my fox girl

Chapter 232 You Shut Up

Chapter 232 You Shut Up

The next day.

The curtains were tightly closed, and the cool air from the air conditioner swayed slightly, and the sunlight came in through the gaps, giving the bedroom a little light.

Sensing a slight sound coming from his arms, Lin Yi frowned, opened his eyes, and immediately saw the scene where the little fox demon was holding his breath and carefully opening his arms.

Qiao's face was blushing, and she was holding a white nightgown and a small ball of white cloth in her hands.

Lifting the arm that was holding him halfway, Xiaobai suddenly noticed something.

Looking up, Lin Yi woke up at some point, and was looking at him with his eyes open, with a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

Seeing this, her body couldn't help but froze, and she was stunned for a moment, then she followed his gaze and looked down, her cheeks quickly burned red, and the flush was even worse than before.

I wanted to pull the quilt to cover my exposed body, and I wanted to put on my nightgown quickly, and I was at a loss for a while.

When he was in a hurry, Lin Yi suddenly closed his eyes again, and snored at the right time.

Seeing this, Xiaobai was startled again, before he could react, Lin Yi opened his eyes again, half-opened and half-closed, showing a sleepy look, first yawned, then rubbed his eyes, He asked in a daze, "What time is it?"

"Seven, after seven o'clock."

"Oh, that's still early." Lin Yi closed his eyes again, stretched out his arms to hug her, and continued: "Let's sleep together for a while."

"I..." Xiaobaitan opened his mouth slightly, muttered twice, was hugged tightly by him, forgot to break free for a while, just pinched the big and small pieces of clothing tightly in his hand, and whispered: "I, I want to get dressed."

"It's okay, I can't see anything with my eyes closed."

"Yes, but."

"Besides, what part of your body have I not seen?"


"Not only have I seen it, but I have also touched it."


"And I still kiss"

"you shut up!"


Lin Yi's expression froze, and he secretly opened his eyes to look at her. Seeing that her face was flushed red, she was obviously angry from embarrassment, and quickly closed his eyes again.

For a while, the word "Guo" left in his mouth was like a stick in his throat.

"Well, I shut up and let's go to sleep."

The little fox demon became angry from embarrassment, and if she continued talking, maybe she would beat herself up to vent her anger.

After a long time, Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling and said, "I can't sleep."

"If you can't sleep, let's do something."

"What to do?"

"You haven't done what you said you would help me last night."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he closed his eyes in a flustered expression, "I, I can fall asleep now."

Lin Yi opened his eyes, looked at her with a smile in his eyes, put the corner of his mouth close to her ear, and asked in a low voice, "Can I really fall asleep?"


"Okay, let's go to bed then." Lin Yi glanced at the little fox demon curled up in his arms, couldn't help tightening his arms, hugged her even tighter, and leaned over to touch her lips lightly. Close your eyes contentedly.

You can't spend recklessly just because you are young.

But I don't seem to be squandering much, only two or three times a week.

While thinking wildly, a faint voice sounded from the ear, "You, are you asleep?"

"not yet."

Hearing this, Xiaobai quietly opened his eyes a crack, and seeing that he was looking at him with open eyes, he quickly closed them again.

I felt my heart beating wildly again.

The two little feet were entangled together, hesitated for a moment, Linglong's toes curled up slightly, and then gradually loosened, then bit her lips lightly, put her hand on his belly with a blushing face, and slid down little by little
In the afternoon, the hot summer sun poured down, distorting the whole city, the traffic flowed by, and a suffocating dust was raised on the road, which stood still like fog, gray streets, gray vehicles, And the gray crowd that flows on the street.

It seems to be all gray.

All the way to the north, the scenery along the way retreated from the car window. After driving along the national highway for more than an hour, until we reached the suburbs, the surrounding gray gradually faded, replaced by green water and green mountains.

It was summer, and the sun was shining in the sky, and the river flowed into the distance against the sun, shining brightly under the sun, making people's eyes hurt.

A large sun umbrella is fixed by the riverside, under the umbrella are two small mats and a small table.

Xiaobai sat alone under the umbrella, holding the fishing rod in his hand, quietly waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Lin Yi was squatting under a big tree not far away, digging a hole with a shovel, and from time to time uttered labor chants.

I didn’t go to the flower and bird market before I came here. Now I want to use earthworms to fish, but I have to dig them myself. Although the bait that comes with it can also catch fish, it is better to use it with earthworms.

"Could you please stop having sex?"

Xiaobai expressed incomprehension to the strange voice he kept making, and looked back from time to time.

"You don't have sex with me, I can only have sex twice while digging up earthworms."


"Well, you're right, this reservoir was diverted from the lower reaches of the Wei River and rebuilt."


Xiaobai was about to continue talking, when suddenly ripples appeared on the water surface, and the float also swayed violently. She turned her head quickly, held the fishing rod and lifted it vigorously, and a small fish that was two fingers wide was pulled out.

"Let's make soup for this little fish at night."

Hearing the sound of the water breaking through the sky, Lin Yi turned his head and took a look, and then said: "Keep working hard, try to catch two more, and cook a big pot of soup at night to replenish our bodies."

"Replenish the body." Xiaobai was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, his face turned red, he took the small fish off the hook and put it into the bucket, took a deep breath, and after he calmed down a little, he said: " I do not need."

"Who said you don't need it? This girl also needs to make up for herself. Although you are a fox demon, you are still a girl."

Lin Yi continued digging for earthworms without looking back, and added: "We have lost a lot of nutrition in the past two days."

"I, I didn't lose it." Xiao Bai felt his cheeks start to heat up again.

"You did it last night"

"You said it again!"

"Well, I won't say, you continue fishing."

"I don't." Xiaobai angrily threw the fishing rod to the ground, stood up from the saddle, and walked towards him.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Lin Yi turned his head and saw the little fox demon blushing, walking towards him with a shy expression, holding a silk scarf in his hand.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but put down the shovel and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"You've been talking nonsense, I'm going to gag your mouth." Saying that, Xiao Bai crumpled up the silk scarf in his hand and prepared to stuff it into his mouth.

"Wait a minute first." Lin Yi waved his hand to stop, looked at the dirt on his hands, stood up and ran to the river to wash it off.

Immediately, he wiped a couple of hands on the clothes randomly, and ran back to the tree, hugging the shy little fox demon into his arms, hugging her soft body, unconsciously glanced at her rosy lips, Asked: "Is it okay to block it with your mouth?"

"You think it's quite beautiful." Xiaobai stared at him angrily, squeezed the silk scarf in his hand tightly, and was about to reach out, but couldn't help but look around.

Due to the purposely found remote place, there is no one beside the river except for the lush green woods and bushes.

Turning his eyes back to his face, he hesitated and said, "You, close your eyes."


Lin Yi closed his eyes, waited for a moment, and felt a pair of soft lips covering his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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