconsciously slipped his hands into the hem of her nightdress.

"You have it." Xiaobai poked his head out of the bed, gasped slightly and said angrily, "You are bullying me right now."

Lin Yi didn't speak any more, and leaned over to search for her soft lips in the dark.

Outside the window, a round of bright moon hangs high in the sky, the moonlight is hazy, shining through the gaps in the curtains, and a clear glow is reflected in the bedroom.

After a long time.

 Xiaobai forced him to push him away with his limp arms, his face was filled with uncontrollable shyness, and he said with uneven breathing: "I, I don't want to do this."

"Don't you like it?"

"But me." Xiaobai's two feet are tangled together, although it is very comfortable and I like it, but every time I feel like this.
"I, I think I'm such a shameless girl."

"Who said that, I've never felt that way before."



"But, but" Xiaobai bit his lip, looking at the face close at hand in the dark, "but I still feel that"

"I like you."


There was a soft hum, trembling uncontrollably.

"I like you." Lin Yi's voice sounded again, but it was more vague than before.


Xiao Bai hugged his neck tightly with his arms, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and murmured softly, "I, I like you too."

A group of dark clouds covered the bright moon outside the window, the brilliance in the bedroom disappeared, the air conditioner blew a cool breeze, and on the soft big bed, with the rustling sound, the two figures hugged each other more and more tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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